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Painful Moments

Pain lanced through him. He flinched, reaching down to make sure his side was still intact. He located the source of the pain, an arrow buried deep between his ribs.

"Damn!" he breathed, not to concerned, he’d had worse before. The arrow shaft was slippery with blood and it took him a few minutes to get a good grip on it. Finally, wrapping his hand firmly around it and sucking in his breath, he pulled hard. The arrow slid out. He screamed in agony and clutched at the wound. The pain was more then he thought it would be. It raced through his body, searing his brain and squeezing his heart till he could no longer breath. When the pain reached it’s climax, his whole world went dark.

When he came too, the sun had sunk below the horizon and the moon had taken it’s place in the sky. He couldn’t see much, only things nearby. He located his sword and used it to help brace himself into a sitting position. The pain had subsided but he could feel what was left of it. Ripping a piece of cloth from his shirt, he poured the rest of his water on it and pressed it to the hole in his side. The blood had crusted over and he gently wiped at it.

Movement close by caught his attention. Looking over he could barely make out a large, bulky shape moving towards him. It snorted and lowered it’s head to the ground. "Cabuio! You idiot! How did you get here?" the man laughed at the horse, happy to see something he recognized. The horse looked up and snorted again. It moved cautiously towards him and sniffed his hair. The man laughed again and patted Cabuio on the neck. Using the horse as a prop, the man staggered to his feet and sheathed his sword.

"Lets go home Cabuio." He said and lead the horse up the hill towards home.

Written and Copyrighted by, Tenjiro Ishtai Ve Nouko

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