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::chapter 6::

Aurelie stumbled over her words, and finally remembered the read over. "Lance, hun, time to go to the read over. Let's get the others!" She dragged him down the stairs, yelling for the others to get ready. "BRITNEY! JC! JOEY! CHRIS! JACOB! We are LEAVING!"

They all rushed down the stairs, Britney hopping down, slipping on her shoe. Running to the other cabin, late as they were, it was already 1:45. Grabbing a copy of the script, JC, Britney, Lily and Joey ran into the lobby, stopping at the end of the hall, where it split. Mr. Collins caught sight of them, and they dashed into the meeting room. Lance, Jacob and Chris ran into the cabin’s restaurant where Mr. Turner, the production assistant, was waiting for them. "Where's Alex?" Mr. Collins inquired, looking at the 4 of them.

"Uh... she said she went to the Gilmore Girls set. I thought she'd be back by now." Jacob answered.

"Really now? She agreed with me that she would not miss any meetings for this show. This is her top priority." Mr. Collins began to lecture.

"Um, I'll call her now, sir," Aurelie pulled out her cell phone and dialed Alex's number.

"Yello?" Alex answered, quite hurriedly.

"ALEX! GET YO BUTT OVER HERE NOW!!" Lily screamed to the receiver.

"AH!! OH SHIT! Read over?!"

"YES!" Aurelie clicked her phone off. "I think she's coming now."

"Crap, crap, crap, crap. Shit." Alex mumbled as she pulled into the parking lot, slamming the car door shut and running inside to the meeting room. "Hi," she greeted breathlessly.

"About time Ms. McFayden. Shall we start?" Mr. Collins sat down and flipped to the first page of the script. "Okay, the scene starts with Keith and Leanne finishing packing at his apartment, about to leave. JC, start." "Hey, Leanne, are you almost ready? I'm gonna go start the car now," JC read off, as Lily began to start.

"Yeah, go ahead, I'll be there and I'll lock up. Is Michelle going to meet us at the gate?"


"Keith leaves the room, and Leanne soon follows suit. Okay, camera focuses on Alex, as she gets out from her car to check in, and rushes to the gate."

"Ow! LeANNE! Keithy! Over here!"

"Hi Mich! Got your ticket?" Aurelie continued, the read over going smoothly from there.

"Alright, that's enough. You may spend the rest of the day to yourselves. See you tomorrow at 7 AM sharp." Mr. Collins announced, standing up from his chair and stretching.

Aurelie walked back outside, looking around for Lance. She saw Chris and Joey exit the other room. "Chris? Where's Lance?"

"Oh, he's just asking about something with Mr. Turner. He'll be out soon, don't worry," Chris smiled and walked off.

Soon enough, there he was. "Lance!" She smiled, running into his arms.

"Hey! So what do you want to do tonight?"

"I don't know, hang out in the cabin, sit by the fire... maybe go to a club or two." Lily smiled as they walked out of the cabin, arm in arm.

"Sounds good to me. The fireplace seems like a good idea now," Lance remarked as he walked back inside the cabin, brushing off snow from his jacket.

"Sounds good to me, too." Aurelie lead him to the living room, and they sat by the roaring fire in front of them.

After a few quiet minutes, Lance snapped out of his world, and began to speak. "Lily?"

"Mm, yes, Lance?" She muttered softly, burying her face in his chest.

"I've been thinking about it... and yes, I know, I've known you for about a week or so, but," Lance lowered his lips next to her ear, and whispered, "I love you,"

Aurelie lifted her head, "Really?" She whispered back, but no need for him to answer. Looking up into his green eyes, she saw nothing but love and trust. "I love you too," Lance smiled and leaned in to kiss her. In the doorway, JC was watching. He hit the side of the wall with his fist, and sadly went up the stairs. Britney witnessed it all, and felt bad for him. "Poor JC... I hope he feels better," she said to herself, and went off to the kitchen to fix herself a small snack.

Alex yawned, "I'm gonna go take a nap."

