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Every Piece is Important

By Steve L

In the environment, if a species becomes extinct, things become unbalanced and other species are hurt by the consequences of it.  In a puzzle, if a piece is missing, the puzzle is not complete.  The same goes for humanity.  Every person on this Earth is important and must be respected as a human being.  No matter if that person is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Asian, black, white, Native American, gay or bi, or straight.

Hate speech needs to be eliminated from the United States as it was in Germany. They won't make the same mistake as they did in the 40s, but the United States has gave birth to more hate groups then practically any other nation.  The Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, World Church of the Creator, Aryan Nations, and many other hate groups.  These groups are no longer just in the southern states; they are in every state.  People need to take action against racism and fascism, and defend the rights of the minorities, and every person on this earth.  It has become normal to hear about hate crimes on the TV or radio.  Such as the hate crime in Idaho, Jasper, Texas, and in Los Angeles.

These hate groups are not just going for the older populations; they are now targeting the youth of America.  They try to brainwash America's teens by playing "hate rock" and other propaganda tools.  Teens who are left out of society, or teased in school by "jocks" feel that they need to belong to something.  They think that if they get a swastika tattoo or harass a black student that someone will respect them.  This is not the answer though.

People who are emotionally unstable need to get help instead of letting their emotions fly and take another person's life.  Our government continuously ignores these problems, and instead spends taxpayers' dollars on a 78-day war killing 19,000 innocent people.  Clinton's idea of having peace is by killing more people.  We should stop relying on the government and solve the issues ourselves.  Get involved with the anti racist groups in your area, such as Anti Racist Action, and other anti fascist organizations.  We must not let another person be killed for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation, because every piece is important on this Earth.