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Vivid Dreams

**Chapter 1**

Carrie looked over her shoulder as she swiftly ran up the stairs. Getting out of the situation at the point didn’t even seem like a possibility. She got to the 2nd floor and thought to herself that if she had only jumped out of her bedroom window none of this would be going on, she could have ran to her neighbors and been safe and sound, but instead she ran. The man who was chasing her was close behind her, she could sense him. Not knowing what to do she ran into her parents empty bedroom. They were away for two weeks on a trip to Alaska, and she was alone in her enormous house. She looked around the room, seeing no way of escaping. She was facing away from the door breathing heavily. She sensed the man was behind her, in the doorway, but was too scared to turn and face him. Not knowing what to do, she collapsed on the ground and wept. She was kneeling, slightly bent over with her head in her hands taking long, deep breaths. She had a feeling her last would be coming shortly. Then, finally, the moment she knew was eventually to come, the man let out a groan, pulled out a gun, and shot down at her back two times. He dismissed her screams as if they were nothing, and left the room, but not before taking all the jewelry and other necessities he had been searching for.


“AHHHHH, NOOO, DON’T DO IT, PLEASE!!!” Gia screamed as she shot up from her sleep. Her roommate, Amy, came into the room to see what the problem was

“GIA, wake up, c’mon girl, your only dreaming, wake up” Amy said

“Amy, we have to go, we have to go get Carrie, she’s in trouble,” Gia said while rocking back and forth in her bed.

“No, don’t worry, she’s fine, you were just dreaming Gi” Amy reassured her.

“I know it was a dream, but it felt so real Amy, it was just, she was alone in her house and running away from this man, she got up to her moms room and started to cry, and he just shot her Amy, like it was no big deal, he shot her, and I couldn’t help... She was right there and I didnt do anything to save her” Gia said while starting to sob a little.

“Oh Gia, it was just a dream, Carrie is fine, she’s going to be ok, she didn’t really get shot” Amy said while leaning down and hugging Gia “I’ll tell ya what, you get some sleep, and then we’ll call her in the morning, is that ok?”

“Yeah, ok” Gia said while wiping tears away from her eyes

---Next Morning---

“Good morning” Gia said, still half asleep

“Gia, you don’t look to good, did you get any more sleep last night?” Amy asked with concern

“I couldn’t, I tried, but I just... couldn’t, I was so scared that Carrie was hurt, I mean, she’s our best friend, and all alone in that huge house, I don’t know how she can stay there without her parents, what happens if she gets hurt Amy” Gia said while staring down at the floor, she was fighting tears when the dream she had last night ran threw her head “We have to call her, to check up, make sure that she’s ok”

“Ok” Amy said while picking up the phone and dialing Carrie’s number “Hmm, she must be on the phone, the line is busy”

“Doesn’t she have call waiting?” Gia asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice

“Relax Gia, she’s fine, I’ll call back in a half hour, just go get dressed or sumthin” Amy said, showing no sign of nervousness

“I hope your right Amy, it just that I have this feeling that something happened” Gia said while staring up at the ceiling

“It’s all in your head child... All in your head”

~*~ Half hour later ~*~

Gia walked quickly into the kitchen while massaging her temples. ‘I know something happened, I can feel it’ she thought to herself as she subconsciously paced the kitchen

“Don’t think too hard, you might hurt yourself,” Amy laughed as she walked in from the living room

Gia jumped and the looked at Amy wide eyed “Did you call her, huh? Did a half hour pass?”

Amy let out a low groan as she picked up the phone and dialed the familiar numbers to one of her closes friends house “Still busy” she said as she looked up at Gia, this time with her voice shaky “God, why am I letting you get to me Gia, I know she’s ok, she’s fine” Amy whispered as she took a seat at the kitchen table and looked at the floor.

“I think we should check on her, come on, lets go over her house and make sure everything is alright, cause I have a feeling that its not” Gia said as her eyes started to water. The dream kept replaying and replaying in her mind. ‘What if it’s true’ she kept thinking over and over

“Good idea, we’ll take my car” Amy said as she practically ran to get her keys. They were out of the house and into the car within minutes. It was a 10 minute ride, the pulled up to the house and from the outside everything looked all right. They got out of the car and walked quickly to the front door. Stella rang the doorbell and they waited.

“Amy, we’ve been standing here for 4 minutes, where is she, where is Carrie, is she ok??” Gia said, beginning to panic

“Relax, she might be in the bath room or something Gi,” she said as she rang the door bell again

“Ok, there goes 5 minutes, a total of 9, now ten, TEN minutes, something is wrong Amy, I can feel it” Gia said while banging on the door. She was fighting back tears and she knocked even harder.