"I'll watch TV in your room," Jacob offered, and walked with her up the stairs. Lance looked down at Aurelie, who was staring into the fire, the light seeming to blaze brighter in her eyes.




Britney finished the rest of her peanut butter sandwich, and placed the saucer in the sink. She trod up the stairs, smiling at the sight of Aurelie and Lance cuddling by the fire. "JC?" She knocked on the door.

"Come in," he muttered. Britney walked in.

"You okay?" She asked, sitting on the floor in front of him. JC muted the TV.

"Yeah, I guess."

"No. No you're not. You're really upset about this Aurelie/Lance thing, huh?"

JC avoided her eyes. "N-No... what makes you think that?"

"Just... just the way you act when you're around her, or the both of them. I'm just looking out for a friend. I'll be in my room if you need me," she stood up and patted him on the shoulder. Upon her leaving, JC lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. After a few minutes of watching TV, the phone rang. JC groaned and rolled over to pick up the phone.


"Hi. This is Stewart Shining, from Rolling Stones. Is Aurelie Lynings there?" JC sighed as he heard her name. 'It's just... so beautiful. Perfect for her,'

"Yeah, she's here. Hold on." He stood up and walked down the stairs, not surprised to see Lily and Lance still at it. Josh knocked on the wall. "'Scuse me. Lily, Stewart's on the phone." Lily stopped and glanced at Joshua, then back to Lance.

"Sorry, didn't hear the phone ring... thank you, JC,"

she was lightly blushing, knowing that was exactly what they were doing a few hours earlier. JC turned around, going back upstairs. Lance sat back, leaning on the couch, watching her talk to him.

"Yes? This is Aurelie... yeah. Friday... at 2? At... yes, Mr. Collins told me after the read over. Yes. Uh huh, so I ask him for the packet? All right, thank you!" She turned the phone off. "He just wanted to finalize the meeting. I'm gonna go post it on the fridge door now." Aurelie walked off to the kitchen, tearing off a piece of paper from the pad on the wall, and began writing on the paper, 'Rolling Stones shoot, meet at lobby before 1:30 on Friday.' She stuck it on the fridge, with a small black magnet, and walked over to Lance. "I'm bored,"

"So what do you want me to do about it?" Lance chuckled, and bent down slightly to kiss her forehead.

"Oh... I dunno..." Aurelie giggled, wrapping her arms around his waist. Lance raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, just kidding. Let's go watch some TV." Lance smiled and shook his head as she dragged him to the couch.

"You want some hot chocolate?" He asked before sitting down next to her.

"Sure, thanks," she replied, turning on the TV and flipping around for something. "Ohh... it's the episode of A Day right before I come in! LANCE! Hurry up!" Lance hurried out the kitchen, handing her a mug full of hot chocolate as he sat down next to her. "Oh..." she muttered as she watched Christina break up with Keith. "Man, they're really good actors.

"I know, so are you," Lance said, smiling at her.

"No I'm not, you're just saying that to be nice."

"I wouldn't say if it weren't true. They wouldn't have casted you if you weren't good enough. I wouldn't say I love you if I didn't." Aurelie melted as he said his words, his voice deep and clear, the smile never seeming to leave his face.

"Thanks," Lily turned her head towards the window, noticing a bit more snow falling. "Wow, snow... might blizzard, you think?"

"Let's find out..." Lance took charge of the remote control, and flipped around to the Weather Channel.

"Of course. Hmm... local forecast... FOUR FEET OF SNOW IN THE NEXT FOURTY-EIGHT HOURS?!" Aurelie exclaimed.

"Yes, Lily, four feet. It's like you've never seen snow before." She just stared at him. "Oh. Oh yeah. I knew that..."

"Yeah. Now where are you from, again?"

"Mississippi..." Lance replied.

"Like you get four feet of snow in Mississippi..."

"Well, there was this one time--"

"Oh shut up!" Lily giggled, and leaned over and lay in his lap. Lance played with her hair, running his hand through her silky locks, the sweet fragrance drifting up to his nose. He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in her scent and taking in the environment.

