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The First Shadow Walker

The most powerful of the dark mages was being hunted by the only thing that could threaten him, the white mages. Even he could not take that many on at once, so he resorted to running. In fleeing for his life he came across a small town where he decided to rest. He had been using the power of shadow magic his whole life, so everyone respectfully referred to him as Shadow Walker. Suddenly he found himself corned in this small town with no escape. In a last attempt to live he dove in to the shadows becoming one with them. This was the one thing every person that uses shadow magick knows not to do. Shadow walker passed out cold.

Opening his eyes he saw his world had disappeared and in place was one of horrible beauty. He had just stumbled across the realm of shadows, a portal was in the shadows that had stayed hidden for generations was now open once again. Shadow walker from that moment on made a goal of his to explore the whole shadow realm and make it a safe haven for the rest of the dark mages. He got up and began to look around. After a few moments he realized he was on a mountain range, the stone was a dark black with white swirls like marble. The tops were covered in a snow, so white it almost hurt your eyes to look at. Between the mountains a warm heavy thick black mist that hung in the air. It made his skin feel damp and sticky, also making it hard to see where he was going and the safest places to put his feet.

At the last few steps away from the mountain the mist cleared and plains stretched as far as the eye could see. No break in the knee high glass with sharp edges was there a break, except for ricers that ran so read they looked like blood. He blinked a couple of times not believing his eyes, but started to walk. The grass cut at his pants, shredding them in the first mile. He eventually had to stop and call down a spell to protect his skin as the grass begin to cut through that as well. He stopped walking at the first stream or red water, kneeling down and taking a deep drink. Only to spit out the warm salty water from his lips. This was not water, it really was blood! Walking on until he came once more to another stream, it was the same thing. This time his thirst nearly drove him mad, but how could he drink blood. At the third stream he gave up and gulped down large amounts of the blood river. When he stood up, his hands where stained red permanently.

Crossing the plains, even with his magick took two long weeks. When at long last he found himself standing once more at the foot of a mountain range. This was a much different type though. They were an ash black color, and each mountain was a fire mountain with smoke, and lava pouring from it. A cloud of smoke stayed above the range, blocking out all trace of the sun, so not plant life grew. The black soot like ash fell like rain from the sky in a constant light down pour. It smeared his skin and settled in his hair as he walked through the first pass. He slipped every other foot step, his feet skidding in the ash.

Reaching the middle of the range he found a flow of lava that crossed his path. That night he watched the lava, with the glow of it reflecting in his eyes. Even after he had gotten around the river of lava, that fire still stayed in his eyes. He walked on now, but could see through the darkness and shadows. With this gift he quickly crossed over the rest of the mountains. That was when he saw it, the forest that never seems to end. It went on past the eyes ability to comprehend. Treetops stretched for miles and then farther. Between the mountain range of fire and the forest there was a great lake. He ran to the edge of it and drank deeply, clearing the ash from his throat and mouth. Then he furiously began to wash the soot from his face and hair along with the blood that stained his hands red. After he washed of, he looked in to the water. His skin was normal color, but his hair still ash black and hands stained red up to the elbows. His eyes still held fire in them. Their was nothing he could do about it so instead he focused on getting across the lake. Building a boat seemed like a good idea, but then he decided to try something else first. He gathered the shadows and formed them in to a raft. Turning himself in to a shadow he began to cross on a flat raft of shadows. Reaching the other side very quickly he decided to stop and build a shelter, making this the place he would return to every night after exploring.

The next two weeks he build up a large fort made of wood. With the supply of weird looking fish and small animals he lived there. Starting from the left shore he began exploring the forest, finding many dangers he’d never expected. Monsters lived in these woods that he’d never even heard of. Some big and strong physically, others powerful in magic. More then once he ran back to his shelter escaping them. Then the day came where he finally ventured in to the middle of the woods. Inside he found a stone castle with many rooms and libraries full of books, mostly spell books. That was the day he decided to start the school. He ventured back to the regular world in search of a pupil and soon found one. Together they began to learn the secrets of the shadow realm.

Generations pasted and each new shadow walker was tought by the red handed one, then sent out in to the realm. Soon they grew in strength and power, so they could once more return to the normal world. Even then their hearts would be in the shadow realm, as would their homes. Soon the forest became a forbidden place and was forgotten about after the red handed one accepted no more pupils. Now no shadow walker even knows of it’s existence.

Mnay years later the Lordship was was passed on to a simple ShadowWalker called Hunter. Who then became Lord Hunter, master of the realm.

This is a shortened version of the whole story

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