“Maybe she’s asleep, did you ever think of that?” Amy said. She was trying to relax Gia by thinking things up to make her stop crying, “You know, maybe she got in late and turned the ringer off so she wouldn’t wake up in the morning”

“When you turn the ringer off you don’t get a busy signal when you try to call” Gia blurted out.

“Yeah, whatever, she’s probably just sleeping Gia, stop worrying, it was only a dream, I’m sure she wasn’t really shot” Amy said while pulling Gia’s arms away from the door so she would stop banging on it

“We have to go inside to make sure everything is ok” Gia said while trying to look threw one of the side windows

“Breaking and entering, I don’t think so Gi, what happens if she’s in the shower and we give her a heart attack. I’m not too sure that would be nice” Amy said

“Yeah whatever, we’re going in”

“Yeah, and it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3” Amy said while turning the doorknob “Um, Gia, I think we have a slight problem here, you see… the front door is open” she said while pushing the door back and stepping into the house

“Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god” Gia said over and over

“No time to get redundant on me, now this is really freaking me out, why is the front door open?” Amy asked while searching the house with her eyes, not taking steps into any rooms because she didn’t know who was there

“Oh my god Amy, what are we going to do, I don’t know what to do” Gia said while starting to cry again

“Well, for starters, stop crying. You know Carrie, she prolly just forgot to lock the door last night when she came home, she’s ok Gia, calm down” Amy said

“Go to her parents room NOW, that’s where I saw her go in my dream” Gia said. ‘NO, don’t go’ something inside of her said

“Ok” Amy said while taking Gia’s hand and running up the stairs to her parents room. The door was closed and both of them stopped in front of it.

“You open it” Amy said as she took a step back from the door

“No, you do it, you’re the one that’s not worried, if your so calm in this situation, you should have nothing to fear and just open the door” Gia said while pointing at Amy.

“You know, Gia, for one time this morning, your right, nothing is wrong so I’m just going to open the door” Amy said as she managed to give a low laugh. She closed her eyes “Just open the door Amy, just do it, everything is going to be ok, just ignore Gia, she is wrong, so WRONG, so just open the door”

“Stop talking to yourself, its not going to make the door magically open and make Carrie disappear out of the room like she was never shot in the back two times” Gia said as she bit her lip

“Don’t even say things like that Gia” Amy managed to choke out. All crazy thoughts were flowing threw Amy’s head at this point. What if Gia was right? But how does she know about it? Why the hell would she dream about her best friends death and then… POOF… it really did happen? “I got to get out of here, I cant stay here” Amy said as she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen

Gia pressed herself up against Mr. and Mrs. Capra’s door. “Carrie, I’m so sorry I didn’t help you, I’m so sorry I didn’t do anything” she cried as she lifted her head and backed away, preparing to open the door. But Amy interrupted her before she could

“Your so stupid Gia, I can’t believe you would make me think Carrie was murdered in her own home just because you had some stupid dream. I can’t believe I’m more afraid then anything to open this stupid door… UGH, your so stupid” Amy shouted

“Well, if the truth is stupidity, then I’m stupid. But if you open that door and see Carrie dead, then you are the stupid one. You are the stupid one to not believe me. To think I would actually lie over something this serious.” Gia shot back coldly

“It’s not that I think you would lie, it’s just that what are the odds of your dream actually happening, that stuff only goes on in movies. It doesn’t just work like ‘Good night Gia, oh yeah, and if you have a dream where a multi-millionaire’s daughter is getting killed in her own home, wake me up and call the cops QUICK’. Thinks don’t work like that, so I’m gonna open the door and see NOTHING but a empty bedroom, cause the Capra’s went away to Alaska” Amy said in a rush

“Just be prepared… that’s all I can say, be prepared” Gia said in a low whisper

“Oh, thank you for the insight, and your wonderful quote from the Lion King” Amy said while facing Gia as she opened the door. She was still looking at Gia and not facing the bedroom. Gia just covered her eyes and bent down on the floor crying uncontrollably “call the cops, the hospital… anybody” Gia managed to choke out.

Amy didn’t want to turn around. She was week in the knees and didn’t move for her life. She watched Gia cry and started to cry herself. Amy knew she would have to face the truth, so she turned quickly with her eyes tightly shut. She opened her eyes and gasped for air. Sure enough, there was Carrie, exactly how Gia had described she would be. She ran down the stairs and called 911.

An ambulance pulled up followed by 3 police cars. Gia didn’t know what to do with herself as she was waiting and Amy sat in the corner of the living room in tears. She was so confused at the moment. One of her best friends was killed, and Gia knew it had happened. She wasn’t even there, and hadn’t even talked to Carrie and had a dream that she died the EXACT way that she did die. The girls were then taken down to the police station for questioning. Before the cops actually got there, Amy asked Gia if they should tell the cops about the whole dream thing. Gia said she should, but Amy thought it was for the best if she didn’t. So it was going to be kept a secret.

