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The Betrayal

Silver awoke in a field next to her lair. She wanted to roll back over and go to sleep, but she knew better then to do that. For training started today and she would need to wake her troups at the joining of the suns. She sighed and got up. They would be joining in about an hour and she had things she wished to do. Silver stretched and edged over to the heated springs. “Mmmmm,” she sighed as the warmth washed over her scales. This was more like it. She had been gathering troupes and getting them organized. Plus a bunch of other stuff and this was the first time she had been able to relax in along while.

Silver startled as she noticed White Gold sitting on the shore. She swam over to her, wondering at the half amused, half annoyed look on her face. “So” said White, “you just thought to get Cota and myself together?” At that Silver smiled. “or did you just want to cut out on your own,” continued White. Silver looked up at her then smiled again, “you two liked each other for longer then I can remember. I decided it was high time to get you guys together.” At this White was speechless, but quickly found her words, “oh and who gave you the right to take this in to your own hands?” Silver looked up and began to laugh, “exactly what happened white,” she exclaimed with an amused look. At that White’s face went from a pearl white to a light red and she stalked off, leaving Silver laughing so hard she needed to get out of the water before she swallowed any more of it. As she laid gasping for air and trying to stop laughing on the beach, Blue Fire stopped by to remind her the suns would be joining soon.

With a sigh she stepped out of the shadows and watched as the suns began to combined. When the last sun joined the other two, the burst of heat dryad her and she took off. Silver flew low and fast weaving in and out of the trees in the battle mode she had been tought. Her wings were pulled close and she flew at a great speed thought the woods. All of a sudden she saw a black dragon flying slowly right above the tree tops. She realized that he wouldn’t be spotted because of the angle of the sun and with a battle roar she burst out of the woods and hit him in the stomach. Both went down in to the trees and took a few seconds to get up. The black screamed in rage and flew up in to the air, Silver followed close behind. As Silver cought up to it she saw two more blacks and knew she would have her hands full with three blacks. Since the other two were not going to be their for a few minutes Silver knew she had better take this one out quick. She attacked at the black with a series of slashes and realized her mistake a moment to late. She pulled back with a nasty cut on her shoulder. He had gotten first blood on her! She raged and faked another dive at him, but instead flamed a cold ice toward him instead. He was hit and fell slightly, but cought himself.

All of a sudden Silver felt a shape pain as another dragon hit her in the back tearing at her skin. She spun and flipped the dragon in to the other black that was getting ready to attack. Then dived as flame seared at her, a near miss. The other two blacks had hit the trees and were struggling to get up. So she decided to attack them and dived on the first one she had seen, ripping it’s wing to the point it couldn’t fly again. Silver heard the a dragons attack scream and turned up to find Blue Fire engaged with four blasted blacks. Silver took off to help her mate and joined him in the air. One black dived at the two of them and Blue nodded to Silver. Silver and Blue broke apart and ripped at the blacks sides as he flew past. It wasn’t enough to make him fall, but he screamed in pain and shot back the way he had come. Their were three blacks left, but they weren’t being as foolish as the first. Some how they knew that these to dragons knew how to fight together and wouldn’t play off one another. The three charged at the same time and both Blue and Silver fired a blast at them. Silver’s was a silver fire and Blue used a blast of icy breath, but the two breath attacks served their purpose and made the Blacks dive in different direction. Blue shot after one and Silver after another. As blue engaged on in the air Silver followed hers in to the cliffs.

Silver had to admit that the black was agile as it served in and out of the rocky walls. Silver had followed the black in to a cannon and one wrong move would be her last. She felt her wing tip slightly scrap the sides and pulled it close causing her to fly even faster. In and out she flew through the ever shrinking space. All of a sudden she spotted the black pulling out and flying in to a rather small cave. Silver followed unknowingly and landed. She shifted in to Lady Pegasus, her some what human form and walked in to this cave. It wasn’t like her cave, it was cold and wet. As she moved more inside she saw a rift in the back wall of the cave, but it wasn’t a very good one. As she was deciding weather to close it down or not she heard someone coming and she listened to the new voice.

“Are you sure nobody followed you hear? If they did the master will need to shut this down,” the first voice said. “No, I had a Silver following me, but I pulled out of the cannon and came directly here while she was still to far behind me to see.” So, thought Silver that is the black. The first voice replied, “were we won’t be here much longer anyway. Do you have the information you were sent to get? You better hope you do because the master needs it for the rear attack.” The Black said, “Aye, I got it. Although why not just attack using our full force and over welm them? I don’t understand.” The first voice growled, “it is not your place to understand, but I will tell you. If we were to do that the one foreseen to kill Makacoba will get her chance, but if we can kill the lead elder first, then we will win.” Mom, thought Silver. They want to kill my mom! She wasn’t about to let that happen and charged forward. She stopped as she saw Cota and a black talking to one another and quickly jumped out of sight. She couldn’t believe it, her friend Cota was really the enemy. She waited lost in thought until she heard Cota leave and the black walk the other way. She attacked the black and silently broke it’s neck. On the ground blacks were weaklings. She grabbed the reports and left the cave, flying back to where she had left Blue.

She found Blue over the black dragon that she had hurt so it couldn’t fly away. Blue was trying to question it and bandage his left arm at the same time. He saw Silver and his face lit up as he moved to embrace her. She winced as he pushed against her shoulder, but leaned back anyway. Then went over to the other dragon and turned to Blue, leave us a moment. He looked at her strangely then turned to leave. Silver turned to the black, well this is what you get for defying the master. Not to mention Cota will be pissed. The black looked up surprised and asked, “What do you know.” Silver growled and said, “why do you think I tried to stop you from flying that way and then you attacked me in return? Didn’t you know about the new protrols” It stuttered in response, “no...No, we were not told. I am done for because I can’t fly, but you must tell the master we are found out.” Silver nodded and asked, “found out about what?” At that the Blacks eyes narrowed, “you don’t know about the infiltration?” Then the black realized what was happening and dived at her forcing Silver to kill it. “Damn,” she mumbled and asked Blue to come out of his hiding spot. She asked him, “did you hear that hon. They seek to infiltrate us and I fear they have.” Blue came over to her and suddenly placed a claw upon her wounded and let it heal with a quick spell. Silver roared in shock and pain as it slowly closed, then glared at Blue for a moment as he healed himself. Then they began to fly back.

Silver sighed as she stood infront of her mother, Satcoda and told the whole story again. This was her third time and she wanted a spring soak and a live deer badly. She watched as the concil discussed this new information and reread the documents. She cought her mothers eyes and gave her a pleading look. When her mother nodded she almost ran out of the room, but stepped out with the grace she was expected to live by. After something to eat she wondered how White was doing on her own and decided she would go see. As she walked that way she saw her beloved hot spings and decided to take a short soak first. As she fell asleep she had a last feeling of guilt for White, but decided that White could take care of herself.
