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Reasons to hate the Braves

If the Braves are America's team then America is heading in the wrong direction.The Braves are horrible role models for the nation's youth. In 1996 they (and all their fans)said the Seris was over. They lose the last 3 games at their beloved Fulton County Stadium and lose the seris.They deserved it. Just watch Andrew Jones play center field. He's what, 21 years old and he already hot-dogs like the rest of his team. This year Chipper Jones shows up "El Duque" after hitting a home run. His team ended up losing anyway. I don't even see the Braves much but I can see how arrogant they are.

If you watch the stats you'll see that the Braves have lost the last 8 World Seris games they played. Also they have a losing record over the past few years to THE MARLINS. They deserve it.

There is one Brave star I think desrves to be on a better team. John Smoltz. He isn't cocky like his teamates and he is a workoholic. I respect John Smoltz, even if he is a great postseason player.

For years the Braves have gotten many horrible calls for their pitchers. I know the Mets had to suffer a few times this season. At least for a while at the beginnig of the season the strike zone was smaller and Maddux and Glavine had to suffer. I will never forget a game in 1998 when the Braves were getting their "calls" and Torre came out to argue. From then on Andy Pettitte got those calls too. Bobby Cox was pissed of because now it was fair. I'm not sure but he might have gotten ejected.