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White Gold

Silver walked slowly amoung the ranks with White gold next to her. Each dragon was in their true form. They stretched for miles. Not a single dragon was in the air, for air space was off limets for all, but the elders. Even then only at great need. This was to make sure their were no spys from the evil. Silver looked at her good friend White Gold, "well, it comes to this." Silver screamed her command to the troups, "Turn in, we will awake you at the connecting of the suns." With that Silver motioned to White, "Come on, tomarrow we start training, so tonight. Lets go have some fun." White smiled and noded her agreement. It was time for fun, the troups had this last week to thems selves, tomignt was the commanders night.

They took to the sky, but kept as low as they could so not to be stopped by the watchers. Silver headed for town, which surpised White Gold because Silver was more of the nature type. Swimming, Flying, Hunting, the whole thing. Silver smiled back at White, she knew that White would have come with her, but wanted to go in to the town. So she decided to do what White wanted. For it was then she realized how close of a friendship they shared. White Gold had been sent to watch her, but instead they had become friends. Silver thought about how strange somethings can turn out.

So they went in to town and shifted form. Silver turned in to Lady Pegasus and White Gold turns in to Lovely Dagger. They went in to the pub and sat down by the bar. Lady Pegasus was not as happy in this form. Through she noticed others never had that same problem. She glanced over and saw White Gold watching her closely. She smiled to her and tried to act like she was having a good time. She wished Blue Fire was here but he had, had yesterday off and was working with his troups this night. White Gold nugged her as Cota walked by. Silver had to admit he was turning on to a good looking dragon and White liked him. Silver had suspicions about him returning those feelings and on that thought got an idea. She told White Gold she would be right back and walked over to Cota. "Hey Cota," she said and watched him smile. "I didn't know it was you Silver, " he said. Silver smiled and said, "you know white gold over their, I think she is lonely." Cota's eyes brightened and he asked, "do you think she would want Me by her though?" Silver smiled and noded. She pushed Cota toward White Gold and left the pub right after. She should have done that along time back she thought.

Silver shifted back in to her natural form and took off. She wanted to soar the skys her last night of peace, for she may never again. She had asked to be able to be on the special attack force with her mother. They were to find an opening and attack Makacoba directly. She wanted to feel his blood on her claws and taste victory as he fell. She knew it was just a silly dream, but it was her dream never the less.

She flew back in forth in a lazy mannor not even thinking about anything, but from the ground dragons were looking up in awed silance. Silver resembled the legand her shield claimed she was and they all knew something she did not. When she went in to battle, they would follow. For she was truely the warrior for the dragons.

The Betrayal