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::chapter five::

Aurelie woke up, stretching in bed. “Oh shit. What the hell happened last night?” She wondered aloud, subconsciously touching her lips.

Alex popped her head in the room. “Um. Hi Lily, breakfast is ready. And right after, you have an hour to get ready. Okay?”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks.” She rolled out of bed and went downstairs. The table was filled with pancakes, omelets, cereal, among others, with Jacob at the other end of the table, stuffing his face. She rest her chin on the table, as Ricky pushed a bowl of cereal in her face. “Thank you.” Lily took the spoon and poked around the cereal.

Alex nudged Aurelie, “Hello? Girl, wake up. What’s wrong?”

“Huh, what? Oh… nothing.” She continued stirring her cereal around and began to eat it. After she was done, she grabbed a little mini sausage and stuffed it in her mouth. “Ricky? Can you pack a little food for the ride in the car and plane?”

“Sure. Go change now, you have only 45 minutes.” With that notice, Lily left the kitchen and ran up the stairs. Her cell phone started to ring, and dug in her purse to find it. She checked the caller ID, “Lance? Hey baby,”

“Hey! I’m on my way to the airport. I know you’ll just love the plane we’re taking. I can’t talk now or I’ll crash, okay?”

“Ooh, okay. I’ll see you there, bye!”

“Bye!” She hung up the phone and tossed it back in her purse. Taking the cell phone charger and stuffing it in her bag, she ran inside the bathroom and took a shower. While she was blow drying her hair, Alex banged on the door.

“You have 20 minutes!”

“I know, I know! I’m almost done!” Aurelie yelled over the roar of the hair dryer. She flicked it off and brushed out her hair. Lily walked back into the room, taking the outfit she chose for the day off the hangers. After slipping on the lavender ribbed sweater and dark lace-up fly jeans, she grabbed her bags and put on her shoes.

“Let me help you with that.” Jacob smiled and took Aurelie’s other suitcase down the stairs.

“Thanks!” Lily ran down the stairs with her backpack slung over her shoulder and her purse in her hands, hearing the limo start. She sat at the far end, behind the driver’s seat.

“Woo! TAHOE BABY!” Alex squealed as Jacob took his seat next to her. It wasn’t a long ride, about 30 minutes to the airport. There, they switched cars to a large van. The driver waved off the guard as they drove onto the runway area.

“Ooh. Planes…” Jacob noticed, looking out the window.

“Yeah, Jakey. Look! There’s the private jet!”


“Yeeaaaaah. I take it you’ve never got your own private jet.” Alex said, stepping out of the car.

“I’m glad you noticed. Oof,” Lily dragged her suitcase to the plane.

“I’ll take that for you, ma’am.” One of the airplane workers said, his partner loading some suitcases onto the plane.

“Thank you,” she stepped on the plane, and was taken aback. It was the normal gray color, but it wasn’t filled with seats. It had leather upholstery, flat screen TVs, fully furnished bathrooms, everything a four-star hotel would have. “Oh my god…” Lily managed to say as she spotted Lance on the couch, reading a magazine.

“I knew you’d like it. Put your stuff in one of the rooms. Mine’s that one on the right.” Lily nodded and went to his room. Down comforters, fluffy pillows, another leather couch. “Remember you’re working for NBC, duh this is way cool,” she reminded herself. “Whee!” She dropped her bags on the floor and ran back over to Lance. “Yay!”

“Mm, gimme some of that,” he laughed, hugging her as she sat next to him. Lance tossed his magazine to the side and started to kiss her.

“Hey! Not in front of everyone!” Lily giggled as Justin passed by. “Hi Justin!”

“Hey girl, I’m gonna be in my room, I’m pooped,” he walked off to his room and shut the door.

Britney strutted past them. “Hi guys,” she said briskly before going into Justin’s room. Aurelie and Lance stared at each other blankly, and scooted away from the door, moving down the couch.

“EEEW… oh, hi JC. DON’T GO INTO THAT ROOM!” Aurelie yelled at Josh before he opened the door to Justin’s room.

“Um? Why not?”

“Uh, J and Brit have ‘occupied’ that room.” Lance explained.

“I see.” JC walked to the next room, setting his luggage on the floor next to a chair.

“Hey, I gotta ask JC something about the read over today. I’ll be back before takeoff,” Lily patted Lance’s knee and stood up, walking to the adjacent room. “JC? What happened last night?”

JC didn’t move, his face suddenly flushing to a light pink. “Umm… well like, I don’t know. I just had to! You with Lance, and I don’t even have a chance, and, and you’re just so… you’re my envision of the perfect girl.” JC blurted.

