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::chapter four::

Aurelie fidgeted in the chair, waiting for Julie to finish her makeup for the second time that day. She read through her lines, and came across a character named ‘Christina Simpson’. “Who’s Christina--” Lily stopped as she saw a blonde walk in, a little shorter than she was, the little white tank top she had on flaunting what she had. ‘Ooh, never mind…’ She continued reading through the lines, before the girl had greeted her.

“Hi, are you Aurelie?” The girl asked sweetly, smiling.

“Um, yeah,” Lily held out her hand to shake.

“Cool! I’m Britney… the girl that plays Christina.” Britney said, shaking her hand. She sat down in the chair next to her as Julie brushed out her hair.

Aurelie stood up and said, “Nice meeting you, Britney. I’ll be in the dressing trailer, see ya!” A few minutes later, she was changed into some tight, white leather pants, which she had complained slightly to, until Lance complimented her, and a black spaghetti strap tank top. JC walked on the set, wearing a gray ribbed sweater and black slacks, Britney following behind him wearing a maroon tank top that was cut short, at least 5 inches above her midriff, and frayed flares. ‘This should be an interesting take…’ Britney took her place in front of Keith’s apartment door, while JC sat on the couch. Aurelie stood on the side, since she didn’t have to go yet.

“We ready? Alrighty, let’s go!” Mr. Collins yelled.

Christina knocked on the door, “Keith? Open the door, now.”

Keith scrambled up off the couch and opened the door for her. “Christina?! What the hell are you doing here?!”

“What do you think I’m doing here? I want you.” Christina flipped her hair over her shoulder and rest her hands on his shoulders.

“Christina, I- I think you should leave now… we’re over. That’s final.” Keith shoved her arms off of him.

“Aww, why? Do you have a new girl who’s stupid enough to fall for you?” Christina smiled.

“What?! Leanne is NOT stupid!” Keith yelled defensively in Leanne’s name, turning away from her. Christina put a hand on his shoulder, and he turned around. She leaned in to kiss him, and well, she did. Keith closed his eyes and kissed her back.

“Hey Keith, I left my purse--” Leanne had walked into the room, finding Christina and Keith. “KEITH?! And who the hell are you?!” Leanne almost fell to her knees in disbelief, but held on to a chair to steady herself. She grabbed her purse as her vision began to blur, the hot tears brimming at her eyes.

“Leanne?! I can explain, Leanne!” Keith exclaimed, running after her as she dashed out of the room. Christina sat on the couch, a smug look on her face as she crossed her arms across her chest. Leanne sprinted down the stairs, running into Michelle, who was walking to Keith’s apartment with groceries in her arms. Leanne ran into her, the food dropping on the ground.

“Great! I just dropped a whole bag of sidewalk onto the groceries… wait. Oops!” Alex giggled as she realized what she had just said.

Aurelie laughed, “HAH! Nice one… you dropped your sidewalk!” She wiped away the fake tears. JC appeared behind her as she was laughing.


“She dropped her sidewalk on the groceries!” Lily continued giggling.

“Enough! Aurelie! Get back in character! Get back into the room and start to run out.” Mr. Collins directed. Aurelie marched back up the steps, to JC’s door. “Go!”

Leanne began her mad dash down the stairs, running into Michelle.

“Damn it. I just dropped my groceries on the sidewalk! Oh my God, Leannie! What’s wrong?”

Leanne sobbed into her best friend’s shoulder, “Keith… I caught him with Christina!”

“Christina? Isn’t that his old girlfriend before you?”

“Yes…” Leanne sniffled.

“Leanne! Girl, it’s not what you think! She kissed me first!” Keith yelled, running to her.

“Don’t give me that crap! You gave in!” Leanne ran off, not knowing where to go.

“Leanne! Come back here--”

“ACHOO!” Joey sneezed from behind the camera.

“Shit. Joey!” Alex scolded.

Joey blew his nose. “Sorry guys!”

Mr. Collins sighed, “Leanne, start running off again. Go!” Leanne dashed off.

“Leanne, no! Come back!” Keith started to run after her. “Leanne!” Leanne had stopped running and sat down on the grass. “Leanne, Leanne!”

Keith tried to embrace her, but all she did was turn away from him. “Go away. I don’t need this in my life.”

“Leanne! No! That was the whole reason I broke up with her! She played me, and now she wants me back. I would never do that to you, you’re the one! I know you are, don’t you feel it?”

Leanne was silent for a moment. “Do you really mean that?”

“Of course!” Keith hugged her, but she pushed him away.

“No. You’re not off the hook yet.” Leanne stood up and walked to her car. Keith immediately followed.

