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The Dream

Silver looked around her and a shadow passed over her head. She looked up and saw hundreds of huge black dragons, not the same as ones she had read about in books that dwelled in other warps. These were pure evil, no soul, no breath, no life, just demons in a shape of a dragons. Silver looked up and a giant blue dragon with red eyes, black claws and teeth landed in front of her. She coward for first time in her life as fear took hold off her entire being, but in the honor of her father's memory and her mothers pain she stood and looked this beast in the eyes. "Well, Well, Well," it cooned to her aren't you a brave little one. "That is good, you will give those dragons a message for me. Listen well Silver Fire. The day comes forth that I will command there every move and they shall fall lower then the station of my lowest slave. Then they shall know the price of tricking Makacoba. HaHaHa." Silver nodded and tried to turn away, but could not move and the thing just laughed. "You seek to leave, to hide maybe?" She growled softly at such a great insult. "I know who you are Silver Fire, you are your mothers daughter in looks and in sprit. Don't worry, after I break your mother. You will be next, your honorable dragon line will be as dust in the wind. Nobody will remember you enough to honor your death. Know me as you distraction, know me as your... Master!"

Silver felt anger course though her body as her blood did, but knew exactly what to do. She replied calmly, "be that as it may. If I am to deliver your message I must go back." Her manner startled the Blue demon in to anger. Then it smiled, "That is true, little hatchling, but find your own way out." With those words he laughed and soared in to the air. "With finding you way out you will get a taste what you future will resemble. After you are my slave for hundreds of years, I will make you one of my black demons. Unless of course you wish to join me now? If you do, I will make you the leader of all you see." He waved his giant Blue claw at her surroundings. She looked at him strangely, "you want ME to join with you?" He smiled and replied, "I will make you answerable to nobody, but me." When Silver turned away he screamed in anger, "Fine, I will wait." With that he flew off.

As soon as Silver was free of any observation, she broke down and began to cry, but soon got herself together. Now to find away out of this hell. All of a sudden a tiny Golden Dragon landed in front of her. "Are you lost little hatchling," it asked. "I need to find away out of here, so I can deliver the message, to my mother," said Silver. The Gold nodded, "follow me, I know where it is," he said. Silver followed the gold to a black hole. "Jump," was all he said and Silver looked at him with surprise. "You want me to what????" The Gold just smiled and disappeared. Silver looked at the hole, shut her eyes tight, spread her wings and dived in. When she woke up she was back in the room. Lying on the book that got her in this mess in the first place. She over came the shock and screamed for her mother and when she came, Silver told her what had happened Her mother nodded, then disappeared. Later that day Silver was requested to repeat what she had saw infront of the concil and she did, but forgot about the gold. Now though she remembered.

What will be Will be