xX Chapter 1 Xx
“OK, listen, this is the game plane, they will be…” Jill started to explain, “GLORY, I said listen, that means turn your head and face me and try to focus for more then 2.5 seconds”
“Stop stressing over this whole thing, it’s not a big deal,” Glory said while still watching TV
“NOT A BIG DEAL?! How can you say that?! First off, we are leaving for the whole summer, we need to make sure everything is set, and second you for one are seeing your best friend you haven’t seen in four years and introducing Ela and I to his 4 gorgeous friends!! Not a big deal my ass” Jill shot back
“She does sorta kinda have a point there Glory” Ela added in
“Just because I haven’t seen Chris in 4 years doesn’t mean I don’t talk to him on the phone everyday” Glory managed to say while still staring intensively at the TV.
“Fine fine fine, if you don’t want plans to be perfect, that’s not my fault, do whatever you want, I’m going to bed, G’Night you two, and DON’T stay up all night! We have important things to do in the morning!”
I’m leaving for the whole summer, I can’t believe this. Although I must say it’s probably going to be quite hectic having to live with Ela and Glory 24/7. I mean we are three TOTALLY different people; I don’t know how we managed to be friends this long. Wait, maybe our differences cause us to be closer together. Weird. I mean, Ela is just... weird I guess, she is just a party animal and neither Glory or I are like that. Don’t get me wrong, Glory and I do know how to party, but we also know when to stop and be serious unlike Ela who is ALWAYS crazy.
Glory... How do I describe Glory? Laid back? I mean the girl never worries about anything, no matter how hostile this situation. She is just peaceful at all times, and that kinda gets hectic. I mean, she is basically a pushover and just goes with the flow never thinking where it could take her.
And then there’s me. I’m gonna wing it and be honest here, I know how I am, I just cant help it. I know at times I may be snobby, but it’s my nature. It’s all in my nature to be sarcastic and at sometimes a little cold. Plus, for a fact, I am a spaz. I worry about anything possible, and that’s why I get along with Glory so great. She is a constant reminder that everything is cool and I can just put things on hold, I guess you could say the same about Ela.
Whoa, I don’t know what sprung this whole in-depth discussion here, but back to my original thoughts. So, we are going to Orlando for the whole summer, and we leave in 2 days. Of course, I’m all ready to go, and I suppose that Glory hasn’t even thought about what she wants to bring or when she is planning on packing it, and as for Ela, its all up in the air, I never know what is going inside in that head of hers, I mean physically she is 23, but mentally, I’ll be generous and give her 5.
“LETS GO” Jill screamed from the bottom of the steps up to Glory and Ela who had slept over her house so things would be easier to plan in the morning.
“Jill, you are aware of the fact that its only 6 in the morning? Man, come wake me up in two hours” Ela mumbled in her sleep.
“OLNY 6?? What are you talking about?! OUR FLIGHT IS AT 8!!Get up NOW Ela, we have things to do” Jill shot back “Don’t think I forgot about you Glory, get your ass up and in the shower now!”
Glory and Ela got up and showered and got ready for whatever Jill had in store for them today. The both walked into the kitchen and saw Jill sitting at the kitchen table eating toast.
“I hope that’s not all you got, toast is so boring, do you got any Lucky Charms in this hell hole?” Ela asked still half asleep
“Nope, sorry, the only cereal I have is cheerios” Jill replied
“And I’m gonna hafta live with you for a the summer, Jesus Christ, I can picture it now, me and the poster child for healthy eaters” Ela said
“Whatever, I’m just gonna ignore your stupidity. Anyways, are you guys all packed? We leave soon!”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it, I’ll have it done, and I promise Ela will too,” Glory answered.
