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The Renewal

Silver smiled as she glanced at her shield. It was hers, her very own markings. She was a very proud dragon. She looked back at her book, but what exactly was special about the claw slash markings. As she flipped through the second to last book, she was about to give up. Three weeks at trying to find the meaning of it all. Her mother.....her leader, wouldn't tell her what it ment just that she was proud of her. "Ack," yelled Silver as she reached for the last book. Then the cover cought her eye. It was the same marking as her shield. "Bout time for some answers," said Silver as she opened the book. The name of it was "The shield of Hawkeye," Hawkeye thought Silver.

He was the one that ended the wars by exiling the blacks. He was a hero to dragon kind. She realized that she had picked without knowing the same markings as the great Hawkeye. No wonder her mother was impressed. As she read on Silver was surprised at the role the shield played in this sage. The book said, "after forcing the black demons back in to the hell warp Hawkeye then gave up his shield, by placing it as a barrier between the warps. The only way to open it was to invoke a powerful spell. The spell was forgotten and so the demons stay away." Black Dragon Demons.... The Evil, thought Silver no wonder all the elders were shocked. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, "I wonder exactly what this prophesy is all about," she said quietly. Then closed the book and put it in her bag. She needed to read up on this guy.

Hummm, thought Silver as she reached for her Silver goblet of Blood wine. This guy was a really by the book dragon. He did every thing the proper way. "I will never fill his shoes. So that can't be what they have in store." She sighed and sat down, "This is not helping." She shifted her form back in to a dragon and walked over to the water. Her reflection would have startled her if she wasn't so tired. It was not that of a powerful Silver. She was worn down and her scales were dull. Silver looked in to her reflections eyes, they were tired and cold. Silver put her head in her claws. This whole mess was really wearing her down. She looked back at the water, then anger over took her and she hit the water. She stood up and looked around for a place to take her anger out. This wouldn't work she thought, so she stepped out side. The sun was out, so she spread her wings and took of going as fast as she could. How was she, a simple Silver going to live up to everyone’s expectations. She didn't want this. Any of it, she wanted to go back to being a hatchling, when she knew what she wanted.

Silver flew higher and faster until the ground was only a blur beneath her wings. All of a sudden she saw the volcano in the distance. She flew harder and harder. Until she could no longer feel her wings. She circled above the volcano not really knowing why she was there. All of a sudden, she just stopped flying. Silver pulled in her wings and went in to a dive, right at the volcano. She shut her eyes not caring any more and broke through the top layers on the volcano peak. The stones ripped at her wings and scales. She kept going deeper and deeper not knowing how to stop and not caring. All of a sudden she saw a bright silver pool beneath her and she was flung in it. As the heat coursed over her body she felt her energy began to come back to life with in her. Her body felt as if it renewed.

Silver woke up with a start. She had fallen asleep while reading the book, but the dream had been so real she thought. She got up and went over to the pool and jumped back. Both her scales and her eyes danced with a renewed fire. Silver started to wonder exactly how much of it was a dream, but it was fading fast from her memory. In fact all she could remember was a volcano. Oh well, she sighed and decided to go get a drink. As she walked in to the Masters School she saw the other dragons looking strangely at her. She paid them no mind though and walked in to the Elder concil. Everyone except her mother, Satcoda stood up. She looked at her Satcoda's smiling face, "It has happened," was all her mother said. The others sat down as Silver looked around confused. "What has happened," she asked, but nobody responded.

The Evil becomes known