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Vivid Dreams

**Chapter 2**

Amy excused herself from the room leaving the five men alone.

“Joey… stop it, I know what your thinking, I saw how you were looking at them” JC said while pointing at Joey

“What are you talking about?” Joey said, trying to act innocent

“Joey… you could have covered it up, but that drool coming out of your mouth just gave it away” Chris said with a laugh

“GUYS, you aren’t supposed to be joking, something HORRIBLE happened” Justin said

“Sorry… I promise not to hit on them…” Joey said as he rolled his eyes

“Why are you taking this like its no big deal… CARRIE’S DEAD” JC yelled causing everybody else in the house to in hearing range to give him odd glances

“Uh… he’s… sorry” Justin said to the people who were still looking. JC just looked down at the floor


Gia was standing alone in Carrie’s bedroom. She was looking at everything, slowly taking everything in. She closed her eyes and took in a breath of air.

“Why hello again” Justin said as he stood behind her. She spun around quickly.

“You scared me,” Gia said while putting her hand on her chest.

“Well I didn’t know anybody was going to be in here… why are you in here?” he asked

“To take some stuff… to serve as memories,” she said while glancing down to Carrie’s dresser and end table.

“Me too” Justin said as he looked to the same spot she was looking to. He picked up Carrie’s photo box and sat on the bed, starting to look threw them. Gia moved things around on the end table.

“Justin Timberlake” she said as she turned around and closed her eyes. He stopped what he was doing and looked up and her but didn’t say anything. “Justin… the popular one… the one who was too good to be seen talking to the likes of me in school… even back then… even at that young age” she said with her eyes still closed “But… Carrie… that was a different story… you were supposed to be socializing with the cheerleaders… It’s funny how Carrie and I were such good friends, and you and Carrie were such good friends and we never managed to utter a single word to each other”

“Yeah… well… weird things like that happen” he said because he didn’t know what else to say

Gia let out a slight chuckle “I can think of weirder things” she said

“Care to explain further?” he asked

She moved over to the bed and sat next to him. “I had this dream” she began as her eyes filled with tears. “This horrible dream… about Carrie” She told him the whole story and when she was finished the only word he could muster up was “wow”

“Wow… wow is right,” she said

Joey came over to the room and knocked on the wall. “C’mon Justin, we gotta get going” he said

“Ok… I’ll be there in a minute,” Justin said. Joey walked away

“So, I’d like to talk with you more” Justin said to Gia.

“That would be nice,” she answered

They talked for a few more minutes and exchanged phone numbers. Justin left with the rest of the group. Gia and Amy decided it would be best to go home also.

“Ugh… I need to go to bed,” Gia said as she dragged herself over to her bed and plopped herself down onto it.

“What’s going to happen now?” Amy asked while sitting on the chair across from Gia’s bed.

“What do you mean?” Gia asked

“I mean, how do you go on with your life when one of your best friends is dead… how long is the mourning time, how long until things are normal again?”

“Amy… it doesn’t go away. It stays in the pit of your stomach forever. You may wear a mask on the outside to cover it up, but the hurt is never going to stop. Not one single day will pass by that you wont think about Carrie and how she died”

“Jesus, where did this in-depth shit come from?”

“I don’t know… I just… don’t know… so anyway, I got Justin’s phone number”

“Really… that’s interesting” Amy replied

“Yeah, he said he wants to talk to me some other time… I told him about the dream” Gia said

“God, you need to stop telling people about that. Now he probably thinks your some magic eight ball that he can use to see what’s going to happen to him in the future”

“Ya know… you always have this way… to twist things around, so it’s for the worse”

“I’m sorry Gia… I didn’t mean it like that”

“Yeah, well, that’s how it came out”

“I’m sorry, it’s just… weird”

“GREAT, now you think I’m weird”

“UGH, I’m going to bed before I swallow my other foot” Amy said as she left the room

-The next day

“Hello?” Amy asked as she picked up the phone

“Hiya, is Gia there?” they asked

“Yeah, uh… who’s calling?”

“Justin” he said

“Sure, hold on for a minute” She placed the phone down and called Gia.

“It’s Justin” Amy said in a shocked tone of voice because she didn’t think he would be calling so soon.

Gia shared the same thought as her friend and picked up the cordless and left the room


“Hey Gia, It’s Justin”

“Yeah… so, what’s the phone call for?” she asked

“I was just thinking about you” Justin cooed

This caused Gia to laugh, “I’m sorry…” she said between laughs

“ANYWAY, I was wondering if you and Amy wanna come over here tonight and hang out with the me and Lance”

“Um, sure, that would be great… where are the rest of the guys gonna be?” Gia answered

“Chris and Joey are goin out to a club, and JC’s brother is in town, so he’s going out with him,” he said

“Oh, so I’ll see you tonight” she said

“Yeah… tonight” he said

He gave her the address to the house she was going to meet him at.

“Bye” he said softly

“Bye” she said as she hung up the phone

“AMYYYYYYY” Gia yelled as she ran into the kitchen

“What is it?” Amy asked

“We are going out tonight, over to Justin’s I guess, him and Lance are gonna be there, so be ready,” Gia said in one breath of air

“Ok” Amy said, “I’ll be ready”

“Great… um, I gotta jump in the shower”

The girls got ready and lounged around at their apartment for the rest of the day.

“What time is it?” Amy asked

“Almost 8:30, we should get going” Gia said

“Wait” Amy said

“What?” Gia questioned

“You don’t think it’s a little weird that Carrie died, and then we meet Justin and the next day he has us coming over his house?”

“Well… I really don’t know what to think about it”

“Ok… but if things get weird… we’re leaving” Amy said.

With that they left their apartment and drove over to Justin’s place. They parked the car and Gia sat there at first, a little hesitant to get out.

“Gia, what are you doing?” Amy asked “C’mon, let’s go” she urged

“Ok” Gia said as she got out of the car

When they got to the front door Justin was already standing there with it open.