“Leanne! Don’t do this to me!” She turned around to look at him, true, genuine tears in his eyes. It wasn’t acting, he was actually calling out to her, using his character to hide it.

“Keith…” Leanne unlocked her car and sat inside, fighting back the tears as she started the car. As she got back to her own apartment, she threw herself onto her bed and began to cry.

“And… cut! Beautiful! I love it Aurelie! JC, you are the man!” Mr. Collins praised. “Fifteen minute break!” Aurelie rolled out of the bed, taking a tissue from Alex and drying her eyes.

“Man, you are one helluva actress! That was so… real!” Alex smiled.

“Thanks,” Aurelie said. ‘If you only knew how real it really is…’ Lily walked off to the hospitality table, and grabbed some food.

“Hey Aurelie!” Lance greeted, smiling as he jogged over to her. “Lily? What’s wrong?” He asked, noticing the look on her face, which stayed the same from the scene she just did.

Aurelie continued chewing nonchalantly on her food. “Nothing.”

“Girl, you can’t fool me. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing! I said that already!” Lily walked outside, Lance following right behind her.

“It’s JC, isn’t it. I saw the look on his face when you were doing the scene. Don’t lie to me, Aurelie.” Lance stated firmly, taking her hand in his.

Aurelie turned around and looked up at him. “You’re too good.” She hugged him tightly, and they just stood there, holding each other. She spotted Britney coming at them from her trailer.

“So you’re not dating JC, huh?” She said under her breath as she walked by, but loud enough for both of them to hear. Alex and Jacob stood next to them as Lily silently fumed and raised her eyebrows. Jacob nudged Alex as he saw Britney waving at her. She put on a fake smile and waved back.

“What the fuck…” Aurelie stood up and glared at her as she said hi to JC, and started flirting with Justin. She started to run after her, but Lance grabbed her arms and held her back. “That little bitch!”

“Fine. I’ll go punch her.” Alex started off, but Jacob as well held her back, and hugged her.

v “Here she comes again,” Lance announced as she approached them.

“Hello.” Britney brushed past Aurelie and Alex and put her arms around Lance and Jacob. “Would you boys like to join me in my trailer?”

The men stepped away from her and went back to their girls, “Uh. No.”

Britney frowned slightly and smiled at the girls. “You wanna talk in my trailer?”

“Umm. Sorry…” ‘HELL NO BIOTCH!’ Aurelie thought. “We gotta get back on set in a few minutes anyway.”


“See?” Aurelie and Alex walked back on set. Aurelie in the set of Leanne’s room, and Alex still outside with her groceries.


Michelle sighed. “I hope Leanne will come to her senses,” she said aloud as she went inside her apartment. Keith still sat on the grass, staring up at the sky. He pulled out his cell phone, making a call to the radio station, then calling Leanne.

“Leanne… pick up… please…”

Leanne groaned as she checked the caller ID, but picked it up anyway. “What?”

“Turn on the radio.”

“What?” Leanne said.

“Just do it.” Keith said, looking down at the grass. She did so, and the DJ’s voice filled the room.

“Hmm… seems we got a little message here. This is to Leanne, from Keith. He said he’s sorry for what he’s done, and wants to play your song. Isn’t that sweet?” He was cut off as the beginning notes of ‘All I Have To Give’ played. Leanne stayed silent, listening to Keith start singing the chorus and some of the second verse.

But my love is all I have to give
Without you I don’t think I can live
I wish I could give the world to you
But love is all I have to give
Oh, to you
Hey girl
I don't want you to cry no more - inside, oh
All the money in the world
Could never add up to all the love
I have inside
I love you, baby

“Keith…” Aurelie almost forgot her lines as she listened to JC’s beautiful notes singing to her.

“So, forgive me?” Keith asked.

“Oh… how can’t I… I love you, Keith…”

“I love you too, Leanne.” JC longed to say Aurelie’s name, but concentrated hard on the scene. The song continued playing in the background as Aurelie hung up on him, leaving him stunned. She ran outside and to her car, driving as fast as she could to Keith’s.

“Cut! Outside!” Mr. Collins yelled so they could tape her ‘driving’. She drove down a street, and the scene was cut by him again as they ran back inside, to the set of the apartment building of Keith and Michelle.

“KEITH!” Leanne ran into the door, knocking somewhat furiously.

Keith’s door swung open, and Leanne ran into his arms. “Leanne… you scared me! I thought you were like… messing with my head…”

“No, no. I just wanted to see you.” She was holding on tight to him, the looked up into his blue eyes, full of sincere love. He leaned down and kissed her softly.

“I have another surprise for you…” Keith reached into his back pocket.