“Whoa. Calm down, JC! I don’t want anyone to hear!”

“But then… and you… and… the time was right… I didn’t know… why did I do it…” Josh was stuttering, not knowing what to say.

“Josh! Dude… get a grip--”

“Umm… yeah, okay,” Alex had stepped into the room, and walked right back out.

“Josh,” Aurelie continued, “Don’t do this to yourself… maybe you and I will have a chance… just not yet. Okay? Now I’m gonna go, the plane is about to take off.” Aurelie smiled weakly at him and went back to sit next to Lance.

“WOO! Alrighty, this plane is just about to take off.” Jacob was saying over the intercom. “A week in Tahoe, people! Please put your seats in the upright position, your trays up, and stop with the smoking! After takeoff, you’ll be served a snack. HEY! Do we get those peanuts?” He chuckled, and Alex was giggling in the background. “Anyway… I guess that’s it.” Jacob walked back into the same room Lance and Aurelie were in, Alex hanging on his back. They sat on a couch opposite from the other couple, putting on their seat belts.

“Sooo…” Aurelie started, as the plane began to taxi.

“Sooo…” Lance continued, taking Lily’s hand in his. Aurelie smiled and looked over at Alex, who had already fallen asleep.

Jacob noticed the look on her face. “She doesn’t like to stay awake on planes.”

“I see.” They were silent for a bit, until Alex started to snore lightly. Aurelie giggled, “Surprise I didn’t wake up to her snoring last night.” As she finished her sentence, the plane’s engines began to roar, and the plane lurched slightly forward. “Woo! I love takeoff and touchdown… sooo COOL!” The plane began to tilt, and the back wheels left the ground. Jacob got up as the plane leveled off at 34,000 feet, taking over the intercom again.

“Hello again everyone! We are currently 34,000 feet above sea level, a 2 hour flight to the lovely Lake Tahoe. A little snack will be served in a few minutes, and as you can see, the seat belt sign has been turned off. You can now move freely about the plane!”

“Jakey! Shut up and get back over here!” Alex yelled from the entertainment room, cranky from being waken up.

“Hey, Lance, do you hear that?” Aurelie asked him.

“Hear what?”

“Sounds like someone’s snoring again,”

“Well it’s obviously not Alex. And Justin doesn’t snore… the crew is in the back, all the other people are in the front… HAH! It’s probably Britney.” Aurelie giggled.

“Most likely. Whoa, is that our food?” She eyed the large platters of food on the cart that was coming their way. “Jacob! I thought you said little snack…”

“I was kidding! Oh well, ooh, chicken…” Jacob trailed off as the stewardess set the plate of pan - seared chicken and wild rice in front of him.

“What would you like ma’am?” Aurelie looked up at the stewardess and the cart of food.

“Whoa. Steak and the mashed potatoes? Sheesh, this is more like dinner to me.” The stewardess set the plate in front of her.

“And you, sir?”

“I guess the same,” Lance replied.

“Would you like some red wine with that?”

“Wine? Cool! Sure,” Lily watched as she poured two wine glasses with red zinfandel. “Thank you!”

“Love the service, huh?”

“Duh. This is great! I can’t wait to see the cabin!” Aurelie smiled and began to eat. After they finished, the stewardess came by again to pick up their plates. “I am so full. At least they didn’t offer us dessert.”

“Whoo. I know, how ‘bout we go for cake or something later, before the read over?” Lance suggested.

“Anything for you, baby.” Lily looked around the room, it was just her and Lance. Jacob and Alex had gone to the entertainment room to play Playstation; their screaming and laughing heard all around the plane. “Man, they’re crazy. Perfect for each other!”

“Of course… just like you and me, no?” Lance smiled, leaning closer to her.

“Of course,” Lily smiled as he kissed her softly. “Mm, mm, hun, stop,”

Lance looked at her with a puzzled look, “Huh?”

“Save it up for the cabin?” Aurelie smiled seductively, then stood up to go to the entertainment room. She looked over her shoulder and winked at him.

“God, I love her,” Lance smiled and followed her. “Jacob! Watch out for that--” Lance began to warn him as a giant spike slammed through Jacob’s character’s chest.

“SCOOOORE!” Alex giggled, rolling around on the floor. “I rule! Dude, I need some chips. Wanna come with me Jakey?”

“Always,” Jacob helped her up, and they went on their way to bother the cooks.

“So… what did you have in mind?” Lance said he sat down, Aurelie sitting down in his lap.

“Oh… I don’t know…” She smiled devilishly as she ran her hand teasingly down his chest.