"Lily..." he looked down to see her asleep. "Great. I can’t move... oh well." After a few quiet minutes, Aurelie began to stir.

Groaning, she opened her eyes, "Whoa, oops, didn't mean to fall asleep there, hun." She sat up and snuggled next to him once more, watching TV together in peace.

"AHHHH! JAKEY! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Alex screamed, running in front of the couch the two were on. Aurelie squealed as a snowball landed beside her and exploded on the couch and on her left arm.

"That's enough!" Lily yelled. Alex and Jacob stood frozen, then looked at Aurelie.

"Heh heh. Anyone up for a early dinner?" Alex suggested. "I guess, or a coffeeshop? Oh, I know, let's go grab some coffee and then go check out the places, then go eat. By that time, we should be hungry enough."

"That sounds good, everyone up for it?"

"Yeah... oh shit. I can't go!" Lance exclaimed.


"I forgot, Mr. Turner wants me to do something... figure out lighting or whatever for tomorrow. I'm so sorry, Lily." Lance leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Go have fun without me," he smiled.

"Aww, I'll miss yooou..." she giggled, while Alex called everyone else down. Britney and JC came down the stairs. As Jacob opened the door, Justin stood there.

"Oh, hey man. We're just about to grab some coffee and go around. Wanna come?"

"Oh yeah. I was gonna ask if ya'll wanted to go anywhere." He walked off to the rental van, opening the door and waited in the driver's seat. Britney sat in the passenger seat, Alex and Jacob sat together, which left JC and Aurelie in the back.

'Oh yay... the one time my boyfriend doesn't come, he gets to sit next to me. Just think of him the whole way,' Aurelie reminded herself, but it didn’t stop her from glancing at JC, who noticed.

"So, onto the local Starbucks?" Justin asked, pulling out of the parking lot and driving out of the lodge.

"Yup!" Alex smiled, Jacob putting his arm around her. Aurelie looked down as JC looked at her, as the car made a sudden right turn. She lost her balance and slid into him. "Smooth one, Justin!!"

"Sorry! The ice made the turn a tad slick." He turned on the radio, and a loud beat filled the vehicle. No one noticed Aurelie and JC were now next to each other, but neither seemed to mind. He nervously slipped his hand into hers, looking at her, slightly afraid of her reaction. She whipped her head around, breaking her gaze with the window, looking down at their hands. She knew it wasn't right, she knew that it was wrong to have something with another person aside from Lance. Even though all those thoughts began to flood her mind, she let him do it, she let herself give in to something as simple as this. JC sighed, knowing it was wrong as well, but was instilled in the moment, enjoying the feeling of their hands intertwined, loving as much as when they had kissed. Aurelie squeezed his hand lightly, forcing him to look at her. She smiled shyly, and JC was taken aback. 'She's actually going through with this? I can't stand it,' he hesitantly loosened his grip on her hand. She gave him a puzzled look, and all he gave her was a shake of his head.

'What the hell am I thinking...' Aurelie asked herself and sighed as they reached the small coffee shop. After ordering their coffee and snacks, they sat down at the tables, which, to Aurelie and Josh's luck, were all in couples. Britney and Justin took a seat at one, Alex and Jacob at another, and Josh and Aurelie a few tables away.

"With my luck, we'll get into a car crash in the middle of nowhere and be the only survivor with JC." She muttered softly under her breath as she sat down.

"Hm?" JC had heard her mumble, her words not clear.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Nothing." Lily glanced away... but couldn't help but be drawn back to the beautiful blue of JC's eyes. She couldn't help it, they just sat there and gazed into each other's eyes. Justin looked over at them.

"Whoa, check out Lil and JC..." The other three turned to look at them.


"Ohh boy."

"Lance won't be too happy with this..." Alex whispered.

"Shh, don't look anymore, they're gonna snap out of it and notice us staring at them!" Aurelie heard the slight commotion and broke her gaze with JC, looking over at Alex. She raised her eyebrow at her. All Alex did in response was shrug. Aurelie sighed and stirred her coffee around. Looking back up at JC, he reached for her hand across the table and took her hand in his again.