“I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again, we are going on vacation to Orlando for the WHOLE summer and, oh yeah, hanging out with Nsync, and you guys aren’t making a big deal of this” Jill practically screamed
“Whoa there Tiger, relax, don’t think of it as Nsync, think of it as my best friend Chris and his four friends Justin, JC, Lance, and Joey, its not a big deal really so calm yourself” Glory replied calmly
“If it were only that easy” Jill shot back
“What in god’s name are you talking bout child? It IS that easy.” Glory responded
“Stop it!! Don’t call me child, I hate when you do that!! I don’t think it’s fair how you take advantage of a situation because you’re older! I don’t think its soOooOOooO cool to be as old as you anyways so ha! At least I have my youth to appreciate!” Jill whined
“Are you calling me old? I’m 25 Jill, and your 21, that’s 4 years, I’m not old!” Glory said
“Whatever gramma”
Lets go, its time to leave, we need to get to the airport before we miss our flight!” Jill yelled
“You are such a nag, how do I put up with you?” Ela asked
“You put up with me because you love me, now get your lazy ass outta this house and into the car!!”
They all got ready and arrived at the airport at 7:30. Their flight was scheduled to leave at 8:00.
“Great, we got a half hour to kill, I can see how we can do that because this air port is such a cool place to kill time” Ela said
“ELA?? Are you turning into Jill or something? I don’t need any of your sarcasm, I get enough from her alone, now cool it” Glory said
“Yes oh wonderful master” Ela said while also yawning
“Good, that’s what I like to hear, and since I am your master and all, how about you get me a cup of coffee?” Glory asked
“NOOOO, don’t let her, she’ll overload it with sugar and this is a 2 hour flight we are talking about!!” Jill said quickly
“Hardy Har Har, we don’t need your comments, please keep them to yourself, and I promise I wont put that much sugar in them this time” Ela said
“C’mon guys, that’s us, lets go” Jill said while getting up and heading over to the boarding gate
The flight went basically well, I can’t wait until I actually get to meet Nsync though! I don’t want to sound to teenie-bopperish on you, but I’ve been dieing to meet Joey since like, oh I don’t know, FOREVER!! Wait, what if he doesn’t like me? Iw, why did I just write that?? I don’t need him to like me, I promised Glory I wouldn’t let anything happen between me and any of them cause she doesn’t want to “screw up her relationship with Chris because one of his friends’ friends broke his ‘brothers’ hearts” Whatever.
This summer is gonna be so awesome! (sorry, I am just over excited, thats why I keep sayin it, but hey, can ya blame me?)
We are in the hotel right now and Ela is reducing this place to rubble. Oh yeah, just to give you incite on how weird she is, she stole barf bags from the airplane just so she can remember her trip. Then I mentioned how she should scrape the gum of the ground at Disney to serve and another memento and she thought I was serious and is now considering it. Why do I torture myself? I gotta go, Glory is on the phone with Chris and I gotta keep a tab of what’s going on!
“Hey Chris, what’s up” Glory asked “Oh I see”... “Yeah”... “I don’t know let me ask”...
“Yes, yes, yes, whatever he wants YES” Jill said with out putting much thought into it because she turned red with embarrassment knowing he had heard her
“Aren’t we a little anxious?” Glory asked with a laugh “Now, let me ask the question first and THEN you answer, how bout we try that? Ok, Chris wants to know if we want to go over there and hang out for a while, do you guys want to?”
Jill nodded her head yes furiously while Ela said, “I don’t know, we just got in from the flight and I’m kinda tired”
“Oh course your tired dumbass, didn’t I tell you not to drink all that coffee with ALL that sugar? Cause now your off your sugar rampage I had to put up with and now you don’t want to do anything” Jill said while waving her arms in the air like a mad-man “You know what, I have an idea, and I will never do this again in my life Ela, I’m only doing this because Glory wants to see her friends, but get the sugar and eat it ALL so you wont come down for a few hours!”
“Yeah... I know, they are really weird,” Glory said with a laugh into the phone. Glory was writing down the information Chris was giving her over the phone “Sure, see ya in a few... Bye” Glory said while hanging up the phone
“So we are going to see them?”
“Yeah, over at Lance and Joey’s place, c’mon guys get ready” Glory said while looking at Ela and laughing
“ELA! When I said get sugar I didn’t mean to down whole sugar packets, I meant like a candy bar or something,” Jill said while also laughing, “How many of those things did you eat?”
“I dunno, maybe 20” Ela said
“20?! Holy hell your gonna be up all night!!” Jill said while still laughing.
