AOL Live Chat Transcript

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AOLiveMC21: Welcome, Vanessa L. Williams! It is a pleasure to have you.

Vanessa L. Williams: Hi, it's a pleasure to be here tonight. It's my first time to be online on a chat. I am a computer novice. I don't even have a laptop yet.

AOLiveMC21: Well, a big welcome to AOL Live! Here is our first audience question:

Question: Did your character have a role in the original ‘Shaft’ movie?

Vanessa L. Williams: No, Carmen Vasquez is a narcotics officer that is introduced in this new version of ‘Shaft.’

Question: I loved your work in ‘Soul Food’ and look forward to seeing ‘Shaft’ tomorrow. I was wondering how you felt about the upcoming ‘Soul Food’ series, and were you asked to resume your role in the TV series?

Vanessa L. Williams: Yes, I was asked to resume my role as Teri, but I was so pleased with the outcome of the film that I didn't feel like it was possible to top it, although I was thrilled to work with George Tillman, who directed it.

AOLiveMC21: Here is a question from Malissa1974 in our audience:

Question: When was the point where you decided to go into movies?

Vanessa L. Williams: I had always wanted to participate in movies, and my first movie that I starred in was a low-budget one called ‘Under the Gun,’ which I filmed in 1996, and it went directly to video. LOL. No, it wasn't a hit, but it might be a rental on a rare occasion.

AOLiveMC21: We will look for it! OK, this next question we believe refers to your role in ‘Shaft.’

Question: Vanessa, what made you decide to take this aggressive role?

Vanessa L. Williams: The role of Carmen was appealing in ‘Shaft’ because it was nonglamorous and very direct. Carmen is a cop that is not afraid to rub elbows with her fellow cops, and who is not afraid to rise to any challenge that any would-be thug would create. It's refreshing to not have to worry about your appearance to go to work on a daily basis, although it is very frightening to be acting without great hair and makeup and wardrobe. But I do get a chance to have variety in my career, which is very stimulating to me as an artist.

AOLiveMC21: JOISEYGAL sent this next question about the movie:

Question: Do you sing any of the songs in the movie or on the soundtrack to ‘Shaft’?

Vanessa L. Williams: No, I don't. Although during filming, Busta Rhymes did offer to work with me on my upcoming album, which would be a delight.

Question: How did you and Rick celebrate the Lakers’ championship?

Vanessa L. Williams: Unfortunately, I watched it on TV in New York while he celebrated on Staple Center floor in LA. He knew that I was there in spirit. And due to the fact that we have an infant in the house, we both felt that it was a wiser choice for me to be safe at home.

AOLiveMC21: Back to ‘Shaft’...

Question: What was the hardest thing about this movie you had to do?

Vanessa L. Williams: The hardest stunt was getting shot and collapsing in garbage bags on a cold night in January in the middle of Brooklyn. I was pregnant during the filming of ‘Shaft,’ so my wardrobe expanded on a weekly basis. And at that point of the shooting, I think I was more concerned about making the action look believable and protecting myself as a woman. But I've had so much experience with Arnold Schwarzenegger during the filming of ‘Eraser’ that the stunt was pretty minor compared to what I did in that movie.

Question: Are you looking forward to a sequel of ‘Shaft’?

Vanessa L. Williams: If I was asked to be a part of a sequel, I would gladly say yes. I have no idea what the status of a film is at this point.

Question: Vanessa, when will you star on Broadway again? You were stunning in ‘Kiss of the Spider Woman.’

Vanessa L. Williams: Thank you. I am currently putting a team together to produce an original show for Broadway that I would star in, so I have my fingers crossed that it all comes to fruition in the next two years -- and I can't wait to be back onstage.

Question: How far were you in your pregnancy when you were filming ‘Shaft’?

Vanessa L. Williams: It was the first trimester of my pregnancy, so it wasn't really a burden in terms of weight gain until the last few weeks of shooting, which went into the beginning of February.