“Can I get a preview?” Lily laughed and kissed the tip of his nose.

“You’re too impatient. Besides, we’re almost there, and we have three hours before the read over.” Lance shrugged and wrapped his arms around her.

“OH YEAH!” Chris suddenly cartwheeled into the room, followed by Joey who was doing somersaults. Aurelie and Lance blinked.

“O… kay? Where did you guys come from? And who are you?” Aurelie looked over at Chris, who she had never seen. She knew Joey from a scene before, and seeing him around. “I think I’ve seen you once… but never met you. Oh, I’m so rude, sorry, I’m Aurelie.”

“Oh yes, the infamous Aurelie. I’m Chris, one of your man’s best friends.” He smiled, looking over at Lance.

“Lance! You never said anything about him!”

“Well there isn’t much to say!” Lance joked, laughing at the look on Chris’ face. “After you meet him, you get an idea of who he is, but he’s even cooler once you get to know him.”

“Cool,” Aurelie looked up at the speaker above her head, as Jacob began to talk again.

“Hello lovely passengers, we are just about to land, so fasten your seat belts!” Alex dragged him away, and back to the entertainment room where Lance, Aurelie, Chris, and Joey were.

The landing gear began to slide out from the hatches as the plane began to descend. With a smooth landing, ‘smooth like buttah’, Joey had commented, Jacob popped back on the intercom.

“Hello everyone! We are at the Carson City airport. The time is… 9:30 Pacific Standard. Please do NOT get up, until the plane has come to a complete stop and the seat belt sign has been turned off,”

“God, what is it with him,” Aurelie mumbled.

“Cast and crew, be ready for a read over and crew meeting at 1 PM, more information after lunch. Your bags will be taken straight to the cabins, and please board on the buses outside when you get off. Thank you for flying with us!” The seat belt sign turned off, with a ding.

“Woo, finally!” Alex stood up and stretched, picking up her backpack. The rest of them picked up their belongings and went to the front exit. Boarding the buses, and waiting for the crew to load all of their baggage into the side of the bus. After the short bus ride to the cabins, and after Aurelie gawking at it, they were all finally settled in, their bags in the rooms.

“There’s food in here?” Alex looked inside the refrigerator, Jake looking through the cabinets.

“I’m gonna go unpack. Lance, do you want to come?” Aurelie announced, as she started up the stairs.

“Sure, baby,” he stood up and followed behind her. “Soo… what were you saying on the plane?”

“Huh?” Aurelie bent over, taking out some clothes from a suitcase, and sitting them on the floor.

“I wanted a preview on the plane, but we aren’t on the plane anymore. So I get the full package now, am I right?” Lance asked hopefully.

“You are too full of it! Ya just want some of this,” Lily smiled, giggling and smacking her rear.

“Oh hell yeah!”

“Too bad,” she turned back around and continued to unpack.

“Aurelie…” Lance whined. “You know you want me, correct me if I’m wrong.”

“Lance, cut the crap already.”

He sighed and sat on the bed. “You are no fun.”

“Who said I wasn’t any fun?” Lily shook her head and went out the door, headed for the stairs. Lance got up from the bed, running after her. “What the…!” He almost crashed into her, but scooped her up and walked back to the room. “LANCE!!”

“Wonder what they’re doing,” JC muttered, hearing the two upstairs.

“Oh, it’s okay JC,” Alex said, putting up the can of Pringles on the counter. “Sorry bud, we’re gonna go outside and mess around in the flurries, okay?”

“Sure, yeah.”

“You can come out if you want… Let’s go Jakey,” Alex took Jacob’s hand and went outside.

Josh groaned and turned on the TV. “Well this sucks. I’m stuck in a cabin with my best friend who’s probably getting it on with the girl I’m in love with. This is such crap,” he almost slapped himself when he heard a thud and giggles coming from the second floor. “Not much use listening to them.” JC closed his eyes and fell asleep. After a few minutes, Alex came back in the cabin to get a drink.

“Jake! Look, JC’s asleep. Get some snow!” Jacob snickered and went back outside to grab some snow.

“Here’s a bucket,” Jacob smiled and filled it with snow, then ran back inside, where Alex was giggling to herself. “You wanna do it?”

“Let me have some,” Alex took a huge handful. “1, 2, 3!” She threw the snow in the air, letting it fall on JC, while Jacob dumped the bucket on his face and upper body.

Josh coughed and poked his head through the snow. “WHAT THE HELL!” Alex fell over laughing, while Jacob was standing there with a smirk on his face. “AHH! This is cold, cold…” He jumped up and brushed the snow off of his sweater. Josh started his way up the stairs, when suddenly there was an eerie silence. He looked back at Alex and Jake, who just shrugged.

