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What Will Be, Will Be

Silver awoke shivering, but had new information for the concil. She looked around her and realized she was no longer in the concil chamber. She was home and glad for it. Silver rolled over and startled at a pair of blue eyes right infront of her. Blue Fire was watching her with a worried look. "Are you all right my love," he asked. She said and said, "yes." "What happened to you? Your mother wasn't upset she said it was ok and not to wake you up." At that Silver smiled and snuggled close to him. "So what happened," asked Blue. "I don't want to talk about it now. I will tell you all tomorrow." Silver knew that the dragons time of peace was up. From now on it would only be death and distruction. She felt tears of sadness run down her face. Then looked at Blue, she really did love him. This might be the last chance they got for a long time. She eased over to Blue and kissed him. Blue tasted the salt from her tears and looked concerned, but she reassured him by kissing him again. Blue saw in her eyes what she was thinking and asked, "are you ready for this love?" She smiled and gently touched his face. She leaned over and kissed him. He kept eye contact with her through the kiss. Then broke it off and gently kissed her neck. Slowly moving lower.

Silver woke up that morning with her head laying across Blue's chest. She smiled in memory and found his eyes on her. "How are you feeling," he asked with a smile. She sighed to herself and thought about how high his ego was going to be. Then laughed at herself, who cares. She smiled back at him then hinted, "we have at lest three hours before the meeting with the elders. "I think I have created a monster," said Blue. At that Silver's eyes widened slightly, "oh really. Well I have other things I could be doing." Silver made a move to get up, but all of a sudden she found herself lightly pined on the bed by Blue. "I never thought you were the type to love and leave," he said playfully. Then began to tickle her. (All dragons from this warp are very very ticklish) She struggled like a hatchling then vanished in thin air. She appeared on the other side of the bed and blue leaned over and kissed her. The kiss turned to so much more as the time wore on.

As Blue and Silver walked in to the concil room, see got a knowing look from her mother. "Oh brother," muttered Silver to herself. This was just great, she wondered how her mother knew about it, but decided she didn't want to know. As she addressed the concil, like she had so many years ago when she had been just a hatchling of two hundred. She told her story again. This time pausing at the reference of the Gold Dragon. She wondered why she didn't want to say anything about it. Hummm, she thought, oh well and told all. The whole concil was shocked and the thought that they had allies on there side even from the same warp as the evil. Her mothers face was thoughtful as she stood up and said, "It is time they knew the truth." She motioned at Blue and Silver and went over to the door to let White Gold in. White Gold took her mothers spot and the lead concil member stepped down from the daise. Her mother stepped up and took his spot. "Silver," she said "your are the last of the young true elders. I am Satcoda, the leader of us. I welcome you to our ranks." "Mother," said Silver confused. "I am your mother it is true, but now you know me for who I am."

Silver's Markings