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xX Chapter 3 Xx

"OOOOW!!" Jill rolled over, grabbing her head in pain, bumping into Glory in the process.

"Mm, Chris…"

"OW… whoa, Glory? Oww… girl what the hell are you sayin’ Chris’ name for?"

"Chris? What? Oops…" Glory sat up and ran a hand through her hair. "Dude, you were wasted last night!"

"Doesn’t it though, get me some friggin’ aspirin… the room is spinning… ooh, lookit the pretty dots go round and round…"

"Yeeeeeeeah. I’ll get you that aspirin now…" Glory gave her friend a weird look and rolled out of bed. As she reached the upstairs bathroom door, knocking on the door, Lance was humming brightly. "Boy, open the damn door, I need some Tylenol for Jill!"

Lance opened the door, messing with his spikes. "Let me guess, really bitchy hangover?"

"Mmhmm…" Glory ran down the stairs to get a glass of water, not seeing Chris in there as well.

He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she poured a glass of water. "Hey giiirl… c’here… I want somah dat good lovin’ again…"

"Chris! Everyone’s waking up and gonna be in da kitchen soon! Let go of me!" She wriggled out from his grip and went back upstairs.

"Damn it." Chris muttered.

"Eh? What?" Justin walked into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.

"AHAHA! Your… fro… dude, look at it!" Chris pointed and laughed hysterically at his hair. Justin scrambled to the bathroom.


"Huh? What’s wit J?" JC asked, looking inside the fridge.

"His hair… it like… went straight and crap… dude it’s frickin’ hilarious…" Ela poked her head in the doorway, waving a hair straightener.

"Where in the hell did you find that?"

"Heh heh… someone here uses it…" Ela quickly ran off before Justin came back, sniffling.

~ Back upstairs… ~

"Here, take it," Glory stuffed the pills in Jill’s mouth, handing her the glass of water.

"Ugh," she fell over and curled up into a ball. "Lemme alone… hurts too much to do anything…"

"Suit yourself," Glory got up and returned downstairs, finding everyone but Justin in the kitchen. "Where’s ‘fro boy?"

"Washing his hair curly again-- Ela like… straightened it all weird." JC stated, munching on cereal.

"Um. Okay…" She took a seat next to JC, and munched on a slice of toast. They all heard sobs coming from the bathroom and busted out laughing. Justin walked in the room and gave everybody the evil eye.

"WHO was responsible for that catastrophe on my head?" He said while pointing to recently cleansed curls.

Everybody in the room turned to face Ela.

"YOU-- YOU ARE GOING TO DIE" Justin yelled while pointing a stern finger directly in her face.

Ela looked around the room for support. "God you people suck" she said as she ran out of the room.

Justin ran after her screaming "dont think you can run from me"

~back upstairs~

Ela opened the door and quickly slammed it shut behind her.

"Get out" Jill said, not even bothering to look up and see who had entered the room

"And a GOOOOD MORNING to you too dearie" Ela said with a smirk

"Oh.. its you.. GET THE FUCK OUT" Jill yelled

"I KNOW YOUR IN THERE" Justin yelled through the door while pounding his fist on it.

"What did you do?" Jill asked

"I kinda fucked with his hair a little tiny bit"

Jill sighed.

The pounding on the door stopped.

"Good, he's gone... now YOU can be gone too" Jill said while getting out of the bed.

"He could still be there, I got ta wait it out to see if the conditions improve"

"What the hell are you? A tank commander? GET OUT, I NEED SLEEP"

"BUT IM SCARED" Ela whined.

"OF HIM? What the hell is he gonna do? Throw bleach on you? Dress you in a bedazzled ugly as-fuck jean jacket, purple leather pants and accessorize you? The boy is HARMLESS you retard"

"I'm scared" Ela said.

"Redundancy is your theme today huh? You fucking retard"

"God... aren't you lovely to be around in the morning"

"Well I'm sorry, SOMETIMES I JUST NEED TO BE LEFT ALONE" Jill said while opening the door.

She stood there with the door open.

"LOOK ELA, NOTHING IS THERE. No stupid fro boy standing here ready with his curling iron or ANYTHING"

She flailed her arms into the air "NOOOOOTHING"

Just then, Justin collided into her.

"Gotcha" he said as he lay on top of Jill

"Get off fatty, you got the wrong person" she said from underneath him

"Damnit" he groaned as Ela laughed at his stupidity

"Not too bright huh Justin?" Jill laughed

"Shutup... you raging alcoholic"

"GOD how much do you weigh? Didn't I tell you to GET OFF already?"

"I'm not fat"

"Well you feel fat"



Justin just looked down at her.

"HELLO... retard boy... do you mind getting off? You're crushing my body, and if you DONT MIND, I'd like all my organs to be properly functioning throughout the day. With your fat velocity I dont think that request will be fulfilled if you dont get your WIDE WHITE ASS off of me within the next 2 seconds."

Just then, Chris walked in the room.

“WHOA whats goin on in here” Chris asked with a chuckle

“FAT ASS won’t get off”

Justin looked up at Chris and smiled “I like making her mad”

“Justin, has anybody ever told you how much of a jerk off you are?” Jill asked

Chris laughed.

“Bitch” Justin mumbled as he got up off of Jill. He walked off downstairs to find something to eat.

"You bastard. Okay, now all of you, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!"

"Someone’s PMSing…" Chris laughed as he obediently walked out of the room. Ela didn’t budge, so Jill shoved her out the door and slammed it shut.

"JILL!" Ela whined from outside. Jill rolled her eyes and flopped back on the bed, opening a book and beginning to read it.

"Hi Justin," Lance greeted as fro boy walked into the kitchen. He waved at everyone still in the kitchen, and grabbed a carton of orange juice from the fridge.

"Justin and Jill, sittin’ in a tree… K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Glory chanted, smirking at him as he almost choked on the juice. He stared at her while everyone else was laughing.

"Shut the fuck up" he growled as he left the kitchen


“SHUT UP” they heard Justin yell in a girly scream from the other room.


“You people suck,” Justin said as he pouted and crossed him arms over his chest.


“This book sucks” Jill mumbled to herself. She looked around the room and realized she was tired of being alone so she decided to go downstairs. She jumped off the bed and stretched her arms up into the air. While in mid-stretch Ela busted through the door into the room.

Jill looked at her with annoyance. “Can’t I NOT see you for more then five minutes?”

“You know you love me”

“Go… away… Ela… LEAVE” Jill said, getting angrier by the second


“Fine, then I’ll go away” Jill said as she walked out of the room

“YOUR STUPID” she heard Ela yell from the guestroom

“Not as stupid as you are” she said in a singsong voice and walked down the stairs.

“Greetings once again… nice to see what you look like without a boy on top of you” Chris said as she entered the living room

“Hardy har-har. You’re such a comedian. Has anyone ever told you that you should quit Nsync and focus on doing stand up?” Jill said with much sarcasm.

“Yeah yeah, go bang Justin”

“He wishes” she said with a smirk

“I DO NOT” they heard Justin yell from the other room

“Does he listen to everybody’s conversations?” Jill asked Chris

“Yes, he does…” Chris answered


Jill and Chris both rolled their eyes.