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HateWatch:Combating Online Bigotry

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Anti-Racist Action You can't spell PARAB without an ARA. Anti-Racist Action was my inspiration to make this site.
Hate Watch
Stop The A very well done site. Mostly links though.
People Against Racist Terror
Central Jersey ARA This is the local ARA for me.
Mathew Shepard Tribute A tribute to Mathew Shepard, the gay man who was beaten to death because of his sexual prefrence.
Free Speech Internet Television I plan to move my website here eventualy
Food not Bombs, New Brunswick (New Jersey)
THIS MIGHT BE SATIRE Laura, the owner of this page, put a link to my page on her page if I'd put a link to her page on my page. Its a good page, you should go.
Nazis Among Us A very well done site with lots of info about the Neo Nazi movement.
Women Against Racism Committee
British Anti-Racist site
The Fred Phelps Resource Site Information on the so-called Rev. Fred Phelps. Great site.
The Utne Reader My favorite magazine, filled with interseting stories, sure to provoke thought.
AOL Sucks This site explains why AOL sucks, and goes very in depth, censorship, poor service, crummy browser. Go if you have AOL.
Dith Pran Holocost Awareness Project Dith Pran is a survivor of the Cambodian Holocost. He has a huge amount of information on his page, but your browser must be java enabled first.

blow this joint