Ela began to bounce her legs nervously as Glory and Jill got ready to go and meet Chris and his friends, "HURRY UP!"
Jill nervously paced the room looking for her favorite shirt, "WHERE IS IT?! Dammit! Dammit all to hell!"
Glory rolled her eyes, "Calm down." She took the keys out of her pocket and jingled them, "Let’s go, Jill."
Jill grabbed her suitcase and searched for the shirt, "Wait wait wait… I think I found it… YES! I found it!" She quickly took off her shirt and put the other one on. She turned to her friends, "I'm ready." They looked at her and then wrinkled their eyebrows in thought. "What? What did I do?"
"Nothing… You like… changed in like… one third of a second. It was weird." Ela said nudging Glory, "Let’s go already."
Glory nodded, "Okay okay okay… Let’s get to the car." They closed the door to the hotel and walked down the hallway talking about their meeting.
"Oh God… I think… I think I'm getting butterflies…" Jill said as she reminded herself that these weren’t just any guys… they were *Nsync for Pete’s sake. Yeah they’re normal… but not THAT normal. "What if I say something stupid?! What if… oh GOD… what if I totally make a fool of myself?"
Glory sighed, "You AREN’T going to make a fool of yourself… It’s more likely CHRIS is gonna make a fool of himself rather than you."
"Yes… so calm down." Glory said as they went down the elevator.
Ela began to look nervously around her, "Is this thing moving? I don’t think it’s moving… How fast is this supposed to go? Why aren’t we moving? DAMMIT! Are we stuck?! How come it won’t BUDGE! MOVE DAMMIT MOOOOOOOOVE!"
Glory and Jill shook Ela. "Ela stop! GOD! Why did we tell her to eat sugar?! Look she’s gonna be a mess now."
Ela patted Glory on the head, "I'm fine… I’ll be fine… just… a little lapse.."
Jill turned to Glory, "She ate packets man… PACKETS…"
Glory rubbed the side of her head, "Man… nevermind… She’ll be okay." The elevator door finally opened after what seemed like an eternity to Ela. "THANK GOD! GEEZ!"
Jill and Glory winced when she yelled knowing that there were probably people in the lobby now looking on at them. "Ela! Shut up!" Jill said and walked swiftly to the front of the hotel. Ela was walking about three feet ahead of Glory and Jill and she got to the car first.
"Hurry up! This is taking forever!" Ela said. "Hurry hurry open the door to the car. Let’s go."
Glory looked at Ela, "Calm DOWN! I'm going to open it!"
Ela began to jump a little, "I can’t help it! Argh! Must … hurry… too … hyper… AHH! My head’s gonna explode!"
Jill looked over at Glory, "Maybe we should wait a while for the sugar high to go down."
Glory shook her head, "We’ll look worse if we go and meet them late."
Jill thought about it and then agreed, "You’re right… Let’s go…"
"OPEN THE CAR!" Ela yelled grabbed her head and put it down on the car.
Glory cocked an eyebrow, "O……..kay…" Glory opened the doors to the car and they all finally got into the car. Glory turned it on letting the air conditioner get to work before they left. "It’s damn hot outside."
Jill nodded, "I know… ooo let’s turn on the radio."
I like big butts and I can not lie…
"Ack!" Glory said and turned the station. Jill looked up at Glory surprised, "I thought you liked that song?"
"Only when I'm in the mood… Right now… I'm not in the mood."
Jill looked at Glory suspiciously, "Are you nervous?"
"NO… what makes you think that?"
"I-" Jill began.
"LET’S GOOOOO!" Ela rang out from behind them.
"Ow!" Jill yelled when she felt her ear drums would nearly blow up.
"Oh! Yeah." Glory said putting the car in gear and backing out of the parking space
"So when are they coming?" Joey asked sitting down at couch as Chris hung up the phone.
"Yeah in a few minutes." Chris said looking at his watch, "I better go change."
Joey nodded and then sat up straight when Lance came into the room.
Lance eyed Joey, "Did you have your feet on the sofa?"