~*~ At the station ~*~

“So, why were you girls at the Capra residence?” the officer had asked

“We were going over to check on Carrie, she hadn’t called so we thought something was wrong. She’s our best friend and we were worried about her” Gia said while looking at the ground.

“How did you get inside of the house?” he questioned Amy took this one “I was arguing with Gia that Carrie was fine, so I went over to the door and turned the doorknob and it just opened. It wasn’t locked”

“Why would you feel the need to worry about Ms. Capra?” he asked and waited for the answer attentively

‘Oh shit’ Amy thought in her head, she hadn’t even noticed she said it. The officer could tell by her expression that something was wrong

“It’s ok Amy… I have to say it sooner or later,” Gia whispered

The officer looked at her oddly as though she was admitting to the murder

“You see Officer Phelps, I had this dream. In the dream, Carrie died, the same way she was actually killed. I had the dream around 10 last night and I couldn’t get any sleep. So I sat and waiting for morning. When morning came, we called Carrie and her line was busy. We waited longer and it was still busy. Amy and I were scared so we went over to her house to check on her. I knew it though, I sensed it that she was killed, from the dream. I mean how many times do you dream about your best friend being killed? So we get over to her house and we go inside and went upstairs and Amy let everything fall into place. She thought about it, and then thought about it some more and realized what I had said to her was starting to add up. We fought about it for a little while, and that’s when Amy opened the door. That’s when she believed me,” Gia said while looking straight into the officer’s eyes, never breaking contact.

Officer Phelps stared back at her and was completely baffled by the story that just came forth from her mouth. “I’ll have to file that,” he said while breaking contact from Gia’s eyes.

“Ms. Rapaport, I don’t know if I can believe what you say. We did an autopsy on the body and from the information that was gathered Ms. Capra died when the bullets made contact with her body. By educational guesses one would assume that Ms. Capra died around two in the morning, and you dreamt this at ten at nigh? I have to put this in the official report. I will contact you later. You may leave,” he said as he sat down at his desk.

“Oh, ok” Gia said as she and Amy left the room

“I don’t know if I can believe what you say” Amy mimicked Officer Phelps as they left the building. “Why did you have to tell them about the whole dream thing?”

“Because Amy, they had to know what was going on. I mean it was kinda odd that we just showed up at Carrie’s house that early in the morning.” Gia said

“KINDA ODD? She is our best friend in a monster size house BY HERSELF!” Amy screamed

“You’re not helping the situation,” Gia whispered

“I don’t think anything can help the situation at this point, Carrie’s dead, and you knew she was dead before she died. That sounds weird doesn’t it? I mean, you dreamt it and it happened” Amy said as she furrowed her brows.

“Thanks, I need to hear that, you think that doesn’t send me into a guilt trip. You think I feel fine with the fact that Carrie is dead and I could have stopped it all from happing?” Gia said while starting to cry again.

“Gia… I didn’t mean it like that, nobody is going to blame you so don’t worry” Amy said softly

~*~ The next day ~*~

“Yo, J, get your ass outta bed, we gotta be at the studio by 9, and it’s 8:30” JC shouted from down the hall

“I’m coming I’m coming” Justin mumbled in his sleep

“Your damn right your coming, hurry up, and, for Christ’s sake, take a shower man, cause you REEK” JC said while waving his had from side to side as to get rid of a smell

“Yeah, ha ha, whatever you say man” Justin said as he got up from bed and into the bathroom

~*~ At the studio ~*~

“HEY, why are you guys late?” Chris asked

“Because Justin over here decided he needed to take the longest shower in the history of mankind” JC said

“Whatever” Justin mumbled as he sat down on the couch

“Hey, you guys, look at this” Lance said with his eyes glued to the newspaper

“What is it Lance?” JC asked as he walked over to him and grabbed the newspaper

“Read it out loud” Chris said

“Sure, Multi-Millionaire’s only child murdered in her own home. The daughter of the Capra family, Carrie, was murdered last night in her family’s mansion in Orlando, Florida. Her body was found in her parent’s bedroom, and was shot two times in her back causing her to die immediately the bullets made contact with the spine. She was found by two of her friends, Gia Rapaport and Amy Lucas, who denied comment when reached by the press. The leading officer in the case, Michael Phelps, said ‘there is crucial evidence that can not be released at this moment, later contacts will be made as the case develops.’ The parents of Carrie Capra were in Alaska at the time of this incident, and when told the heart-breaking news, scheduled a flight back to Orlando immediately. It is believed Carrie Capra was murdered, and the house was also robbed. More information will be released at a later date,” JC read out to the rest of the group

“Wow, WOW” Justin said, because that was all he managed to choke out

“Carrie’s… dead?” Chris asked as he stared at JC

“NO, CHRIS, I just made this whole thing up cause I’m a psychotic bastard” JC said with sarcasm

