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Home Coming

Two hours before she left to go back Silver found herself wondering Blue Fire's mountain home. It was nice here she thought. I wish I could stay. Just then she noticed a crack in the wall with hot air coming out of it. Silver shifted in to human form and went to investigate. What she found was wonderful, Hot Springs. She eased in to one of the warmer ones and soon was fast asleep. Blue found her that way 15 min. later and gently woke her up. "Hey love, before we leave there are some things we have to discuss." Silver looked at him and waited. "I haven't been totally honest with you Silver." At this Silver's face darkened as her expression turned upset. "You lied to me," she replied looking hurt. "I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the complete truth," he said. When Silver didn't respond he continued, "There are others who know of my color, the elder's concil, Lead Dragon, Master Crimsum, and..... White Gold."

"What!?!" exclaimed Silver, "why would White Gold know about your color?" "I was sent to watch you, by the concil. They needed another elder and you were chosen assuming you pasted your test, which you did. Anyway she was always watching you, when I could not. That is why she knew, that and she is also an.....elder," Blue replied. Silver sat there in stunned silence. She didn't how to respond. "Ok" she said, "let me see if I understand this. You didn't tell me when I was excepted in to the elders concil. You spied on me along with my close friend, who didn't tell me she was an elder!" In any other situation she would have been pissed, but this, this could only be called amusing.

Silver looked off in to distance then asked, "what else should I know? Clean the slate now bab, because I won't forgive anymore surpises after this." Blue looked at her and replied, "Just one more thing love." Silver tenced, "What?" "Ummmm," said Blue, "well, I think I am falling in love." Silver just looked at him as this sunk in. So he went on, "I didn't think this would happen, but now it seems to have just sort of crept up upon me." Silver was about to get angry, but hearing that thought better of it. "So, she purred dangerously, is that all?" When Blue noded nervously, Silver said "well, you will need to earn my trust back Blue, but about the mating, we will see in time." Each smiled at the other and Blue moved closer. "We have only an hour before we leave, but it is an hour," he said suggestivly. "No," said Silver "I am not ready yet." Blue moved away, but Silver cought his wrist. "You don't need to pull away all together," she teased.

Later as they stood outand Silver gave Blue the ok and off they went. As they took off Silver watched Blue. He was excellent at flying! I mean she knew he could fly, but, but, WOW! After that she didn't have time to watch him any more because of a sudden storm. As they landed Silver begain to get nervous. What would happen when they saw a All of a sudden White Gold came out of the cave. "Silver," she cried out and ran to give her a hug. When Blue landed behind Silver she smiled the biggest Smile Silver had ever seen. "So" she cooed, "I guess it worked out between you two." Silver smiled, "well we will see," and laughed at Blues upset expression. "Don't worry hon, you would need to screw up really badly to make me leave you," she said. Blue smiled and gave her a quick kiss. "Well," sighed Silver, "we are home." She turned and walked in to her cave. Home, she thought. All and all it was a nice feeling.

The History of the Evil and Warp Dragons