Joey shook his head, "No of course not." Lance still eyed Joey as he walked away. Joey made a bunch of faces and then mimicked Lance in a low voice, "Did you have your feet on the sofa? Duh duh der der der…"
"I can HEAR you you know…" Lance yelled from another room.
Joey stopped himself, "OOPs…aw shit."
"Yeah aw shit." Lance said and came back into the living room, "Where’s JC and Justin?"
Joey pointed to the back of the house, "Outside in the swimming pool."
"What?! They can’t be swimming while we have people coming over. Smelling like friggin’ chlorine shit." Lance said heading to the back of the house, "GET OUT OF THE POOL STOOPS!"
JC and Justin stopped racing each other when they heard Lance. "What?" JC called out.
"GET OUT of the POOL DUMBASS Mouseketeers." Lance yelled.
"Aw fuck you." Justin said getting out of the pool, "What for?"
"Because Chris’s friends are coming you dumbass." Lance said throwing Justin his towel he had left on the side of the pool.
"They are? I thought Chris said they were coming tomorrow?" JC said getting out of the pool with his t-shirt and khaki shorts and socks on.
Lance looked at JC, "Why are you wearing clothes into the pool?"
JC looked at himself, "Oh! I came out here to talk to Justin about.. uh… something and he just went off tellin’ me that he was a better swimmer than me cause he thinks he’s buff."
"Nah UH! I said because I was ripped… get it right." Justin said drying off.
"Yeah right… ANYway… I raced him and last time I counted I was five laps ahead of you…" JC said folding his arms and looking at Justin amused at his face.
"OH YoU are SUCH a LIAR!" Justin yelled, "I was counting yours along with mine and you were BEHIND me one lap."
Lance shook his head, "SHUT UP! Both of you… Gawd…"
"Gawd! Gawd!" JC and Justin made fun of Lance’s accent now coming out.
"Shut up. Asses." Lance said going back into the house, "AND CHANGE! For the love of GOD! You smell like SHIT."
JC sniffed himself, "I do not."
Justin sniffed at JC, "EW Shit yeah you do… chlorine yo." "Stop that yo shit. You sound like an idiot." JC said going into the house.
"Screw you." Justin said wrapping himself with the towel and going into the house after Lance.
Chris came out of the bathroom in a change of clothes. He passed the living room and wrinkled his nose, "What stinks?"
"Gee… I don’t know…" Joey said pointing at Justin and JC in the back of the house.
"We do NOT stink." Justin yelled with authority.
"Yeah!" JC said heading to the bathroom to take a shower.
"Only he does." Justin said pointing at JC.
"HEY!" JC yelled and closed the door behind him, "Ah smell like honey suckle!"
Joey lifted an eyebrow, "Right… honeysuckle.."
"Honeysuckle my ass." Lance said sitting down at the sofa next to Joey, "Speaking of smells… How much cologne did you put on Joey? Or how much of YOU did you put on the cologne?"
"I didn’t put THAT MUCh Lance…" Joey said smelling himself, "Yeouch.. okay maybe I did…"
Chris rolled his eyes, "You always put a lot man."
"I do not." Joey said going up to his room to change. "I accidentally spilled it on my shirt but I didn’t think it would smell that much."
"Yeah… whatever." Chris said reaching over the other couch and grabbing the remote control, "They should be here any minute."
Justin jumped, "Shit! I have to take a shower." He ran up the stairs and into the other bathroom.
Joey came out of his room with another shirt on, "So Chris…."
"What do these girls look like?" Joey asked curious.
"Foin…" Chris said.
"NO… I don’t know you idiot. I only know how Glory looks… at least … I think I do. I haven’t seen her in a while." Chris explained, "But I haven’t met her friends so shut the hell up and wait like the rest of us."
"Dang man… what is it with you guys lately? You guys all sound like you have PMS."
"Well I have a good reason." Lance said, "I had another nightmare about Topanga and me in a fight."
"You mean Danielle?" Joey said.
"NO… Topanga… She was wearing all this weird shit like from the beginning of that show…. When she was a kid except she was old like she is now … and she wore that weird crap. She started doing this séance thingy and then she started to do the tearing up my heart dance."
"AAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Joey and Chris laughed.
"It’s NOT funny. It was scary." Lance said trying not to remember it.