“I’m sorry, it’s just hard to believe, I mean, this is Carrie we are talking about, and I know we haven’t talked to her in a while, hey Joey, weren’t you banging her?” Chris asked


“Gia, come on, it’s 11 at night, get some sleep” Amy said while looking at Gia who was sitting at the kitchen table, staring into the nothingness

“Sleep? Yeah, that’s something I want to do right now. Maybe I can dream about your death too, cause you know… I want to see that too!” Gia said while wiping a tear away from her eye

“Gia, your going to be alright, we are all taking Carrie’s death pretty hard, we have to see her parents tomorrow morning, you gotta get some sleep” Amy said

I can’t Amy; sleep is out of the question right now. If you saw what I saw in that dream, you wouldn’t want to sleep either. I mean, I saw Carrie, running away from him, and she just gave up, she felt so alone Amy, she was feeling alone and I was there and I didn’t help, I couldn’t help her” Gia cried

“I don’t know what to tell you Gia, I don’t know what to do, I’m just as scared as you are” Amy said while looking down at the floor.

“Amy, the man who murdered her, he’s out there. He could be anybody”

“Do you know if he had a motive?” Amy questioned

“How the fuck should I know, I mean, yeah, I hade ONE dream and it happened, that doesn’t make me some sort of mind reader”

“Sorry, it’s just that right now they thing it’s a robbery, but what happens if there was more to it?”

“Good question, I never thought about that”

“Well DON’T” Amy said, “Just get some sleep”

- - - - - - - -

“GOD CHRIS” Lance yelled, “have some respect for the dead”

“WHAT… Joey was bangin’ her, what’s so disrespectful about saying that?” Chris questioned

“BECAUSE CHRIS… gawd… you’re a MORON” Lance yelled

“Whatever… so, Joey, were you?” Chris asked again

“Well… yeah” Joey said

“Whoa, didn’t you nail her too Justin?” Chris asked

“HEY, Carrie was my friend before anything… it only happened cause we were both drunk” Justin defended

“Oh that’s even better” JC said while rolling his eyes

“So, I guess we are gonna go to the funeral right?” Lance asked

“Yeah… I guess” Joey said, “When is it?”

“I don’t know… we’ll go over to the Capra’s tomorrow, they can tell us… and plus they wouldn’t mind seeing you Justin” JC said

“OK, that’s cool” Justin replied



“Amy, get up, c’mon, WE GOTTA GO to Carrie’s house man…” Gia said as she pulled on Amy’s arm trying to wake her up

Amy swatted at her “Ok, I’m UP MAN”

They got ready and then drove over to the Capra’s house to see Carrie’s parents. They got to the house and were invited in by Mr. Capra.

“Hello Mr. Capra” Gia said politely

“Please… call me Steve” he gestured

“I see you have other guests,” Gia said while nodding her head to the living room where 5 young men where sitting.

“Oh, those boys, they were friends of Carries… they are here to find out when the funeral is, when we are having it, and what not” Steve rambled off “Here, come in the living room” he said while walking away from them

Gia and Amy reached the living room. Gia went over and hugged Mrs. Capra. “I’m so sorry” she kept whispering over and over. Eventually they both started to cry while still locked in their hug

Amy sat down in the chair and just looked at the guys who were all looking at Mrs. Capra and Gia with sad expressions. Mrs. Capra and Gia pulled out of their embrace finally.

“These boys ar… WERE friends of Carries” Mrs. Capra said with a sob

Gia started to talk but was cut off by JC’s statement. “Amy Lucas, and Gia Rapaport” he said

“Yeah… how’d you know that?” Amy asked

“We read the article in the newspaper yesterday”

“Excuse me, I’m sorry, but more guests are here” Mrs. Capra said as she left the room.

“Gia Gia Gia…” Justin started

“Um… yeah?” she asked quietly

“You don’t remember who I am?” Justin asked, “We used to go to school together… well… when I went to school”

“Oh, under any other circumstances, I would be happy to see you, but after what happened…” Gia said as she drifted off at the end of her statement “I’m sorry” she said as she got up and left the room

“Don’t worry… she’s going to be fine” Amy said as they all looked at her as if to ask about Gia “She just can’t handle all of this right now… so how did you guys know Carrie?”

“I went to school with her” Justin said “Well, with Gia too, but I never really talked to her, me and Carrie were friends, and then I left school but we always kept in touch. Then, I introduced her to the guys, and her and Joey were a thing for a while”

“Yeah…” Joey said in a daze “We hadn’t talked in a month… we got into fight… GOD… I wish I would have said I was sorry,” he said as he hit himself in the head and looked down at the floor

“Don’t worry, it’ll be ok” Amy reassured them.

Chapter 2