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Mastering the Silver Power

Silver yawned, as she slowly awoke to the sound of a hatchling running down the corridor. As she stretched, she slowly opened her eyes and saw it was still night out. All of a sudden she was wide awake, this wasn't her cave. She looked around and realized she had fallen asleep in Master Crimsum's cave. She got up shaking and hurried out. What could possibly have made her fall asleep in..... She remembered, "oh no," she muttered.

She rushed to the lake in the cold night air and dove in uncaring of the bitter cold water. Silver swam under the water for about five minutes, then slowly crested her head half way above the surface, not aware of the other dragon watching her. Just then one of the three suns rose above the horizon, she turn to watch the wonderful display to come. Silver knew that eventually it would seem that all the three suns were fighting for the most lovely colors before they came together. The first sun called Glansa. It was a golden color surrounded by a pale bronze, which seemed fade off in to the sky in yellows, coppers, oranges, and white golds. Just as it looked that Glansa would rule the sky, the second sun, Cerpes appeared. Cerpes, was the color of purple surrounded in a light blue that faded in to both dark and light greens, blues, purples, and light reds. The two seemed to compete for the sky as they rose higher and closer together. Finally, the third sun Spinsal, rose. It was named for the red spiral in it. Spinsal, a was a wash with deep reds and midnight blacks which would fade off in to blood reds, dark golds and dark silvers.

Silver had stayed too long in the lake watching this and was starting to get cold. She rose above the water just as all three suns joined in to one. With a burst of color and heat resulting. The dragon watching Silver gasped at the image of a silver dragon outlined in glorous colors of every kind. He had been sent to watch Silver, to make sure she was ready for her Masters title. Although had not been looking forward to it, but now he couldn't think of anything he would rather do. Silver still was shivering and went to her favorite rock, which had been warmed be the joining of the suns and laid down. She would get up in a couple hours and go met Master Crimsum, but for now just wanted to sleep. Silver woke to the realization she was late. She jumped up and spread her wings soaring in to the air. Silver was very proud of her wings and her flying skills, she was far better then any in her class and most of the Masters also. When her watcher awoke he cursed to find her gone, then realizing the time himself flew to the elders concil. He was newly appointed an elder and didn't want to be late.

As, Silver landed in the middle of the Dragon's school, she noticed it was empty. "Why in the warp would they not have school on the 5th day?" wondered silver. "Well," she membled to herself, "Maybe it is not the 5th day. Lets see, the 8th day was when I flew in the fake challenges, then the 1st day was the awards. I laid around the 2nd and 3rd. Then yesterday I learned my shape shifter spell, so it must be the 5th day. Which brings us back to the question, were is everybody?" All of a sudden Silver heard a thundering "your late." She knew it was Master Crimsum and quickly spun around to confront him. In an attempt to displace his anger she asked, "where is everybody today Master Dragon Crimsum?" He looked around puzzled, "oh yes, the elders have closed the school until further notice," he said at last. "I just didn't think they would do it so soon." Silver nodded, then the evil was really here. "Come we have work to do Silver," said Master Crimsum as he walked to his teaching room. Silver followed him in an excited silence. This was her last spell that she needed!

Silver silently followed him in to a single room, with only one door and no windows. Master Crimsum nodded to another dragon in their. Who then ran out saying, "I'll get her." Silver looked at him strangly as White Gold Dagger entered the room. White smailed a evil grin at Silver then went to sit down. Silver sighed in confusion. Then Master Crimsun started his teaching. Silver picked up the basics very quickly and soon could do the spell. She went every where Crimsun sent her. Then Master Crimsun nodded to White Gold, who proceeded to stand up. He said to Silver, "Now lets see if you can do this when distracted. If you were in a fight the other drsgons not going to stop and let you think about it you know. Now Whites going to distract you and you can only move by warps." Silver nodded and cautiously watched White smirk at her. White stepped close and began to tickle her furiously. Silver gasped struggled to get away. Master Crimsun smiled and used his magic to make White physically overpowering to Silver. Then left the room. White stalked Silver with a huge grin on her face. All dragons in this warp were extremely ticklish and Silver had been tickling White since they were hatchlings. White dived on her letting Silver fall hard to the floor. Silver then found herself being pinned. Then it begain and Silver struggled, but couldn't gat away. All she could do was indure this tourture. Finally she was able to disappear, but not out of the room. White jumped at her again until once more she could find the concertration to disappear. This happened for fiftenn minutes hours until White finally got back what she was giving.

Silver reappeared behind White and overpowered Crimsuns strangth with her mind. This turned White back in to her old self. Sliver smiled broadly and tackled White. "So, how come they picked you to distract me." She asked White once she pinned her. White just struggled to get away. Silver proceed to tickle her back. Then teleported out of the room. Then smiled as she remembered a old trick she seldom used. Feather fall it was called. She concertrated and the feathers begain to fall upon White. They gently brushed against her scales as she struggled to the door. Silver smiled knowing that White would get out in five minutes or so. She decided she better go to the concil room now though.

When she came out she knew all of the spells for the Master Dragonhood that could be tought by another Master dragon. The other's, she knew had to be found by herself. Silver went directly to the elders concil and stepped inside. They were in session just as Master Crimsum had said. One of the elders saw her and Silver watched the dragons eyes light up, it was her mother. Silver smiled to her, and then waited until the concil had time for her. She knew her mother really wanted her to become a master dragon and eventually join the elders. Silver quietly sighed, she wasn't so sure she was good enough for the elders concil. As she looked around her and found her gaze wondering over to a stunning young dark silver. "He must be the new elder," thought Silver. All of a sudden he turned and met her gaze, she looked away quickly, but not fast enough before their eyes met. Then Silver startled, she had felt those eyes upon her before, but where? Silver didn't have time to think about it because one of the elders beckoned her to join them. "Silver" bombed the second top dragon, "You have passed the training and physical testing. Now for the last challange, the true test of Mastered." All of a sudden Silver felt like she was falling and then it all went dark.....

The Test