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The Begining

It was a quiet, somber day in the Glazed warp. Silver laid back basking in the warmth as the suns rays gleamed across her scales. Her gaze followed the trail of springs as the steam tried to obscure her vision of the warmer ones. The cooler ones stayed still as if frozen in ever lasting beauty. It was morning, only three hours after the suns had joined. Silver watched the last of the shadows shrink away in to nothingness. The light timidly shown through the clouds creating pattens of light to spread across the ground. The waterfall was bathed in a brilliant rainbow as the suns rays mixed with the water creating a splash of colors across the fall of water. She let her eyelids slide closed and began to doze upon her favorite ledge of the cliff. She had just mastered her shape shifting spell perfectly and didn't feel she had to try it again. I mean what is the point of turning in to a human anyway? They are long extinct from this warp, she thought. Still it is another spell under my wing. As she settled back down and was going to take a nap their was a loud *thump*. "Oh,great" she muttered to herself. Their could only be one dragon who lands that badly. "Hey Silver" shouted Cota. He had not even earned his color name yet and was by far thelaziest dragon silver knew.

Cota was a strange dragon. He was very light silver, almost a white gold. His body was masculent, but his wings were slightly to small. Making him clumsy and unstable in his movements. Then again a dragons wing matured slowly, so his would grow in time. "Yes Cota, what do you want," said Silver. "I heard youmastered you shape shifter spell, way to go" yelled Cota. Silver sighed, she knew Cotawas just trying to be nice, but she really wanted to take her nap.

Just then WhiteGold came over, "Silver, the Master Dragon Crimsum wants you right now." Silvergrowled, so much for her nap. Oh well, better not to annoy a Master Dragon until shewas one herself. She got up with a sigh and left White G and Cota, who were talking, behind her. "I don't see what White G sees in him, how can she like such a goof."

As Silver walked through the Dragon Masters school, she realized just how well she hadgotten to know it in the last hundred years. Soon though she would be a Master, all sheneeded was just one more spell. It was by far the hardest, a warp spell that allowed adragon to move great distances through the warp. "But, it is not a toy," mimicked Silver. "Master Crimsum doesn't know what he is talking about, the days of war are long over. Dragons have learned to live together and only will fight when challenged or trying towin a female."

She got to Master Crimsum's room and taped on the stone door, nobody answered so she went in. What see saw startled her. Master Crimsum was aextremely neat dragon, even by her standards and the mess before her was enormous! "Ah there you are Silver Fire, I was looking for you," said Crimsum. Silver winced at theuse of her old name before she got her color, but until you became a master all the othermaster dragons could call you by your birth name to remind you of your old station. Master Crimsum was no different because he wanted everyone to know their place in hispresence. "The clan has a problem and need more Master Dragons. The clan elders havedecided each Master should pick their most gifted student," Master Crimsumgrowled.

Silver stared at him in silence, she couldn't think of any thing to say! Master Crimsum spoke for her "I realize we don't like each other and I was going to pickWhite Gold Dagger, but then I was informed why we needed more master dragons and Inow know that only the best could live through what is to come." Silver blinked, andasked "What is wrong?" She could think of nothing that would make the elders speed upa dragons training. Master Crimsum looked as if he wasn't going to say and then quietlysaid "You are on your honor not to tell a soul, understand?" When Silver nodded heglanced around him and said, "The evil has returned." Silver once again was speechlessand a shiver ran down her spine. Master Crimsum just said, "be here tomorrow and I willteach you the last spell." Then turned around and walked out leaving Silver to cry in fear of what would lay ahead of all the Metallic Dragons in this warp.

Mastering the Silver Power