AOLiveMC21: Danielle from our audience asks this question to Vanessa L. Williams:

Question: Hey, what do you do for fun? -- Danielle

Vanessa L. Williams: My passion is horses and I ride and jump English style, and I have been lucky enough to ride and show in the National Horse Show in Madison Square Garden in October of 1996. Besides riding, I enjoy parasailing when I am on vacation, and roller coasters at amusement parks with my children.

Question: Can you explain some of the sacrifices you had made to accommodate Rick Fox's championship season?

Vanessa L. Williams: The biggest sacrifice to accommodate Rick's season was realizing as a married couple that we don't have the luxury of spending each night together. His NBA schedule is set in stone, whereas my schedule is more flexible, so I am the partner that has to do most of the traveling, which at times is exhausting. But I know it's only a temporary situation.

Question: How does it feel being a mother, taking care of your children and also making big-time films?

Vanessa L. Williams: Being a mother of four and having a multifaceted career always make me feel a little guilty, because if I devote to my career, I feel I am neglecting my family; yet if I relax and stay home for a long period of time with my family, then I feel that I am not actively working on my career. So I've just come to accept the fact that at times you have to let your career not be your priority and to always keep your family first.

AOLiveMC21: BlkBaby98 sends this question for Vanessa L. Williams:

Question: Hi, when is Ms. Williams going to make another CD?

Vanessa L. Williams: I am hopefully going to be back in the studio this fall with a new CD and I really don't have a direction yet, but it will be close to what my fans expect of me.

Question: What other leading men in Hollywood would you like to work with?

Vanessa L. Williams: I would love to do a comedy, and there are many great comedic actors that I have enjoyed through the years -- Bill Murray, Adam Sandler, Eddie Murphy. Denzel in a dramatic role, Harrison Ford. But a lot depends on chemistry and most of it depends on marketing by the movie studios. In Hollywood, being bankable in the box office is their first priority.

Question: Are you reading for the Angela Davis story?

Vanessa L. Williams: No, I'm not, and I wasn't aware that there was a project out about Angela Davis.

Question: I love all of your albums; which one was the most fun to make?

Vanessa L. Williams: The one CD that took the longest was ‘The Comfort Zone,’ and that was the most successful. The CD that was artistically my favorite was ‘The Sweetest Days,’ and the one that I listen to on a yearly basis is my Christmas CD, ‘Star Bright.’

Question: How do you keep composure during concerts?

Vanessa L. Williams: When you're onstage it's easy to be in "the zone," because most of the times you can't see the audience due to light shining in your eyes. So for me, as a performer, it's easy for me to get lost in the music and not feel overwhelmed by the audience.

Question: What has been your proudest moment as an artist/entertainer?

Vanessa L. Williams: The pinnacle of my career was opening night on Broadway in 1994 in ‘Kiss of the Spider Woman.’ I had grown up going to Broadway shows, and to be actually be starring in one was a dream come true. Other great moments were singing the theme from ‘Pocahontas’ at the 1996 Academy Awards, singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl and being nominated for my first of 11 Grammy nominations.

Question: At what age did you start performing?

Vanessa L. Williams: My brother and I always put shows on in my house while we were growing up. But my first stage role was Electra in ‘The Trojan Horse’ in the fourth grade production that we wrote the music, choreographed the dances, played the recorder in. But professionally, after performing in many high school, college and summer theater productions, was my Off-Broadway role in ‘One Man Band’ on Theater Row in 1985.

AOLiveMC21: Vanessa, our time is drawing to a close, unfortunately. Here is our last audience question:

Question: What kind of roles do you see for yourself in the future that can challenge you further as an actress?

Vanessa L. Williams: I would love to play a role in a foreign country using an accent that is not native to my tongue. That's something that I've never done and that would certainly challenge me.

AOLiveMC21: We are looking forward to all your future endeavors, Vanessa! Thanks for spending time here with us tonight.

Vanessa L. Williams: Thanks to everyone who signed on, and thank you for your continued support. My career has gone many places, and I hope you continue to follow me on my adventures.

AOLiveMC21: Good night and good luck, Vanessa! Thank you to our fine audience, as well. Good night, everyone.