“LANCE!” Aurelie suddenly screamed, and the door to her room bust open. She lay there, with Lance next to her.

“What the fuck?!” Alex ran up the stairs. Lance blushed and Aurelie smiled weakly.

“At least you have your clothes on,” Jacob said, as Lance and Aurelie looked at each other and laughed. “Okay. I really don’t want to know.”

Aurelie laughed and sat up. “Anyway.” Jacob snickered and went back downstairs. Josh walked past them in disbelief, the look on his face was blank. Lance slipped back into the room, and before Aurelie could follow him, Alex pulled her over to the side.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” Alex exclaimed. Aurelie blinked.

“Um… well.”

Alex’s worried statement became a smirk, “Well, did you?”

“Did I what?” Aurelie blinked again.

“Do it! Duh, stupid!”

“Wha?! Oh, no… no… okay fine, ALMOST!” Aurelie smiled and giggled. “Until we crashed into the door…”

“Well that explains the hair and the unbuttoned pants, missy,” Alex noticed her fluffed up hair and pants.

“Heh, well… I’ll be going now, bye!” Lily grinned and dashed back inside the room.

“Oof,” Britney groaned and dragged her bags up the front steps as she knocked on the door to the cabin. Jacob got up from the couch and opened the door.

“Hey Brit,” he took a suitcase for her and took up the stairs. “Crap, I gotta take one,”

“Okay, thanks though,” She opened the door, not knowing that room was the one Lance and Lily had taken.

“Lance…” Lily mumbled from under the sheets.

“Oh yeah,” Lance muttered after.

“What the hell?!” Britney looked at the lump in the sheets, as Lance and Lily popped out. Lily had the sheets pulled up to her neck, while Lance had his head sticking out from the side.


“Not again,” Lily slid back under the covers.

“Well then, I think Josh wouldn’t be too happy to see this, now, would he?” Britney teased.

“Shut up and let us have our privacy!” Aurelie yelled.

“Britney, can you please leave?” Lance groaned.

‘Sheesh, what’s happening up there?’ Alex wondered as she continued to watch TV downstairs in the den.

“Fine, but I don’t think he will be too happy to see you two,” she left with a smile, and closed the door.

“Why should he care… ugh. She just wants to get me pissed,” Aurelie growled.

“Shh, it’s okay, baby. Now… where were we?” Lance smiled and slid back under the covers with her. As Jacob came out of the bathroom, he passed the door, hearing nothing.

“They gotta be doing something in there,” he thought aloud as he went back down the stairs to join Alex on the couch. “Hey girl,” he snuggled up to her and they continued to watch TV. About half an hour later, Aurelie came down the stairs looking happy and dazed, her hair mussed and all over the place. Alex and Jacob slowly turned around to look at her.

“Lily?” Alex’s jaw dropped, “Don’t tell me…”

“HEE!” Aurelie jumped up and down, running to the couch.

“Aurelie? You uh,” Jacob started. Lily just sat there and smiled.

“Oh my God,” Alex pretended to pass out and leaned over on Jacob. “Kidding, so how was it?”

Lily ran a hand through her hair, and looked up at the staircase where Lance was starting his way down. “I’ll tell you later,” she grinned and ran over to Lance, who happily took her in his arms.

“Guys? Lance? Lily? HEY!” Alex waved her arms around, trying to get their attention, as they started to make out again. “Do that later tonight!”

“Huh? Wha? Oh… heh, sorry, let’s go change now, Lance. I MEAN, I’m gonna go change now. You can watch- err… COME if you want.” Lily smiled nervously and ran back up the stairs. Lance laughed a little and followed her.

“Man they’re crazy,” Jacob muttered.

“Yeup, just like you!” Alex giggled, “NOOO!” She squealed as Jacob began to tickle her. A few minutes later, Lance and Aurelie returned downstairs, hand in hand, their fingers intertwined. Both looked normal and professional once more. JC, Justin, and Britney soon followed after.

“Off to lunch now?” Justin suggested.

“Let’s go!” Britney said, opening the door. They met in the office cabin, the directors and the rest of the crew already there. “Are we eating here?”

“Yes. The dining room is down that hallway to the left. See? We will make announcements there. You may go now, if you wish.” Mr. Collins instructed. The troop marched on down to the dining room, finding a large table and seating themselves. Chris and Joey popped up, pulling up chairs to the table. Lunch was pretty normal, no cat fights or nothing for the time being.

“Excuse me, I have to go the bathroom,” Aurelie announced, standing up from her seat.