“Don’t say Christina,” Leanne said, her eyes widening as she saw what he had. “Plane tickets?!”

“That’s right, you and me. All alone in Tahoe.” Keith smiled.

“What about Michelle?”

“She’s going too, but the time is just for us. Don’t worry.” What they didn’t see was Christina, peering in through the window.

“Lake Tahoe, huh? This should be fun…” Christina laughed to herself.

“Cut! That is IT for today! See you all at Tahoe!” Mr. Collins yelled, watching a playback.

“Whew…” Aurelie walked offset and to her trailer, finding Lance inside. “Britney sure does play her role well…”

“I know. But she looks so innocent…” Lance said, getting up.

“Looks are deceiving. I’m gonna go change.” She walked into the end room to change, and walked back out, jogging over to the wardrobe trailer to drop off her clothes. “Ugh, it’s so hot,” Lily complained as she wiped some sweat off her brow.

“Hey, wanna come over to my place tonight?” Lance asked as she came back inside.

“I don’t know. I’m going to Alex’s to pack and spend the night.” Aurelie replied as she grabbed her purse.

“Oh, I’ll go home with you then.”

“How will you get back?”

“I’ll call a cab, Justin drives me to work anyway. It’s more convenient for us.”

“I see. Come on,” she took his hand and they walked to her car.

~Back at Aurelie’s house~

“DAMN! THIS is your house?!” Lance gawked at the huge mansion as he got out of the car.

“Why, you don’t think lil’ ol’ me can own something like this? Think again, buddy,” Aurelie giggled as she opened the front door. “MELINA! TURN THE RICKY OFF! I want you to meet someone!”

The Ricky Martin suddenly stopped as Melina ran to the living room. “Li! Ooh, now who is the fine young man here?”

“I’m Lance Bass,” he smiled, kissing the back of her hand.

“Such a gentleman,” Mel commented as Lily blushed.

“Can you keep him company while I take a quick shower?” Lily asked.

“Sure, you want something to eat? I have some snacks in the kitchen.” Melina led Lance off to the kitchen.

“WHOA!” Lily heard Lance exclaim as he reached the kitchen. After she showered and changed, she stuffed a small duffel bag full of face, makeup, and hair stuff for the trip. Opening the closet, she grabbed 6 outfits, all different, a few jackets and underwear from her dresser, stuffing it into a bigger duffel bag. She tossed them on the bed next to her purse, ready for her before she would leave to Alex’s. Aurelie found Lance on the couch, watching MTV.

“You wanna do anything special? I have like 3 hours before I have to go to Alex’s anyway.”

“Wanna go to a café or something? You want Justin there?”

“Why not? He’s cool, besides, if you didn’t ask me out, I’d be with him.” Aurelie giggled, “Joking… sort of. Yeah, invite him. I’ll bring my stuff so he can just take you home. Open the car for me,” she said, tossing her keys to him.

Lance got up and walked outside, unlocking the car and opening the trunk for her. Running down the stairs with her stuff, he came over and helped her stuff it all in the car. “What café you want to go to?”

“Doesn’t matter. Starbucks is good enough for me.” She sat in the driver’s seat and started the car, on their way to Starbucks. She flicked on the radio, the song ‘Can’t Fight The Moonlight’ playing. “I LOVE THIS SONG!” Aurelie exclaimed as she started to sing along.

Lance stared at her, watching her lips move and her voice come together with the song so perfectly. Still she sang…

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know
That you can’t fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark, you’ll surrender your heart
But you know, but you know
That you, can’t fight the moonlight,
No, you can’t fight it
It’s gonna get to your heart

Aurelie stopped singing as she saw the look on Lance’s face. She laughed, “What?”

“Your voice…”

“What about it?” She turned into the Starbucks, finding a parking spot easily.

“It’s so beautiful, I’m not kidding!” Lance said, getting out of the car.

“Yeah, whatever. You’re just saying that to be nice. Umm, I’d like a iced espresso, and a couple of those cookies.” Lily played him off, taking her order.

“I’ll… just have an espresso.”

“Strong,” Aurelie took her coffee and cookies, paying for it and taking a table by the window. Lance sat in front of her, taking a sip of his espresso. “Woo! We get to go to Tahoe tomorrow!”

“I know, that is SO cool! Oh, look, it’s Justin. Hey man!”

“Hey guys, sup?” Justin said, taking a seat next to Lance.

“Don’t you want anything?”

“Nah, I’m fine.” Britney came through the door, looking around to find someone.

“Crap, is that Britney?” Aurelie asked, lowering her head.

“Yes, why? She’s cool,” Justin said, taking half the cookie from Aurelie.

