>>Chapter 2<<
Option X was clearly the way to go. I mean, yes, I did debate about it a lot. The outcomes of popping a zit are not always pretty. Sometimes it gets worse, most of the time it gets better. Luckily for me the odds were on my side and it did get a little better. Not that much, but it’s better then before and right now I’ll take that.
Why am I trying to impress him anyway? Didn’t I tell myself I was getting over him? Didn’t I vow that no matter what I wouldn’t talk to him again because I didn’t want to live the heartbreak over? So why am I getting my stuff? Why cant he just get rid of it, because that’s all our time together is now, something to dispose of and act like it wasn’t there at all.
Some say it’s better to have loved then to never love at all but I think I have officially shot that logic to hell. You know what, I’m sorry I’m getting all redundant over here with this love crap. I’m just going to go and get my things and that’s going to be it. I read into all this shit way too much, and I shouldn’t take it as serious as I am.
I am the biggest ass on the face of the Earth… well, next to Joey that is. So, I drove over there and I sat around the block for 20 minutes contemplating whether I was going to go to his house or not. Then I get what I thought was a spark of intelligence. I thought I would just go in there and pretend I didn’t care about him anymore and that I was over him. The outcome of my so-called genius capabilities were the equivalent of shit. This is how the encounter went-
Me: *knock knock*
HELLO? What was all that? COMPLETE NOTHINGNESS! It was criminally insane, but oh wait- it gets better, MUCH better.
This is what I picked up from Joey’s house
Dear Calista,
The reason I asked you to come over was so I could give you this. Here is my number- 555-3952. Call me when you’re feeling lonely because I feel that way all the time without you around.
He’s an idiot for starters. I already have his number and on top of that he has mine. He’s stupid for not just telling me when I was over there because I had gotten the impression that he was way over me and then some.
And what was with the tic-tacs? Is that supposed to tell me that I have bad breath? I will make a mental note to always carry tic-tacs on me from now on.
Boys are stupid.
The whole time I was there I had this awkward feeling that he was looking at my zit. Damn it all to hell.
You are going to think I’m evil when I share my next plan with you but hey, shit happens. My plan is to wait a week or so to call him, make him get a little jumpy about the fact that maybe I moved on and am not going to call. He’s going to eventually think he’s an ass because he dumped me and it was the stupidest thing he could have done. He will mope around his apartment and wallow in his misery but then I’ll call and relieve his pea sized male brain and he will be happy once again
I can’t wait for things to go back to the way they were
- A picture frame with no picture inside