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Silver woke up as the first of the four moons touched the edge of the skyline. She glanced about and let the calm of the night close in around her. As she stepped form the hot springs she looked around to see if anyone was about, but found herself alone. Her wounds were still sore, but they hadn't left a scar. When she glanced at the spot all she could see was a perfect patch of silver scales gleaming back at her in the pale moonlight. Silver sighed at she stepped away from the warmth of the steam by the springs and in to the cool night air. After stretching and drying off she decided it was time to hunt. Although she wasn't after a deer this time, no she thought to hunt a dragon. She wanted to find Cota and have a few physical words with him, which probably involved ripping his wings off.

Silver found herself once more fling low through the trees, she didn't know where Cota's lair was and hoped it was close by the rift he had been using. She once more thanked silently that blacks didn't have night vision like most others did. She slowed to a simple glide and let her mind wonder. Her thoughts drifted in and out of her hatchling days. She remembered all the strange adventures she had gone on as a hatchling. She remembered the old caves, the ones that she, White Dagger (now known as White Gold), Cota and Kaokey had found.......

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"COME ON!!!" yelled White to Cota and Kaokey as they raced down the hill. Silver and White waited impatiently for them to get there. They wanted to get going. As they reached the edge of the river that came from the waterfall, both Silver and White glared at them, showing their anger. "What took you so long," said White. While Silver showed her annoyance be keeping silent altogether. Both Cota and Kaokey winced and sat visible uncomfortable under Silvers gave, for even as a hatchling her eyes seemed to look right through you. Whites lecture drowned on until Silver nudged her say silently that they understood they made a mistake. White glanced at her then finished her sentence and turned away. Cota and Kaokey followed her and Silver came last. She gazed at Kaokey for a while, thinking how he would turn out to be mighty Silver when he grew up some what and she was already training him, even though he didn't know it. If she could teach him right he would make a good mate, but for now all she wanted to do was go play in the caves.

They reached the cliffs above the waterfall shortly and took of in to the sky. Cota was a horrible flyer, but the rest were decent. Each did the traditional three circles and dove through the rush of water to the cave behind it. The old caves where the best entrance in to the old volcano fissures and they were huge. Larger then any lair would even need to be. So large that even the four of them didn't know what was in ever direction. If you knew the right way from the volcano though, you could get to the main cave and that was big enough to house 25 dragon comfortably. They all liked it their but Cota loved it best off all.......

* * * * * * * * * *

Suddenly Silver burst from the tree tops in to the sky. She knew where he was. He was in the old caves. The waterfall was right by her lair. Silver roared in rage as she rushed back, but she was till a half an hour away. She should have known all along. It was Cota suggestion that none of them ever enter the caves after Kaokey had died and Silver had been so distrot with grief she couldn't have cared if she ever went back again or not. So, thought Silver you thought to use the old volcano passages as your lair, did you. Well we will see about that. I bet my hord that is where you hide. She pulled her wings in tighter and flew back faster toward her home. She would be damned if they would use her grief against her any longer.

* * * * * * * * * *

As they each entered the cave they shifted in to their other preferred forms. Cota shifted in to his leopard, White in to her White Griffin, Kaokey in to his Black Stallion and Silver in to her Pegasus with Silver wing tips. Each would race, but it usually turned out to be Cota vs. White, in which White would always win and Silver vs. Kaokey. It was luck who won that one because Silver never used her wings so it was fair. Each then would go to their favorite place. The caves had everything, but both Silver and Kaokey agreed the springs were the best spot.

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Silver made it to her lair and glided easily down, while she used her mind check to see if anyone watched her. She almost growled when she realized someone did. Instead she went to the front of her lair and laid down. After a while she let her body go in to a restful state. She began to focus on the person who watched and found it to be coming from the waterfall. She felt a low growl began in her throat, but quickly hushed it. Finally the presence vanished and she quickly got up and took to the air. After doing the three circles she doves through the pounding water in to the cave, but she misjudged it slightly and hit her wing on a rock. With a painful gasp she shifted in to Pegasus form with out thinking. After realizing what she had done, she changed in to a human with her heart in her throat. "Damn Cota for making me come back in here," she mumbled. She then sat down to wait, for surly someone would come and show her the way unknowingly...........

* * * * * * * * * *

Kaokey and Silver walked beside one another to their favorite spings cave. They were no longer hatchling and now did not get that annoying raise of an eye ridge when they were together playing in the caves, even though nothing had ever happened. In the springs cave their were all type of swimming holes. Ones were the snow of the mountains had seeped through the soil and dripped down in to pools making them very cold. Their were also springs that were heated to almost a boil from the heat of the volcano. Plus ever thing in between. After they had finally left the stage of being hatchling the two of them would go their very often. They were forever pushing each other in to the colder springs. Silver had a lot of fond memories there. Memories of Kaokey. It was also where Silver had first mated with Kaokey.........

