Besides, it's obvious that these two love to touch each other. (wait, that sounds perverted. You KNOW what I mean...) They're really familiar with each other's bodies, and it shows. In addition to all of the hugging, they're always falling asleep on each other, holding hands, and maing friendly gestures with each other. In episodes like "Pokemon Shipwreck" and "A Scare in the Air," they're always asleep on each other, in "Roll On, Pokemon!," Jessie is sleeping with her head in James's lap, and James is always placing his hands on Jessie when they're in the submarine and he's sitting behind her. And neither of them has ever raised an objection to it. Obviously, they're very comfortable around each other.
Now, most TR members stand back-to-back while saying the motto. Well, these two must have been pretty sick of doing that! =) Seriously though, since Day 1 they've been putting new twists on the motto: gliding through the air on hang-gliders("Hypno's Naptime!"); attempting the tango(Charmander, the Stray Pokemon!"); in a variety of costumes; over the P.A. in a helicopter("Bye Bye Butterfree!"); oh the list goes on! This is moree proof that their relationship is more than just "strictly-business."
I think next to all the shippy episodes I'd have to ay this is a fave. of mine, because of the hella-cool/shippy motto..and plus James says, "Oh yes, Jess, and make it double!" after Jessie says her line. EEEEE! I love that!!
Another Example: In "The Lost Lapras," while they were reciting the motto, they were standing side by side. Then, during her final line, Jessie took a step backwards and leaned into James. When she did this, his face lit up like a freaking Christmas tree!!
"A Chansey Operation": Okay, I know everyone has that pic where James is REALLY mad...he's just a little mad in this one. But its all the same. Obviously, he didn't like the looks of this doc, so he was a little suspicious. And remember the pic where Jess is all heart-sy over Dr. George Clooney? The hearts are actually Arboks...I never got the meaning of that, then, I heard a theory at Cori's Ultamite Rocketshipper Page that since the hearts were actually Arboks, that meant she was really more concerned about her pokemon than pizza...(Gooo Jess! ^_~)..but James cared anyway!!
Ghost of Maiden's Peak:You really DO care! That's right, she does! Jessie cares about James' well-being. This episode's lessons conclude that Jessie does care for James, and she'd put herself on the line if things got extreme. If you don't agree with me on this, or if you're a Semi/Anti Shipper, think of it this way: Both James and Brock could have been in really serious trouble if Jessie hadn't shot her bazooka at the maiden, which held her off long enough for both of the boys to get away. I mean you can't argue with the fact that Jess didn't want her partner to be *killed*, much less fall in love with someone other than her.
And remember "Tower of Terror"? When James falls through a hole in the floor, Jessie immediatley asks, "James?! Are you all right?" Again, the concern; she sounded really worried! Later, she herself falls and lands directly on James. She must have known it had hurt him, and she turned to him, blushes, and says quickly (and in a very gentle tone), "Thanks for, uh, breaking my fall."
And these two seem to have a lot of dealing with fighting pokemon--when Jessie is thrown into a rock by Primeape in "Primeape Goes Bananas" Meowth and James turn blue with horror, and you can hear James yell, "Nooooo!" See the concern? Then, Jessie gets up and decides to sic her pokemon on Primeape, while Meowth thinks they should be after Pikachu. James shakes him off, saying "Sometimes you've got to put beauty before duty." wait..OMG...this means James thought Jessie was beautiful!! (go me, go me, I had an epiphany)
And then, in the later ep. "Stage Fight!" James gets hit so hard by a Hitmonchan that he flies backward into a wall. A really pissed-off Jessie yells out, "How DARE you hurt my friend!" **emphasis on friend, people!** Again more proof that Jessie, though she subtly admits it, she does care about James.
"You read my mind, Jess! Or did I read yours?"
Freaky pic, isn't it? It's obvious what I'm talking about here. These two always do crazy stuff. They finish each other's sentences, have the same thoughts and reactions, and always say things in unision.... It's so damn cute!! And what about those rhyming mottos.. **Meowth Rules is a fave. of mine!!** There's no way that two people could have made that up on the spot...unless they were soulmates like these two...! *Gets an epiphany* These two are meant for each other! Only soulmates could looks so alike, it's like they complete each other...they ma6 have opposite personalities, but that's the beauty of it---one's faults is made up for with the other's strengths and vice-versa! By gosh and golly, I discovered the ultimate secret!