“How far away IS this place anyways? I mean like we could be driving in this car FOREVER… and what happens if we get lost, huh?? What do we do then??” Ela said while biting her fingernails and looking at the unfamiliar surroundings
Just then Glory pulled the car in the drive way and let out a deep breath. “We’re not gonna get lost cause we’re here Ela, so quit it”
“OoOoOohhh, they have a PUUUURTY house!” Ela said while her eyes lit up just looking at the place.
“Ok… I need to relax… this is going to be ok… I can make it threw this, I’m gonna be fine…” Jill kept mumbling over and over to herself.
“God, you BOTH need to chill out” Glory said while opening the door and getting out of the car as Jill did the same. Ela just sat inside the car looking at the house in awe.
“ELA, what are YOU doing?” Jill asked while putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot on the ground.
“AHH, don’t look at me like that… what do you call that glare anyways? The evil eye? HaaHAhAH” Ela said while getting out of the car
“Somebody needs to find you help” Jill said as she smacked Ela in the forehead
“HEY HEY HEY HEY, what was THAT for? Huh huh huh?” Ela asked while rubbing her forehead
“For just being you, now…” Jill started
“HEY, guys, you know they probably think we are weird for just standing out here, we should ummm… go ring the bell” Glory stated
“OHHHH, let me let me! I never get to ring the bell! No fair!” Ela said while jumping up and down.
“Whatever” Jill mumbled as she walked towards the door, hitting Ela in the back of her head while going.
“Stop hitting me you dorko” Ela said while pointing her finger in the air
“Shhhh, we’re not starting again” Glory said while pushing Ela away from Jill
“MAN, she gets to ring the bell…” Ela said with a sob
“Hey, did you hear a car pull up?” Chris asked between laughs
“Yeah, actually, I think I did” Joey said
“AHHMMMMMM CLEeEeEeEAN!” JC yelled while coming out of the bathroom
Chris, Joey, and Lance both looked at him like he belonged in a mental institute
“Wha?” JC asked
“Nothing… just… uhhh… nothing” Chris said while still giving a weird stare
“So they aren’t here yet huh?” JC asked
“I don’t know, I think a car pulled up, let me go check” Chris said while getting up and going over to the window. He pulled open the curtain and saw three girls standing there. He figured they were Jill, Ela, and Glory. He just looked on. Two of the girls got out of the car and the other just sat in there. Finally she got out.
“IS IT THEM??” JC yelled as he ran over to Chris and looked out the window with him
“I think so… what are they doing?” Chris asked
“Haha… she just hit her up side the head… haha…” JC said while pointing
“WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING??” Justin asked as he came down the stairs
“Shhh… we are spying” JC said with a giddy laugh
“O....... kay?” Justin asked really slowly as his eyes widened. Just then Lance came over to look out of the window “Move over Chris, your taking up all the room”
“Well maybe if you didn’t have such a big ol’ butt you wouldn’t have to worry about needing room” Chris said with a laugh
“HA HA” Lance said sarcastically while giving Chris a shove. “AHHHH” Chris yelled while falling into JC, who in tern fell into Justin, who landed on the floor
“Get your stupid ass offa me yo” Justin said while pushing JC off of him as he got up from the floor
Joey just sat on the couch and laughed at the display before him
“Did you hear something?” Jill asked before she rang the bell
“Umm… no?” Ela said
“Whatever, it sounding like somebody was yelling” Jill said as she pushed the doorbell
“Umm… no?” Ela said again
“Just… JUST SHUTUP” Jill yelled
“COMMIN” they heard somebody yell from inside of the house
“eek” Jill managed to slip out before the door opened. Everything was goin in slow motion to her
“Hey” JC said as he opened the door with a cheesy smile plastered across his face.
“Hi, I’m Glory, Chris’s friend… where is he?” Glory asked
“Oh, he is sitting on the couch with the guys, so your Glory, and what are the rest of y’alls names?
“I’m Ela, and this is Jill” Ela said while pointing at her and then at Jill.