"Hey, what the... AURELIE!" Alex yelled; she had to say something or it could be a disaster between Lily and Lance.

"Huh?" Aurelie and JC wondered.

" Has to go pee." Alex stuttered.

"I do?"

"Yes, come on, dearie." Alex grabbed her arm and pulled Aurelie out of her chair, making her let go of JC's hand. Britney followed them as Alex shoved the men's bathroom door open. "Uhh... sorry sir." She muttered and turned around into the ladies' room. "What the hell?!"

"What?!" Aurelie asked in surprise, Britney next to her.

"What the hell is up with you and Josh? You’re with LANCE, not Josh!"

"Yeah... I know... so..."

"Girl, think. Think of what will happen if Lance ever finds out." Britney added in.

"So what if he does," Lily stormed off and back into the café. "We ready to go?"

"Um. Yeah. Let's go," Justin asked, motioning for the guys to finish up their drinks. Lily walked out and waited by the van. Justin unlocked the car and they all piled in.

"Ladies first," JC smiled, letting Aurelie go in before him.

"So, where to?" Justin asked, putting the car in ignition as Josh slid the door closed.

"I dunna. What is there to do around here?" Britney wondered aloud.

"Hmm..." Jacob muttered as they passed some snow-covered fields. "Snowball fight, anyone?"

"WOO!" Justin pulled the van over, and everyone burst of the car, and grabbing snow.

"AHHHHH!" Aurelie yelled, running behind a tree before Justin could nail her with snow. She packed in a ball of snow, and hurled it at Alex.


"That's what you get!"

"For what?"

"I dunna." She smiled and they continued their snowball fight. After a while, everyone was either sitting around or making a snowman, except for Aurelie and Josh, who had wandered off not too far away in opposite directions. "Hmm..." she looked up at the frozen, snow covered boughs of pine above her. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t see Josh take a seat next to her.

'I'm going to hate myself later...' He tapped her lightly on the shoulder. Aurelie jumped slightly and whipped her head around, her hair flying as snowflakes began to fall once more. They said nothing, just looked at each other, and leaned in.

‘Oh God, this is getting old… but why do I fall for it EVERY time?!’ She gave in anyway, thoughts scrambled, feelings lost and gained.

Alex looked at the group. "There's Jakey... Justin, Britney... whoa. Brit! Come over here for a second..."

"Yeah?" She had walked over to her, brushing snow off her pants.

"Did you see where Aurelie and Josh went?"

"Now that I think of it... no! Look, tracks!" They looked over to the left, seeing one pair of footprints, and another soon joined it, but with wider strides, as if the person were running, and more abstract, lost. The two ran over to the bushes and pine, following the tracks in the snow. "Whoa..." Lily and JC were sitting in the middle of a tiny clearing, Lily leaning against a tree as JC was kissing her. "Dayum..."

"LILY! JOSH! HOLY SHIT! What the hell are you doing?!" Alex yelled, yanking Aurelie up.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Aurelie screamed. There was a silence as her scream echoed through the mountains. "Oh my God..." she started, out of breath. "Grr, get away from me!" She bent down and cupped JC's face in her hands, kissing him again.

Smack... Alex's hand went across her face. Aurelie held her face in pain, shoving her away. "Damn it you! LOOK WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" Britney yelled, slapping her.

"Ugh!" Alex and Britney began to walk away. JC and Lily reluctantly followed. Lily ran up in front of the other two, slapping them as well.


"THAT WAS FOR EARLIER!" Aurelie stormed back into the van. Justin and Jacob just stared at each other as JC passed them by. The ride back to the cabin was silent, and Aurelie ran out of the car as Justin parked. Lance!" She saw him at the door, and ran to him. "I'm sorry, I'm sooo sorry..."

"Sorry for what? You haven't done anything wrong... have you?" Lance looked down at her, his face confused.

"Me..." JC said, standing on the steps.

"JC!" Aurelie warned.

"What?" Lance's eyes began to narrow.

