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YodaStew: The truth is out there Home of the YodaBurger

If any hackers break into this site and screw it up i will personally beat them senseless

Click here for Internet Explorer spazms!!! If you're looking for some cool starwars's not here, but what's that, you want to know why this is called yodastew? the answer is quite simple actually, I felt like calling it that, ok. But don't be fooled, lots of semi-cool stuff is here.OOOH!!!, isn't there so much to do?!?!?! the answer to that is no, there's nothing to do here, except read this text block which changes a lot, and use the awesome ::sarcasm:: hyper-links when you enter the rest of the site. You can also admire the sweet fish cursor Hackers click here for sweet tools from a true expert You can also access the two parts of YodaStew, yodastew cental, and yodastew station. Before you shout at the top of your lungs "this place bites!!!" check the whole thing out. If you don't, go away, you bother me! DON"T FORGET TO E-MAIL US AT: urz truly (yeah right!), website creator dude