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It all started a few months ago. My friends and I were in class, not paying attention when one of my friends says, "ants are cool cuz their anarchists. They have no laws or anything. They can do whatever they want." We all thought about that for a while, then someone said, "I think they're monarchists. They got the queen and everything." This did not make sense to me, anarchy and monarchy together? It was about to get more confusing.
I though, "hey, their communists too. All the ants do their share of the work, and all the ants get their share of the food. No ants get extra food, they all get the same." I told them what I had just thought and it blew their minds. Dispite my ingenious conclusion, we still couldn't choose!
Later that day, I was discussing what we had talked about with my friend, and he said that he thought they were fascists (boo, hiss!!). He said that they have soldier ants that fight other ants. I thought about it, and I said no. They don't go around starting wars, trying to take territory. They fight occasionaly, just like any spicies would. We still can't choose though.

This is where you come in. Select what you think ants are to help me and my friends end this dispute.

One thing, as you head off to the polls, remember, this is serious stuff, not like voting for the president or total request live on MTV. Your about to make a diffrence in the world. I think they are commys. I mean, they don't have laws, but they are more communists then anarchists, none of the ants get extra food for extra work, and thats the truth!

Sorry that its hard to read, the poll thing is annyoing, it won't let me make the text black. If you highlight the text, you can read it a lot better.
Another thing, little bugs that crawl around is a joke, don't pick that one. I'm serious, I'll come to your house and steal stuff from you if you pick that one.

Anyway, go vote, make a diffrence
What are ants?

All of the above?
Little bugs that crawl around

Current Results

Blow this popsicle stand