* * * * * * * * * *

Silver startled from her memories of Kaokey as a black dragon flew in through the rush of water. Silver’s anger intensified as she realized they were using an entrance at HER LAIR!!!!.... She had just hoped this was false suspicions. Still, she thought best to stay quiet for now. As it walked by she slowly kept behind. This hiding in shadow annoyed her to no end and she longed to just roar and attack the fool that walked so confidently walked down her lairs halls. She may not use these tunnels, but this was her land never the less. The black stopped suddenly and laid down in a nook of the path. He settled in and Silver growled to herself as she realized this was the guard. She sighed and turned back, she would do this later and when she did find Cota...... She smiled an evil smile.

* * * * * * * * * *

Silver and Kaokey were asleep when Cota came running in to the cave. Kaokey’s head came up as Silver opened on eye. She saw who it was and sighed in annoyance. Silver stretched and leaned against Kaokey, preparing to go back to sleep. She glanced at Cota and the look on his face startled her. It was one of pain, then as it switched over to Kaokey it turned in to one of anger. She had no idea what it meant, but Kaokey did. He pulled Silver close and protectively put his wing around her. She snuggled up against him and fell back to sleep happily. Kaokey’s eyes never left Cota as he turned and stormed out of the cave. Ever since that encounter Kaokey was very protective of Silver when ever Cota was near. Silver didn’t care though, she enjoyed the attention and never really noticed how Cota reacted.

* * * * * * * * * *

Silver opened her eyes and stood up. She couldn’t do anything out of the ordinary today so she slipped in to the warmer lake. She settled in and observed the warmth. As the third sun crested over the horizon she got out. Silver took to the air and did three lazy circles, seeming to dry off. As the suns joined she dove through the waterfall using the bright flash as cover. She shifted in to a Pegasus and began to go down the passage way at deadly fast pace. The Black dragon was sleeping and she opened her wing, fly silently over him. He didn’t wake for some strange reason which gave her the opportunity to keep going. Each curve was a memory, she knew when the ceiling dipped and were the floor rose. When a curve that was to shape to turn normally on came up, she still knew the exact way around it. Silver had never forgotten these caves, she had just wished to.

* * * * * * * * * *

Silver and Kaokey were very much in love. You could see it. Showing outward and open effection to one another. Silver loved to lay her head between his wing ridges just to hear him breath, feel his heart beat. In him Silver had found her disteny, she wanted a family eventually. The way her family worked is every other female could have a fair amount of hatchlings, up to three nests of four eggs. Which was a lot because dragons seldom nest, for they need to feel protected and sucure in their surroundings. Silver was laying together with him by the hot springs. He wrapped his wings around her, which shows effection and she fell in to a fitful sleep nestled against him. A huge crash woke them up with a start. Kaokey took to the air immediately, Silver followed a quick second behind. He turned around and said “stay here.” Silver wasn’t about to listen to him and she dove in to the cave a moment after he did.

Kaokey stopped in the main tunnel and begin digging. He yelled over to Silver to help White Gold, Silver looked for her and saw a trail of Dragon blood. She lifted White Gold and carried her out of the caves. White Gold mummered she was fine, but Silver used her mind call to her mother. In her panic it actually worked and their were 6 dragons there in a few minutes. She flew back in finding a hole in the cave in, after waiting a few agonizing minutes Cota clawed out, but just as her cleared the path. The rest fell in, covering the hole and it sounded like the entire back.

Silver was just a young dragon and didn’t know how to use her power, but the thought of losing him made her panic increase. She dove to the rock slide and began moving huge rocks. All of a sudden she moved back and the whole slide began to slowly part, she felt someone stepping behind her and knew it was her mother. All of a sudden it got a lot easier, she made it about 200 feet back in to the cave before seeing him. A large bolder lay across him wings completely crushing them, they would never be healed. He was in bad condition. Silver saw all this as she ran to him. When she laid her head between his wing ridges she found no heart beat, breath being taken. She knew and she hated everyone for it. Silver walked calmly pasted everyone and left the caves. With a few hard pumps of her wings she was not to be seen. Nor would be for a very long time, she was now in morning for her lost mate. Her lost love.

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Silver made it to the center and found Cota working to open another rift. She stepped behind him, then with her tail knocked him down. He looked at her with a large grin on her face. Welcome Silver, I am glad you came...

Warrior Magic