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My Photo Album

Nancy in Hawaii

Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church, Honolulu, on the island of Oahu.

Nancy, in back of the church, over looking the ocean.

Nancy at the altar of the church, after the concert.

Dr. Arthur Harvey, Music Director, his wife Pat, and the choir at Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church.

There they are again!

The sanctuary and altar flowers.

The sanctuary.

Another view of the sanctuary.

The view of the ocean behind the church.

The Bible study group, Pastor David Kreuger, his wife, Kathy, all of Kehei Lutheran Church, Kehei, on the island of Maui, and Nancy, at the parsonage.

There they are again, with the Hawaiian welcome!

We couldn't forget to include the cat!

Christ Lutheran Church, Mililani, on the island of Oahu.

Nancy and Pastor Jim Roessler.

Nancy at the altar of Christ Lutheran Church.

At the piano, after the service.

The back of Christ Lutheran.

A side view of the church.

At the airport, Honolulu, going back home to NJ!