“Hi guys!” Britney chirped, sitting next to Lily. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, going to Alex’s house after this.”

“And we’re going home after,” Lance said for himself and Justin.

“Ooh, can I come Aurelie?!”


“Great! Thanks!” Brit said, not even giving Aurelie a chance to come up with an excuse.

Lily downed the rest the rest of her iced coffee. ‘The faster we get out of here, faster we get rid of her,’ Standing up, she waved goodbye to Justin and Lance, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “See you in the morning. Come on Britney,” Aurelie groaned in her seat before Britney opened the passenger door and sat inside. ‘93054 Hills Lane,’ she remembered Alex’s address. ‘Thank God she lives close to here,’

Britney stayed rather quiet during the ride, looking out the window and messing with her hair in the mirror.

“ALEX!” Aurelie rang the doorbell, knocking on the door. A butler-type guy opened the door.

“Alexandra, two girls are here to see you.”

“Hey Aure… Britney! I didn’t know you were coming.” Alex shot a look at Lily.


“It’s okay, welcome to my domi-cile!” Alex spun around in a few circles and giggled. “Do you have your stuff Aurelie?”

“Yes, it’s in the car.”

“What about you, Britney?” Alex asked, leading them into the living room.

“I’m packing later. Oh, shit. I gotta leave now, I’m supposed to meet my boyfriend in a little while!” Britney exclaimed, seeming out of her normal, flirty attitude. She whipped out her cell phone and dialed a number. Within a few minutes, a limo was outside, waiting for her.

“Whoa. Sorry you couldn’t stay longer, Brit! See you tomorrow!” Alex waved her off. “Sheesh.”

“Let me get my stuff!” Aurelie ran out to her silver Mustang, dragging her stuff back to her house. Her butler locked up the car for her.

“Damn, let me help you with that.” Alex took the bigger duffel bag and took it upstairs to her room. “How much did you pack?”

“Enough for the week,” Lily sighed, dropping her stuff on the floor. “What’d you pack?”

“Makeup crap, ya know. Umm, a couple shirts, underwear, socks. The usual.”

“But we’re leaving for over a week! How can you live off of all that?” Aurelie asked, sitting on the bed.

“Um, duh? Haven’t you heard of something like a MALL?!” Right after Alex finished her sentence, Jacob walked in, stretching his arms in the air, then bringing them down to hug her around the waist. “Hi Jacob!”

“Hey baby,” he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “I heard some of A Day is gonna be on ET tonight.”

“Really? I didn’t hear about anything like that. And where did you come from?” Lily asked him.

“I was in the guest room… taking a nap.” Jacob answered. Alex coughed.

“Oookay. Right. Turn on the TV,” Aurelie said.

“Mmkay. Whoa, you’re right, Jake. HAHA! It’s that scene when Joey drops his plate!” They continued watching TV, asking the butler, Ricky, to get them some food. Aurelie dumped all her stuff on the bed, folding it neatly and packing it back. By the time she was finished, Alex and Jacob had fallen asleep on the couch. ‘Can’t sleep. Ugh.’ She glanced up at the clock, 1:30 in the morning. Lily walked out of the room, and went downstairs into the kitchen, opening a bag of chips and reading the paper from the previous day.

Ding dong.

“Who the hell is coming here at 2 AM?! Ricky? Oh well, I’ll get it and watch me be shot when I open the door.” Lily stood up and walked to the door. She peered through the curtain. “JC?!” Opening the door, there he was. “What the hell do you think you’re doing here? It’s friggin’ 2 o’ clock!”

JC walked in, looking around the house. “I don’t know, really…”

“Okay. Well, there happens to be a reason for EVERYTHING!!” Aurelie continued to scold, “JC, dude, why the--” Josh cut her off, kissing her, moving closer to her and putting his arms around her waist. Lily became lost in the moment, letting herself give in.

They didn’t hear as Alex crept over to the stairwell, watching them. ‘HOLY SHIT!’ She ran back into the room, hoping neither of them saw her.

JC pulled away, his forehead pressed against Lily’s , smiling. “JC… what… the fuck…”

“Oh geez. Li--”

“Don’t start with me, Chasez. Out.” JC just stood there, dazed. “OUT! O-W-T OOOOUTTT!! I’ll deal with you in the morning, on the plane. JUST GET OUT!” She shoved him out the door just as Ricky was walking past. “Heh heh,” she put on a fake smile as he walked into the bathroom. “Whew. Ugh, glad no one saw that.” Lily went back to her room, and tried to fall asleep, the sensation of Joshua’s lips never leaving hers. ‘What the hell is wrong with me…’ she began to think, and fell asleep soon after.

::chapter five::