“I’m JC” JC said with another cheesy smile. “You guys can come in”
They all walked in the house and into the living room following JC’s lead. Chris jumped up from the couch
“GLORY” he screamed as he ran to her and hugged her
“Ack… Chris… I… need… AIR” she managed to choke out.
“Ha, sorry, so… whats up… whats new huh?” he asked as he pulled her by the arm out of the room away from the others.
Lance, Joey, JC, Justin, Jill, and Ela all just stood there in silence.
I can’t believe he pulled her out of the room like that. What the hell are we supposed to do damn it. DAMN IT Jill thought to herself. She was looking at her feat because she was afraid to look up.
“OoOoOoOO” Ela began. She walked over the couch at sat next to Justin and just stared.
Justin furrowed his brows and looked over at Jill. “Uh, is she ok?” he asked her
“Oh, yeah… it’s just a sugar high, try to ignore her” Jill said with a laugh
“I don’t think we have all been properly introduced” Joey said
“I’m Ela, and this is Jill… we know who you are so don’t bother” Ela said while still staring at Justin “Pretty hair” she said as she began to pat his fro. This caused Jill to have an outburst of laughter. Joey soon followed.
“Okie, I’ll stop now… you’re not my favorite anyways,” Ela said as she moved further down the couch
“Who is your favorite?” JC asked
“Ahh, I can’t tell ya… it’s a secret” Ela said as she put her finger up to her lips
“Who’s your favorite Jill?” Joey asked Jill with a wicked smile
“I don’t have one” Jill lied. THAT smile… ahhh… *melt* Hello, I’m a human puddle, you can call me Jill, how do you like my bucket?” hush, be quite
“LANCE” Ela yelled, “why are you so quite?”
“I don’t… know… nothing to talk about… I guess” Lance said with a confused look on his face
“So, um… yeah… okie” Ela said as she turned to JC “I have an IDEA!” she said
“Oh god… WHAT?” Jill asked with an amused look on her face
“Lets pair off cause its TOO hard for me to talk to all of y’all” Ela said “Ok, since we, like, are the guests or whatever, we get to pick our partners… if you object to my idea you will be hanged”
“Ok” Justin said as he backed further away from her
“Don’t be scared, I’ll pick FIRST” Ela said “hmmm, lets see, decisions decisions… OK, I got it, I choose Lance, now it’s your turn Jill”
“Ugh… do I have to?”
“HEY, take that back, that’s insulting!” Justin said
“Oh, I’m NOT picking you” Jill said as she pointed to JC “YOU, JC person, you’re with me”
“I PICK JOEY” Ela said as she gave Jill an evil look
“THAT’S NOT FAIR” Jill screamed
“HAHA, nobody said life was fair” Ela shot back
“BUT I WANTED JOEY DAMNIT” Jill said as she pointed to Joey
“Well, he’s mine, you cant have him, you get Justin, I think your getting the better end of the deal…” Ela said as she surveyed Justin over
“But I want Joey” Jill pouted
“Dayum… weird” Justin said as he scratched his head. Joey just sat there in awe that they were fighting over him
“Everyone to your groups!” Ela said as she turned towards Lance and pulled him closer to her “Get over here Joey”
“Yes ma’am” Joey said as he went over to her
~***~ ~***~ ~***~ ~***~ ~***~ ~***~
“We’ve got a lot to catch up on Chisto” Glory said as she ran her fingers threw his hair
“Screw that… lets just make out” Chris said as he grabber her by the waist
“Chris!” Glory said as she stood there in shock
“Shut your mouth, you can catch flies like that” he laughed
“That was a little… bold” Glory said
“OK, I know, I know, but what we had… before I left, even over the phone… I’ve just missed you Gloria” Chris pouted
“Whatever… you don’t think it was a little weird you pulled me out of the room like that, you don’t think they are going to suspect anything do you?” she asked
“No, their all idiots… they are oblivious to EVERYTHING” Chris said
“ok…….. back to your original thoughts… you’ve missed me sweetie?” Glory said with a laugh
“Hell yeah” Chris said with a groan
“Ok, relax boy” Glory said as she cupped his face and sweetly kissed his lips. Chris pulled away “now that what I’m talkin bout” he said as he pulled her onto the bed with him.