"No! You don't understand. Baby... it's all my fault. All we did was kiss. Don't hate him, but most importantly, don't hate me... Lance... listen to me!" Lance did nothing, just stare at Josh. "James Lance!" Lily grabbed his face and pulled it down to hers, kissing him passionately.

"Whoa..." Britney muttered as she got out of the car, looking at them. JC stood there, frozen.

"That's what we have, Lance... don't lose it. Never again will I do that... what we have is special, we can't let it go." Lance finally broke his silent stare with Josh and looked down at her. "Do you want to lose that? --" She was cut off as Lance responded to it, kissing her back. Lance stopped after a few long seconds, and looked down at her, pressing his forehead against hers.

"I don't. I don't want to lose this, Aurelie. This is special, and I can't afford to lose something as special as this, as special as you." Aurelie stood there in front of him, transfixed in her gaze with him, in front of the cabin door. Lance led Aurelie in, and up the stairs. JC sadly went in, collapsing on the couch.

"There goes my chance of ever getting with her," he sighed, his face in his hands. Alex took a seat next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Jace, stop killing yourself. You may have a chance with her... you two have something special, you never know." JC lifted his head up and looked at her. He got up and went up the stairs, pausing at Lily's door, listening to the two talk about random things. He shook his head and continued to walk to his room. Before closing the door, Lance and Aurelie came out of the room.

"Yeah! And then the guy got hit by a car!" Aurelie continued to ramble on, Lance laughing. JC shut the door, not wanting to hear or see anymore, continuing to wallow in self-pity. Alex ran up the stairs, tugging on Lily’s arm. "Yes?"

"Lily, don't you see what you're doing to JC?! You're killing him, you're messing with his mind!" Lily kept silent.

"I'm stopping this for good, I only want Lance now. I promise." Alex pulled Lily back once more before she went downstairs, looking her in the eye.

"You promise?"

Lily nodded, "I promise. Lance is mine, and always forever will be mine." She smiled at Lance, who was blushing, and went on downstairs. "Do you really mean that, Li?" Lance asked her as she went to go find a snack in the fridge.

"Of course, would this face lie to you?" Lily giggled and popped the soda can open.

"I guess not."

"You guess not? Boy, what's wrong with you today?"

"The thought of losing you..." Lance trailed off and took a seat the table. Lily walked over and sat in his lap, setting her drink on the table.

"Losing me...? James Lance, never..." She pressed her forehead against Lance's, brushing her lips ever-so-slightly against his, "Never," she whispered, barely audible.

Back upstairs, JC lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He shut his eyes tightly, to prevent the oncoming tears from overflowing once more. "Why..." He sat up slowly, turning on the CD player of some tunes he composed. "Why... didn't I know..." He rolled over and buried his face into his pillow. 'I could have fought for her... but it was her choice. I can't change her mind.'

Britney sat up, leaning back on the couch. She tilted her head slightly, so that she was able to see the kitchen. She smiled as she saw Lily and Lance smiling at each other. "Now that's love. Nothing can break them apart now." Brit got up and walked on over. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Brit! Ya wanna go somewhere tonight?" Aurelie offered.

"Okay, sure!"

"Just us girls," Lily winked at Lance.


"Oh don't worry, Jamie, I'll be back!" Aurelie giggled and motioned for Britney to follow her as she grabbed her drink. "Let's go get Alex and ask her,"

"Okay," they ran up the stairs and knocked on her door. "Alex?"

"Yeah?" There was a loud shuffling noise, and a thud on the floor. "Hah, sorry Jake!"

Aurelie raised a brow as she opened the door, looking down at Jacob, who was on the floor.


"Um. Yeah. You want to go out tonight, Alex? Girls' night out!"


"I wouldn't be asking..."

"Where are we going, anyway?" Britney inquired.

"Club!" Alex giggled, seeing the look on Jacob's face. "No, go shopping? Eat out?"

"How about both?" Aurelie suggested.


