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Vanessa's Quotes

“Perseverance. I never aspired to be a role model and I don’t live my life to be one, but if I am admired, it’s for my strength and perseverance-that’s what’s most important for me”

“I know what’s me and what’s not”

"It's energy. It's all about placement"

“…There comes a time when you want to live your life in a certain way and if you make that choice not to, then that’s your choice. I don’t isolate myself and I didn’t isolate myself from the world, which could be easy to do…”

“…I’ve finally learned that I have to please myself first”

“At times, I felt like, ‘Forget this. If I can’t be accepted for who I am then what’s the point?’”

“You need to be in touch with yourself and know what you want in life”

“…My family, and the people who sweated next to me in dance class, and performed with me in shows over the years all said to me, ‘When the dust settles, you’ll get the last laugh.’ And I knew it was only a matter of time. You can call that being arrogant or cocky, but I knew I’d get a shot”

“I try not to be too hurt if some role gets away from me…Sometimes the unexpected things turn out to be the sweetest…”

“I feel so much stronger in New York. I’m doing what I want to do. People are amazed. I knew I could do this and I’m doing it”

“There was definitely a time when I got nervous, wondering, ‘Am I ever going to get some decent offers?’ But I knew in my heart that if I waited-the debt was settled, the crown was gone-and I got an opportunity to show my talent, it would happen to me”

“I would like to be witty and clever…But I’m way too tired. Tired from three beautiful children, one supportive husband, loving friends and a flourishing career that encompasses Broadway, recording and more. Be careful what you wish for because it can all come true”

"My whole life has been on a whim, and I just never know where it's going to take me"

"When the diaper has to be changed, you don't have the time to lament. Kids are immediate. Shopping at "Toys 'R' Us" is immediate"

"I'm real grateful to have a sense of humor...because if I didn't, I don't konw how I could get through anything"

"The funny thing is I wish I was as wild as people make me out to be. I'm missing something. I'm so normal, so average. I'm not out every night. I'm with my family. Its hard to imagine what I've been handed"

"...I want the freedom to do it all. More opportunity. The doors are just starting to open"

"I look for songs that I like, that I can remember and - you can't discount this - songs I won't get sick of singing for the rest of my life, because when somone in the back hollers "Sing 'Dreamin' again," you better not want to roll your eyes and think, "Why did I ever sing that song?"

"The problem with this business is you can get so caught up chasing after what you think is hip, listening to advisers who tell you what your career should be like, what's important, and what's happening. And they don't have a clue. They don't have a reality. But I do. When I get home I found ou what's really happening, what really matters. And it's Go-Go Walking Pup"