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The Evil Becomes Known

Silver stood there in silance as she looked around the room. She found all eyes were upon her. She watched as her mother stood up and walked over to her. Satcoda looked at her daughter then quietly said, "come with me." Silver followed her mother out, but as she did she turned to look in one of the few mirrors left in the warp. What she saw before her was not what see was expecting. There stood a magnifacent Silver, one truely worth all that was given her. Back at her looked a Silver with bright polished scales that shown like the sun Glansa it self. The claws and spikes along the back of it were a shiny coal black. A blood red tongue brought out the shape perfect white teeth. It was the eyes though that drew her attention. They were pools of black nothingness with bright silver puples that could dance with anger, humor, curiosity, or cunning. They seemed on fire, but a living fire with a mind of its own. Silver realized this was her. The imagionary wonderful creature was her. She couldn't understand, but then it hit her. This was her and she knew what she had to do. This force of evil invading her home, her life must be stopped. She would fight it, that was her place, that was her life. This was truely the meaning of life for her and she would fufill it or die trying.

The alarm sounded, Silver and Satcoda got up. They had been talking the way Silver had alway imagioned. No need for either to be careful what the say. Both walked quietly to the concil room and just before they stepped inside her mother asked her, "Silver, when the time comes to let me go I want you to promise that you will." Silver saw this was no jest and thought about it for a min. "Ok Satcoda, I will promise." Her mother hugged her for the first and last time in Silvers life then they walked in to the room.

Silver was about to takke her seat, but she saw her mother motion for her to move up. She was sat in the seconds in command chair. Wow thought Silver just think, it wasn't that long ago when I was a student in this master school. She smiled and settled back in to her chair as a fellow True Elder stood up to speak. He said, "My fellow Elders I have just seen a sight I wish upon nobody. The Evil is truely her amoung us." At this everone gasped and wait to hear what else was to be said. He contianued, "It was seen by myself and a few others with its army four days flight from us. We must make ready for war!" All the elders noded in agreement and the call of war went out. All avaible dragons that were old enough and skilled enough should come to the elders city by the school and prepare for war. 2,000 dragons showed and we were a mighty force of metallic colors. A the hatchlings and 200 dragons were to be sent ahead. They were to be placed in a realm of some sort, where there were other dragons. Along with them went may a priceless itom. They were dragons of ever color, so no bread would die out. Through the rift they went and once they found a well hidden spot. The rift was closed and sealed never to open in that place again, but it could still be opened to that perticular realm. For now though it was time to prepare for war.

White Gold