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One Last Cry

Celeste hugged her pillow and sobbed uncontrollably. She was lying in a ball on her couch ever since she had reached her house. Her mind was running in a thousand different places. She didn’t know think, the only thing she could manage to do was cry


“Everything just seems to have fallen apart,” Celeste said. The moment she said it she wished it back. She knew what was next to come

“Well, then I guess the only thing we can do now… is… to stop… to stop seeing each other” JC stated, holding back the tears that were fighting to come out.

“It’s for the best,” she said. Another thing she regretted. He was her love, her perfect match, and she was going to let him walk away from her

He walked towards the door, and then stopped and slowly turned to her. “I love you,” he whispered. He turned back towards the door, let out a sigh and proceeded to walk out of her life.

*End flashback*

That was so long ago, almost 6 months. Yet Celeste had still been miserable. Not a day had gone by where she didn’t think of JC. The love they had so quickly built and then just as quickly torn apart. So many things had gone wrong, and looking back Celeste thought there was still a way to work things out.

Crying seemed like the only reasonable thing to do at this point. After what she was going through, after everything that happened. Crying was her only resolution

*Flashback to early that day*

“Stop moping girl, it’s not good for you” Lissa, Celeste’s best friend, said as she sighed because her friend once again sat in her state of solitude

Celeste looked up from her gaze out of the window “Your right” she whispered. With that she stood up, ran to her bedroom, got her purse, and rushed out the door. She was going out on a limb here but she figured she had nothing else to lose. She rushed to the studio she knew he would be at. She pulled in the parking lot and sat there for a good 10 minutes thinking of what could be. It could be acceptance. It could be rejection. Something had shaken her from her thoughts

“Celeste?” she heard somebody call. “Is that you?” Chris asked as he walked over to the car

“Hey” was her simple reply

“Are you here to see JC?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t overstepping any boundaries

“You could say that” she said with a smile. A first real, self-assuring smile she had shown in the longest while. At that moment the studio doors swung open. A couple came out laughing, holding hands. Celeste squinted her eyes. When she registered it she turned pale. JC picked up the girl and spun her around in his arms, while they were both still laughing. He put her down and pulled her in for a kiss

“Is that…” Celeste started

“His girlfriend… Kelly” Chris replied

*End flashback*

Celeste pulled her knees to her chest and proceeded to cry even harder. She realized that she shouldn’t be crying. She had no right to. What she had given up long ago, was just that, no longer hers. But it still hurt more then she could believe. Every breath she would take felt like a bag of bricks being dropped on top of her.

**My shattered dreams and broken heart

are mending on the shelf.
I saw you holding hands, standing close to someone else.
Now I sit all alone, wishing all my feeling was gone.
I gave my best to you, nothing for me to do
but have one last cry. **

Slowly, she stood. Stretched her arms in the air. This was it, the final time she would cry over JC. She had to get him out of her head, keep him far from her thoughts. She needed to move on with her life because he had moved on with his. She needed to stop living in her dream world that was telling her that there was still a chance. Because the truth was inevitable… there wasn’t any chance for them.

**One last cry,

before I leave it all behind.
I gotta put you out of my mind
this time, stop living a lie.
I guess I'm down to my last cry. **

**Flash back**

“But I wanna watch Good Will Hunting!” Celeste wined. She pouted and stuck out her lip.

“Godzilla PLEEEEEEEEASE” JC said as he too began to pout

“God… we can never agree on anything” was Celeste’s simple outburst

“No… we aren’t going to fight over a movie Celeste” JC stated

“It’s not about the movie JC, it’s about us, we are always like this” she said

“Like what?” he asked, not sure what she was referring to

“Like, black and white, night and day… we never are on the same page. You want this, while I want that” she said as she began to sob

“Opposites attract,” he stated

“JC… while they may attract, there is nothing there to pin them together, I know you see it too, don’t play dumb” she said

“So what now?” he asked

“Everything just seems to have fallen apart,” Celeste said. The moment she said it she wished it back. She knew what was next to come …

*End flashback*

Still she was crying. Reality was cold and harsh. The man she loved was back on track and she was still hidden in her cave. Far in her cave that the world didn’t even know she was there. She needed to put an end to it.

**I was here, you were there,

Guess we never could agree.
While the sun shines on you,
I need some love to rain on me.
Still I sit all alone, wishing all my feeling was gone
gotta get over you, nothing for me to do
but have one last cry. **

At that moment, Lissa walked in the room.

“Cel, hon, you cant keep crying like this” she said as she embraced her in her arms

“I know, I just don’t know what to do,” she answered

“Call him…” she said simply.

“What good would come out of that Lissa?” she asked, a little mad that her friend had even suggested it

“See how he’s doing… maybe you guys can be friends, it would be better for you” Lissa suggested

“Right now… I just want to get over him, and get him out of my mind” she said

“Well, then don’t call him, but please do me a favor and pick up your life” Lissa said. She got up and left the room.

**…I know I gotta be strong, cuz 'round me

Life goes on and on and on and on **

This is it. The last time. Celeste kept telling herself this over and over in her head. And she knew this moment would have to be the last cry.

**I'm gonna dry my eyes

Right after I have my
One last cry.**

Celeste woke up early the next morning. She prepared herself for the new day that was before her. She sat at the kitchen table with a smile because she had just turned a page in her life. A page that was so hard to turn, but she had finally accomplished the task.


Chris walked in the room and sat down next to JC at the table.

“Hey… guess who I saw yesterday?” he asked his mopping friend

“Huh?” JC asked

“…Celeste” Chris said, a little hesitant at first because he wasn’t sure how JC would react.

“Celeste…” JC repeated while staring down at the table

“We know JC… or at least I do” Chris said

“Know what?” JC asked

“That you wear a mask. That you pretend to be happy with Kelly, but it’s really Celeste who you want to be happy with” he stated

Tears started to weld up in JC’s eyes. “You don’t know what you’re talking about” he responded. Chris just got up and left the room. He was only partially right. While he was thinking about Celeste he was content with Kelly. But he needed to get over Celeste, for his sake and Kelly’s sake. He vowed to himself he would do so while tears flooded down his cheeks.

**One last cry,

before I leave it all behind.
I gotta put you out of my mind
this time, stop living a lie.
I guess I'm down to my last cry. **

Song: One Last Cry- Brian McKnight

Story: JJ