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Warrior Magic

Silver looked down at Cota. With a enraged snarl she grabbed his throat and lifted him high off the ground. She was now glad that she had kept her muscles in shape as she through him against the cave wall a hundred meters away. Cota began to cough and tried desperately tried to get his breath back as Silver stalked over to him. “Careful now Silver,” he said through his gasps. You don’t want another cave in do you?” Silver stopped a moment then her eyes narrowed in to nothing more then slits. Cota continued, “Oh, You mean you never figured it out? Well let me clear up the mystery of the fall in. If you dug out certen spots in the rocks you can set it up so it shall fall.” Silver fell back in shock. Cota took that time to get up and walk over to her, “Oh, come now. Think about it, It all fits in place.” The more Silver thought about it the more it did.

Cota smiled, now then the master wants you to join us. It is that or death, but I said you would probably die first so we took the proper precautions. With that five large black dragons walked out of the caves. Silver looked around knowing she didn’t have a chance. The first one stepped behind her and sudden the world seems to spin as she hit the floor. From the on she couldn’t remember exactly what happened. She thought she tried to get up once, but she wasn’t sure. When they finally backed away Cota could be seen smirking over by the wall. Silver saw that and began to growl softly, it grew until her whole throat was vibrating. Even the black around her were a bit surprised. Silver stood up and nobody tried to stop her this time. See had a feeling there was something behind her. Silver lashed out with her tail and the black went down, yet she didn’t bother turning as it got up and scrambled back quickly.

Silver had always had a problem calling on warrior magic. It wouldn’t come to her for some reason. She could fight, but using the stronger magic during it was almost impossible. Yet when she called for it, it came this time, to her surprise. Bright silver lightning snaked out from her claw and hit a black who yelped in pain. It turned and fled before her. A smile of hatred appeared on her face. She raised her claw toward the sky even thought it was hidden by the cave she felt the power it brought. Her sword appeared in her claw and a large silver shield strapped to her left arm formed. Silver looked around as one black charged. She didn’t even flinch when she smashed his face in to the shield and carefully slide the sword through his chest. Now there were three, but they seemed to decided taking her one on one wasn’t the best idea. A single black couldn’t ever defeat a dragon on land as it was. They were creatures of the sky. The three of them ran at her at once. One she smashed away with the force of her shield, another she sliced at with her sword giving him a nasty mark on his should. The third hit her from behind full force. She toppled to the floor. Silver willed away her sword and shield as she fell and they disappeared. She began to roll away. The black stayed with her scraping at her scales with it’s claws.

Silver was getting desperate. She had finally thrown the black off and the force of the impact on it gave her enough time to get up. Three against her, and she knew she was in over her head. She wasn’t used to warrior magic and didn’t really know how to use it. She called back to her sword and shield and they appeared in her claws once more. Silver quickly put her back against the wall so she would be able to see them in there attacks this time. Cota sat back watching all this with amusement. With a sudden luck thrust of her sword another black fell. The two remaining once looked at each other a moment then started slowly forward toward her. She got a sudden idea. Silver called her silver power and hurled and burning silver net at them. Once dived away, but it cought the other and he howled in pain. It seared through his wings and he fell to his knees in agony. That was enough for the other black and he turned and fled. Silver was existed. She hadn’t realized what magic like that could do nor how much it could drain you of energy.

Silver laid down and Cota walked back over and finished what he was doing. Then once done he strolled back to Silver. He quickly bent down and lifted her head. “Broken so easily? I am sure Kaokey would have got tired of you after a little while anyway.” Silver’s eyes sparkled in anger as her arm shoot out and gripped his throat. She got up slowly and began to drag him out of the cave. Every time he struggled she simply tightened her grip until he passed out from lack of air. Once outside she then set him down, placed a claw over the joints were his wings met his back and began crushing the bones. Cota woke up screaming in agony. Silver simply smiled to herself and finished closing her claws until there was nothing more then broken bones and a mushy pulp left of his wings. She coldly said to him, “Can’t run if you can’t fly and you will never fly again.” She lifted him up again and walked slowly to the concil making every step as painful for him as she could.

The concil didn’t know what to do with him, he answered there questions after some torture. Silver especially enjoyed the part where they had used magic to make it feel like he was burning. His screams of pain were wonderful sounds for her to hear. For there was the dragon who had ripped from her life, her soul mate. She loved Blue Fire it was true, but there would always be something missing between them. A bond of sorts would never be there. Her mother made her leave after seeing her face with the reason that she didn’t want her child to become blood thirsty over this. Silver looked at her mother in rage, but she looked back in concern. Silver left after her mother made the request a second time. Besides, tomorrow there were to fight. The war had started already and many a dragons blood both black and metallic was spilled, but tomorrow they sent out the top patrol. Silver was part of that, tomorrow she would go along with them to seek out Makacoba. Then her mother would challenge him. While that was happening Silver was to come back and open the portal. They were to flee if they lost, but only the ones that would leave. Some were ordered and others were not really for battle because they were to young. Most would stay to fight though and Silver knew it. She wanted to stay also but she had been commanded to go and she would listen.