"Let's go change, and I'll be out by the car." Lily went off to her room to change, as did Alex and Britney. She walked down the stairs, in black flared slacks, and a bright, sky blue tank top, heavy white jacket over it. Alex met up with her at the foot of the stairs, in jeans and a baseball shirt, slipping on Jacob's Nike jacket.

"I doubt he'll mind," Alex giggled. Britney ran down the stairs, dressed in jeans as well, and a glittery green top. She had Justin's Abercrombie jacket on, "Brit, why Justin’s jacket?"

"He said I would be cold, so he let me borrow it."

"Ooh, makin a love con-nec-tion!" The three laughed as they walked out to the blue Civic the producers had let them use, aside from the van.

"No... I don't think he likes me that way," Britney told them, letting a little shyness show through, for once.

"Yeah right! You two are ALL up on each other!" Aurelie stated as she put the car in ignition. "That mall strip a couple miles from here, right? The one by the coffee shop we went to?" She shivered slightly, despite the warmth of the jacket and car, remembering what had started there.

"Yup, and NO, we are NOT all up on each other!"

"Yes you are... you know you want him! I would if I didn’t have Lance!"

"Haha. Funny, Lil, keep driving."

Alex turned around in the passenger seat, looking back at Britney. "Just get with him, there's no shame in asking him out to dinner or lunch tomorrow!"

"I don't know..." Britney's gaze moved to the window, looking at the snow-covered landscape.

"You don’t, and we will," Lily snickered, looking in the rear view to look at her blonde friend. "What's wrong?"

"My last boyfriend... not the best memories." She sighed and went on, "I don't want to be hurt again... and..."

"Justin wouldn't do that to you, he supports you and everything." Lily said, turning into the street of the mall strip, fighting the urge to not think of JC. No, he's nothing to you now... Lance is yours... she thought to herself, parking in front of a women's store. "Let's go," the three grabbed their purses and exited the car. Lily locked it and they walked off to the stores.

"Ooo! That one!" Alex and Britney walked to a store with a variety of clothes in its display. Lily followed after them, JC never leaving her mind for some reason... Should I break it off with Lance? NO! Listen to yourself Aurelie... why are you doing this to yourself, Lance is yours, and ONLY yours, JC is totally off limits.

"Lily?" Britney tapped her on the shoulder.


"You okay? Don't tell me you're..."

"What?! No no no, just telling myself that JC is no good for me. That's all, I need to get over it, 'cause I love Lance, and Lance only." Ouch, that hurts.

"Oh... okay. Come on, we came here to shop." Britney dragged her into the women's section, spotting Alex looking at some shoes.

"Ohh! CHECK THESE OUT!!" Alex smiled, holding up a pair of black high-heels. There were a few rhinestones placed on it, giving it an elegant effect.

"Get them, they don't cost that much," Lily said, examining the price tag. "Only fifteen dollars?! Nice buy, get them!"

"Yay! I will! Maybe I should get Jakey something..."

"If you want, it's your money," Britney commented, spying a shirt in the men’s section. "Ohh, I should get Justin that!"


"See that shirt?! Ahh! I’m gonna get it!" Britney half-skipped to the men"s section, taking the shirt in her hands, examining it and returning to them.

"Yeaaaah. What's today?"

"Uhh... the 15th, I think."

"Wow, almost Christmas... I can't believe I forgot, I need to get Melina something, JC-- I mean..."

"JC?! I thought you were getting over this!"

"Well, 4 hours isn’t very long," Lily snapped back, looking down at the floor.

"Sorry... yeah, time is one of the best medicines... and so is shopping!" Britney smiled. "Come on, get some stuff!" Lily smiled and went off into the clothes racks. After a few hours of shopping, Lily suggested a new idea. "Wanna get a few drinks?"

"Sure," Alex said. "Let's go back to the car and drop these bags off." "Good idea," the three walked back to the Civic, tossing their bags into the trunk. "There's the sports pub dealy place!" Lily pointed to a bar at the end of the strip.

"No more than you can handle girls, no barfing, and I'll be the driver, I don't feel like having much tonight,"

"Okay," Upon entering, heads turned to them, mainly guys, who looked them up and down. "Uh, sorry guys, taken, and we just want a lil' drink."

