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History of Evil

As Silver looked around the Elders concil, she could feel their anger and their fear. She understood that they didn't know what to do. She was frightened to. Silver was only really scared twice in her life that she could remember. One was when she first read about the evil and was overcome with a horrible sight. See had fallen to the floor and like a seer she predicted both the evil to come and her mothers death. She shuddered at the memory and caught Blue's eyes upon her. She nodded at him to let him know she was ok. Then she wondered to herself if see really was ok. She sat back in her chair and tried to remember exactly what had happened. Maybe it would be of some use to the elders if she could just remember.....All of a sudden Silver fell to the floor and passed out. Blue ran over to her and then heard a strong female voice say, "leave her be Blue, this runs in the family and comes out when it is needed." Blue stepped back and looked upset, but heeded Silver's mother's words. After all she knew best. He hoped she did at least.

Silver woke up and jumped out of her moss bed. Time to go to school, she sighed. Silver was just a young dragon and it was only her 23 year at the Dragon Masters school. She bounded up the stairs to the Masters reading room. Today was her free study day and she didn't want to be late or master Crimsum would box her ears. As she passed White Gold who was flying down the stairs in the opposite direction, she stuck her tongue out at her and tackled her so they both ended up rolling down the stairs. After a struggle Silver Fire was on top and pinned White Gold down. "Na Na Na Na Na Na," tonted. Then began to tickle White Gold. "Mercy," screamedWhite, then restorted to yelling "Help." Silver growled playfully then got off and help White Gold up. "Got ya," said, then after sticking her tongue out at White she ran up the stairs to her main goal in the first place.

As Silver crested the stairs she saw Master Crimsum's upset expression and tried to stop, but since she was still a hatchling her balance was off. She slid in to Master Crimsum and they both toppled over in to a heap. Silver smiled to herself and waited for Master Crimsum to hit her. When he did not she looked up curiously. "You have bigger problems then I could ever give you. Anyway, little one today you study the evil as you mother directs me to tell you." Silver nodded and scampered away to the forbidden room in the study. When Silver entered she saw nothing, but doors. So she tried all of them and found only one unlocked, in she went.

As she looked around one thought came to her mind *creepy*! It was dark, so she went to the table and with a little burst of fire had the lamp going. After about an hour of glancing around she came back to the table and found a lone book there, but nobody had been here, she would have heard the door open. "humpth," she said to the surrounding darkness. Then sat down to see what this book was about. As she opened the first page a strange sensation over came her. Silver was about to close the book when it passed. Oh well, she thought and kept reading.

The evil is a being set to nothing less then the and torture and extinction of the whole dragon race. I evil was also named Makacoba. Only by a pain spell could it be called and you needed to know it's name. Once in control of a warp it would slowly take it over and would kill armies with nothing more then a glance. The only way it has been known to be defeated was by a challenge of a true elder. A true elder, thought Silver. She knew of the elders concil, but what was true elder. She divided to ask her mom. Ok she thought focus you mind. Then call silently out to the dragon you wish to speak with. "Oh forget it, MOOOOM," Silver screamed to the ceiling. All of a sudden her mother calmly stepped though the door. "Nice thinking skills little one." said her mother. Silver ran over and gave her mother a hug. "Mom I have a question." Her mother's eyes settled on the book and nodded in understanding, "I will help you if it is allowed." Silver nodded and pointed to the part in the book about a true elder, "What does that mean, this true elder thingy?" Her mother looked at her sadly then said "that is forbidden, I may not say." Then she turned to leave, but heard "mom how am I suppost to learn about this if ever thing that helps to understand it I can't know?" Her mother nodded then sat down, "Well," she began "there is more about it then meets the eye."

"The elders were the strongest dragons in all the warps connected." Silver eyes widened at that and she asked, "you mean we could move between the warps?" "Yes little one there were hundreds...thousands of warps, realms, worlds, and solar systems. We were the strongest of them all. There were even other dragons of all colors. They were green, black, red blue, and many more. We never interacted with them, but they were there never the less. Only strong dragons could open a warp passage that lead to these places, but a true elder was able to open warps with no energy loss. To open and close a passage warp was painful, it would drain you energy and that hurt badly. The bigger the warp, the more pain it caused." Silver took all his in then suddenly asked, why don't we do this anymore and I still don't understand the true elder bit! Her mother sighed, "ok let me finish about the true elders then I will tell you about the evil. True Elder are extremely powerful, only they can indure the pain of a closing warp. When a foolish elder or dragon would get them selves in to deep trouble, it was the true elders that need to clean up their messes. Because the true elders kept the peace we ran the warp passages and we ran our own warp, this warp. The true elders will always be the strongest dragons of our warp and most others also.

Silver watched her mothers face, it was withdrawn and sad. "Then came the evil. It follow our passages and killed those who seeked to warn us. One of those killed was your father." Silver looked at her mother and saw nothing, but an impassive face. She had never known her father, but know knew that it was the evil's fault she did not. Her eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them back. It was not the way of the dragon to cry of things long past. Instead she turned that sorrow in to anger. Her mother watched these emotions go her hatchling and felt a rench at her heart, but was proud as she watched her little on push away the fear and grow stronger. So she continued, "The Evil grew stronger and stronger. The only thing we could do to stop it was close all the passages and even then.... We lost half the Dragon population and I was the one to finally shut it all down. If the evil is still trying to come through, none are ever to be safe because we once were open to it and therefor we can be opened to it again and that my hatchling is the truth." Silver looked in to her mothers eyes and asked "you are a true elder aren't you?" Her mother nodded then turn away to the door, but stopped and looked back, "you will be to, one day." Then she left leaving Silver alone with her toughts.

Silver went back to her book, she must find a weakness to this, this horrible thing. All of a sudden a week feeling over came her and see dropped to the floor with a cry of pain. Her head seemed to explode with a hell fire. She clutched her head as a weakness filled her body. All of a sudden she was in a different place. The sky was dark and the sun, a blood red shined over head. It was a terrible place and Silver wanted to leave, but as she looked around she knew their was no way out.

The Dream