**Crowd: It's been done!** ^_^;
Past all the recurring Rocketshippy themes and whatnot, what about those tiny hints they drop??? There's PLENTY:
Remember the Kids' WB "Villain-tines' Day" special...with your hosts, J&J? Ahem:Hello?! Who better to host a romantic holiday special than Jessie and James?! Obviously, the writers are trying to tell us something here! They may favor Ash in the show, but perhaps...
And just recently, there has been a lot of sources outside TV that hint at Jessie and James' relationship. I've heard that in the Pokemon 2001 calendar, Valentine's day is deicated to--you guessed it!--our heroes! AND, for those of you who've played "Pokemon Puzzle League," there's a few hints in a particular section where you battle TR. The levels feature their most memorable disguises which inludes the infamous wedding outfits!!!! You also get an added bonus of some very romantic Wedding March music playing in the backgorund. I almost cried at the beauty of it all. Then the puzzle blocks got higher and higher, and then Jessie and James starte cackling it sorta ruined the mood. ^_^
Another one of my fave. epiodes is "Wake Up, Snorlax!" I just think the way they do the motto w/the microphoine is so cute! Besides, their faces are together when say the final lines...Awww! Another thing about this ep which drops a hint is where J&J tell the tale of Sleeping Beauty, in which a beautiful princess (whom with Jess can identify..) who was awakened by a kiss of a prince...who better to tell that tale than two people who are in love...**Sigh**
Why to you think James has always got that rose around? He has them in three colors:white, light blue, and, let me just explain what these colors mean--*pulls out large philosophy book*
The Blue Rose. Used only once, in "The Water Flowers of Cerulean City!". The soothing color blue stands for sensitivity, peace, loyalty and ones desire to nurture. OMG! That describes James completely James has always been the more sensitve one of the group, and he's always the Benvolio of the group! Okay, I'm okay. It also represents faith and constancy, and, putting that with loyal, it means James will always be there for Jess! I used to think it represented him, and thought that this color was un-shippy...but it isn't! Yay!!!
The White Rose. Used, but very seldomly, during the early episodes. Symbolically, white has always represented purity, goodness, light and innocence. The color white projects feelings of calmness, relaxation and an inner peace with ones surroundings and inner soul. Hmmm...interesting! The white rose is in direct connection with James's emotions--he's like a kid at heart, and themes of innocence and goodness are in direct connection with a child or child-like pleasures, such as nostalgia...notice how James liikes to recall happy moments in childhood? (Recurring themes of a child's innocence can be seen in books such as To Kill A Mocking Bird and Huckleberry Finn)
And I thought it just ment purity/friendship...
The Red Rose. Used....all the time, in basically every episode.
Says here that red has been viewed as the vigorous color of health. The ruby, a precious gemstone with a brilliant red color, was worn in China to promote long life. The color red has also been a representation of love within a relationship between two people. A red rose, given to the bearer's lover or mate has always been known as a symbol of love.
Well yeah, the love was obvious....but hey who knew about good health! Besides, roses are the flowers of love and romance....James said so himself!
More about the roses:James has got three of them, true, but red's his fave! It represents Jess and it's the same color of her hair!!!
Proof that the rose is a symbol of Jessie is "The Ninja Poke-Showdown." During one part, Jess hold up James' rose, saying, "It means beautiful things can be painful." She then tosses the rose to James, who catches it by thorns, saying, "Ouch." He then cries out as he is hit upside the head with Jess' binocs. Could it be she was flirting because she knew why he carried a red rose? Maybe....
What about Jess? She's always wearing those green/emerald earrings...right? Okay, then tell me, why would the fashion queen of the entire world wear cheap-looking earrings that don't match her clothes? The only thing they seem to match is...**looks around**...hmmm? Can you figure it out? Yep, James' eyes! And they compliment each other so beautifully!
Conclusion? Umm, not really! Bye!
Oh My God! That was horrible, I need therapy now! Take me back!!