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An Anti-Hate Rant


The latest race related killings in Indiana and Illinois by Benjamin Smith, a white supremacist, have opened my eyes on the sad state of America.  Since when is hate a religion? I am reffering to the World Church of the Creator, a religion started by Matt Hale which glorifies racism and prays for the RAHOWA (Racial Holy War.)   I thought the whole point of religion is to include people in a positive environment and to strive for the good of the world.  However, my knowledge of the Church of the Creator--though limited--tells me how sick some people out there are.  The thing that really offends and irritates me is that the "Church" has web sites geared towards children, where they can color in White Supremacist Symbols and fill out racist word-searches.  It is one thing to wallow in one's own ignorance, but do not spread it on to innocent children.  The World Church of the Creator is just another way to package hate.  But this country is free, and it will remain free, contrary to some right-wing extremist trying to enforce his beliefs on innocent beings.         

Americans need to open their eyes.  Our country isn't perfect, but it was formed on the statement "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness," a statement guaranteed to every being that sets foot on our soil. Yet as time goes on, hate becomes more and more a part of our everyday lives.  No one should have to fear leaving their home or walking through their school.  The saddest thing is that although a majority of Americans harbor few prejudices, they are unwilling to take action.  It doesn't even take much to join the fight against racism. Put a bumper sticker on your car.  Start a group in your community specializing in putting an end towards prejudice.  REFUSE to allow white-supremacist trash near you, your school, or anywhere else that belongs to everyone.  Neo-Nazis can have their rallies in their living rooms.         

We are nearing the millenium. Let us all make the next 2000 years hate-free.


Jason Manley

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