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Blue Fire

Silver felt the darkness draining away and a enormous headache was replacing it. "Ohhhhh," she growned as she went to rub her temples with her claw, but to her surprise she couldn't move it! She looked around and found that it was pitch black and couldn't see a thing. The pain in her head was slowly fading and she saw a light coming up the passage way, or what she though to be the passage way. Silver quickly shut her eyes and looked as if she had never moved. Then she heard a soft voice, "Come on love, wake up soon ." It felt to Silver that someone was trying to look in to her eyes, while they were closed. "my my my, but you are a lovely silver, aren't you." She felt a gentle claw on her face as who ever it was, softly touched her cheek. "I hope you wake up soon." said the voice and then it was quiet. Who ever it had been left the candle and Silver could now see what was holding her down. They were leather straps. She chuckled to herself, and burned them off. Fire can't hurt a silver, therefor anything that can be burned shouldn't be used to keep one locked up.

With that Silver tryed to get up, but iunstead fell to the floor. Maybe she wasn't as strong as she thought! As soon as she got her breath back though, she tried to stand again. This time she was successful. With a shake of her head to clear it, Silver was off to see why she was here. The last thing she could remember was the.... THE TEST. I wonder if I pasted it. If I failed my mother wouldn't be happy, thought silver. Oh well, lets find out where I am first. Silver walked toward the arch way and in to a cold, dark passage. She shivered and thought about going back. Then thought, if my courage is lacking then so is my honor! So she proceeded on.

Silver came across a room with some strange things, there was a painting of a astounding dragon, but the strange thing was, the dragon was blue! How odd, thought silver, why would anyone paint a blue dragon? Well, this was a strange place. Just then she heard splashing and went to see what it was. A dragon was swimming around in some underground lakes. Unable to believe what she saw, she turned away. A blue dragon? thought Silver, I must be sicker then I thought! Just then the other dragon turned and saw her. His eyes widened in disbelief. Then she felt magic gather as he changed his color to silver right in front of her eyes! It was the youngest of the elders. The one who she had thought cute! She couldn't believe it. This was to much, even for her. Well love, how do you feel? he said. Fine, I...i think, she replied still daised. You passed the test love, we went through your thoughts and found you worthy. Silver smiled. I also noted something else love, he said and gazed in to her eyes. Silver blushed slightly as he walked to her and just as she was about to speak, he kissed her. It was a kiss full of passion and she embraced it, even though she didn't understand why she wanted to kiss him so badly. When the kiss broke, Silver's mind was flying, why hadn't she pulled away? He looked at her with understanding eyes. "You mother gave you her blessing," was all he said, before kissing her again.

Later, when the shock had worn off and she could think again. She said to him, "A blue? I don't know what to think of that." He smiled and said "don't think follow your heart." and kissed her as she was trying to think about it anyway. So Silver for the time being followed his advice. What did color matter anyway. She felt like a hatchling again, but before leaving his side she whispered to him "what is your name, my blue dragon?" He looked deep in to her eyes and quietly responded "Blue Fire."

To Love or not to Love