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The Death Penalty

One thing that makes me real mad is the death penalty. Killing a horrible persun is still killing a persen. Not even the most vile, awful murders on this world deserve to die.

Showing us their total indifference toward humun life, the House of Representatives has defeated a bill that would have made it harder to get guns at gun shows. Law-abiding people would still be able to get guns, but background checks would be required, possibly preventing someone with a criminal record from getting a gun. Not a huge deal. Unfortunately, this bill was killed. So that means that people can get guns more easily, kill people more easily, and get fried in a federal penitentiary more easily. Meanwhile, putting someone to death who killed three people is looking really good for Governor Ridge or Governor Ventura during an election year.

This brings me to the Mao Tse-tung quote that you can find on the quotes page. "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun." This means politicians get political power through violence, (i.e. death penalty, war.)

Another point I'd like to bring up is that what if they got the wrong guy? It's happened before, it'll happen again. Many people on death row have been proven innocent. These are people who could have been killed by the government if evidence clearing their names hadn't surfaced.

But what about the people who were innocent who weren't so lucky to have this evidence come up? These people are what you call SOL. They are going to be killed so some power hungry bureaucrat can look good in the eyes of the bloodthirsty American public.

Maybe American citizens are more the problem than politicians are. Politicians are puppets of the public. They do things that make them popular with the American people.

One example I can come up with was when Bill Clinton said that he wouldn't sign any bill into law that would permit same sex marriages. He did this because he knew that gays would not like him for doing that, but almost any republican presidential candidate would do the exact same thing. But, Bill Clinton would win the all important homophobe vote as well. So he offended some gays, but kept their votes, and won some queer bashing morons votes too.

One point that some people will bring up is that the death penalty deters homicide. This is untrue. Studies have shown that the death penalty does nothing to stop people from killing each other. Probably because if someone is willing to take another's life, they are beyond reasoning. They won't say, "Hey, I'll get fried for this." The only thing on their mind is "KILL".

I leave you with a quote, "Life is too short to make another's shorter."

Make like a tree and leaf