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End of The Hunt

The hunter in you begins to take hold
your senses alive, the instincts of old
your eyes start to gleam with the familiar ache
the hunger in you needs a soul to take
the pressure within begins to increase
the animal desire screams for release
your breathing grows shallow and your heart to pound
the predator's gaze settles... she's been found
the one you've been hunting is in your sight
a grin slowly spreads... she'll be yours tonight
with a silent grace you begin to stalk
as you draw closer, your eyes widen in shock
she's turned on you... you're now the prey
the fear tells you to run, but her eyes make you stay
deep and mysterious, yet so full of promise
she will take your heart, you can count on this
the fear dies away and your soul begs you to know
your grin returns as does your eye's glow
you will take hers as well, you're a predator too
only one like her can truly have you

with feral smiles the dance begins
each circling slowly, both drawing in
cautious and wary, their souls betraying their need
they mutually move closer and each starts to feed
afraid of the outcome, but unable to cease
they move in the dance as both human and beast
each taking as always, but with an even return
they both feel the strangeness, as well as the burn
with their needs sated, they settle once more
regard each other with confusion and an even score
the deep hunger they suffer is now worse than ever
but the hunt is over... shouldn't the bond sever?
what they begin to understand brings peace to their minds
like mates like... they are of the same kind
both have preyed on weak, merely for the chase
feeding on the soft parts of the human race
what they've found in each other is their hunger's twin
they need the same sustinence... the light from within
with a slight shock they finally know
the hunt is over. they've found their own

This is not written by me, it was sent to me over email. Please if you know the one who wrote it or the page it came from email me. Something like this deserves a lot of credit. Very talented person who wrote this. So if it's yours please let me know.


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