"Aww, come on baby, forget your man and come on home with me," a bushy bearded man offered Britney.

"Uh, no,"

"How bout you, sweet thing?" He looked down at Aurelie.

"Dude, fuck off, or I’ll be forced to hit you."

"Haha, yeah right,"

Lily looked over to the bartender, "May I?' All he did was shrug. "Bastard! Stop messing with us after we said not to!" She kicked him in the groin and smacked him on the face.

"OOOOWWWW!!" He fell to the ground, curling into a ball.

"See that? You'll join him if you don't watch it!" She smiled sweetly at the bartender, "Just give him some ice, he'll be fine in a few hours."

"Whoa," Alex said.

"Yeah yeah, I can kick ass." Lily smiled brightly at Britney, who was also stunned.

"Free drink for the ass-kickin' lady, whaddya want?"

"Umm... you don't have to, really, you do'’t," Lily protested, starting to blush lightly.

"Aww, come on, that's why you came here, right? Have a drink and talk with your girls?"

"Well... yeah. Okay, just give me a bottle of your best beer."

"Beer for the lady, you my lovelies?" He chuckled.

"Eh, same thing." Alex said.

"Just a light beer, nothing much." Britney smiled, then looked up at the TV. The three stuffed themselves with peanuts, and a pizza the bartender had ordered. Lily seemed to have a little too much to drink. "Lily? Lily... look at me," Lily lazily turned her head towards her. She immediately leaned against her, her forehead clammy, her skin warm. "Crap, Alex, it's time to go, Lily's about to pass out."

"Oh great." Alex slapped a 50 on the counter, "Thanks so much, but we better go before our friend dies over here," Dragging Lily out of the bar, and laying her in the backseat, Britney put the car in ignition and started driving home.

"Hope she doesn't feel wasted in the morning... we're shooting."

"I know, that's why makeup and Tylenol were invented." The rest of the ride was quiet, Aurelie groaning in the backseat as they parked in the cabin lot. "C'mon, let's get you into bed." They dragged her up the stairs. Lance stormed up behind them.

"What the hell happened?"

"She had a little too much to drink..." Britney replied, pulling the covers over Lily's frame.

"Yeah... don't worry, we gave her a little Tylenol, and we'll help her in the morning." Alex smiled grimly, exiting the room.

"Li..." Lance muttered, sitting next to her on the bed. "Don't make this so hard for yourself..." He kissed her forehead, looked at her, and left the room. Lily woke in the next few minutes, still drunk from the episode before.

"Woo... where is that hot man, JC?" Lily giggled to herself, getting up and stumbling to the door. Opening it, she went the little ways down the hall to his room. "Jaaaayceeeee..." She sang, knocking at the door.

"Lily?" He opened the door, and she fell on top of him, kissing his lips and neck. "LILY! GET OFF OF ME!" She did nothing but continue. As much as I'm loving this... ugh. He sat up and pushed her off, making her fall flat on her back. "LILY! Listen to me! What in the fuck are you DOING?!"

"I just want you, Josh, is that so hard?"

"Actually, yes. You're drunk... LANCE!!" Josh stood up and ran out, grabbing Lance. "Your girlfriend is drunk and crazed. She almost went down on me -- but you've got to understand -- CRAP!" Lily had jumped on his back, clinging to him.

"AURELIE!!" Lance pulled her off JC, and stared her in the eye. She melted in his gaze, seeming to come out of the hypnotic trance of the alcohol.

"Lance? Wha -- what? What happened?" JC stared at Lance in awe, wondering what he had done.

"Lance, whoa man, what'd you do?"

"I... don't know. She's snapped out of it -- Li!" She fell limp in his arms, passing out from the energy suddenly used, while drunk. "Ack," Lance picked her up in his arms, bring her to her room. "Li... I'm gonna stay here the whole night... you're wasted and we gotta wake up early, we're shooting." She groaned in response, turning on her side. Lance wrapped his arms around her, hoping she'll be alright.

::chapter seven ... ::