“I’ll go with you.” Britney offered, following behind her.

“Uh oh,” Alex said under her breath, messing with the rim of her glass of soda.

“What was that, Alex?” Aurelie turned around to look at her.

“Ohh… nothing.” Alex smiled nervously and waved. “Go on,” Aurelie rolled her eyes and continued onto the bathroom.

As soon as the door shut, Britney started, “So what exactly happened with you and Lance earlier?”

“Why do you even care?” Lily shot back, fluffing up her hair in the mirror, while Britney pulled a stick of eyeliner out of her pocket.

“Why shouldn’t I?” She gave her a catty look in the mirror, while Aurelie stormed off. Taking her seat back at the table, she avoided eye contact with anyone.

“Lily? What’s wrong, sweetie?” Lance asked, leaning over and hugging her. She pushed away subtly.

“Nothing. It’s nothing.” Lance just looked at her. ‘Britney,’ she read his eyes. She nodded, and looked over at her when she sat back down. “Anyway,” she smiled as the key lime pie slice was placed in front of her. As they walked out of the cabin, Alex’s cell phone rang.

“Hello? OH! Hi Alexis! Yeah, I know. I’ll be there in a bit. See you!” She smiled as she clicked off her phone.

“Alexis? Are you going now?” Jacob asked.

“What? Going where?” Aurelie wondered aloud.

“To the Gilmore Girls set. There’s on the other side of Tahoe, they‘re here from LA. Collins already got me a rental car, so I’m gonna go now, I might miss the readover, so he’s gonna call me and we’ll do it over the phone. Bye!” Alex kissed Jacob on the cheek and ran off, waving.

“Well, you’re stuck with me now.” Britney said.

“Is that supposed to be a good thing,” Jacob muttered as he walked back inside the cabin. Before Britney could question him, Lily’s cell phone rang “Geez.”

“Hello? Stewart! Hey man! Yes… uh huh. Friday? COOL!” Lily walked off to the dining room and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, jotting down something. Lance came up behind her as she turned off her little blue Nokia phone.

“Who was it?”

“Stewart Shining, he’s a photographer for Rolling Stones! He’s gonna have a photo shoot for us-- me, JC, Brit, and Alex! And he said they’re gonna interview us!” Aurelie jumped up and down.

“WHOA! Are you serious?”

“Um, duh? Let me go tell them.” Lily ran off, telling Britney first, who was squealing in delight after she went upstairs to go find Josh. Knocking on his door, she waited for him to answer. She heard him jump up from the bed, and run to the door. Upon opening it, he had a large grin on his face.


“We got the Rolling Stones shoot!” She squealed, skipping around in his room. He shut the door and sat on the bed.

“Do you know how extremely cool this is? I’ve always wanted to be on the cover of Rolling Stones!” JC exclaimed. He stood up and walked up to Aurelie, who was looking a few picture frames on his desk, a few of his friends and family. She turned around and jumped slightly, surprised to see him there. JC took her in his arms, hugging her. Aurelie blushed, then smiled. They stood there for a while, just holding each other and enjoying the silence. She looked up at him, Josh hoping for a repeat performance of the night before. He leaned down and kissed her, and but of course, she kissed back. Lily pulled away and sighed.

“I’m so sorry Josh, I can’t keep doing this again and again.” She turned around and left the room, going to hers. She picked up the phone and dialed Alex’s number.


“Alex, it’s me.”

“Hey! Make it short, I’m kinda about to get on set.” Alex told her.

“Okay. Well… um. Uh… I kissed JC.” Lily whispered to the receiver, keeping an eye on the door. She nervously twirled the phone cord around her finger and hoped Lance wouldn’t come in.

“Wha? Again? I mean…”

“What do you mean AGAIN?!”

“Umm… well, you see… I saw you kiss Josh last night.” Alex confessed quickly.

“YOU WHAT?!” There was silence on the line. “Alex? What?” Aurelie said somewhat softer.

“I saw you kiss him. I got up to get something from the game room, and there you two were by the door.” Lance opened the door.


“OH MY GOD!” She jumped up and freaked out, knowing he was by the door the whole time.

“You what again?” Lance inquired, stepping into the room and closer to her.

“She… we ran out of Pringles! Josh at them all… and something… uh, in her script. And I just told her about the Rolling Stones shoot. You just scared me is all…” Aurelie smiled. “Heh, okay, yes… OW! Alex, stop screaming! YES we do have a shoot with them… I’ll talk to you later!” She hung up the phone and brushed past Lance, but he grabbed her arm. “Yes?”

“What is wrong with you today?”

“Nothing… nothing, I told you already.”

::chapter six::