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ShoreCon in Cherry Hill NJ, August 28th to 30th, 2003


I had a great time at ShoreCon in Cherry Hill, NJ this past Labor Day weekend. I ran 2 games overflowing with players, 11 players per session. I want to thank the new players that came by; Delfino, Zach Brown, Frank O’Reilly, Russ, Sean Smith, Mike Brody, Dan “Tigger” Brace (Con Coordinator for GameFest). Please forgive me, everyone whose names I misspelled or forgot, I wrote it all down then lost the note. Also my regular players Carl Brooks, Andy Schweighardt, and Dean Norman, as well as my Neutral Ground players Matt Blank (NG owner), Shawn Morin, Mark Mazzella, Simon and Richie Mok. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.<p>


“A Walk in the Woods”


SETUP: A rich Merchant Prince of Dorwinion has lost a treasure of great worth, and needs to get it back before his father finds out and disowns him. So he has been forced to turn to a group of fortune seekers to recover it without anyone else knowing. But someone else seems to know about it and will stop at nothing to get it.


RESULT: 11 players showed up so I gave out every character I had, including some unannounced characters like Gwathdin Elf Scout (Carl Brooks) and Ragnar the Great Hound (Dean Norman). Group witnessed arena combat, then brought to treasure room after theft. Then returned to the Ugly Mug bar, message for Mandor (Simon Mok) to meet someone. Mandor brought Derrick (Richie Mok), then walked into an ambush and got himself killed. GM sympathy let him survive, dragged back to the Inn. Then Obor (Shawn Morin) and Obran (Andy S) went looking for trouble on their own (as usual) at the ambush site, found secret entrance but ran into dead end, they returned. Back at the bar big fight BETWEEN THE CHARACTERS! Finally characters gathered clues and set out after thieves. Missed thieves but encountered armoured Ogres and Ogre Magi, big battle, Ogres defeated but treasures never found.


“First to Fall”


SETUP: An Evil Myth comes to life as the Witch King begins his ‘War of Annihilation’ against the Dunedain of the North. For centuries he has assembled his armies and spun his web of deceit. Now his wrath is unleashed against a border fortress of the Dunedain. You defend against his unstoppable Dark Tide.


RESULT: Had 11 players again. Half of group skirmished with Hillmen raiders and Angmar-minion Ogre hero. Army spotted, group withdraws to castle. 1st day siege against Hillmen repulsed but 2nd day Orc army arrives and storms walls overwhelming defenses. Characters die gloriously one by one, Magnus and Erabeorn (Mark M) overrun on wall, Valandil shot on wall by Orc crossbow, Andram (Carl B) direct hit by Orc Siege trebuchet (blown off tower in flaming ball!),Thomas (Simon M) and Fasmund in the courtyard. Gurd (Matt B) dies to 2nd troll after heroically killing 1! Halburn (Sean Smith) slipped over wall and escaped. Arendor (Mike Brody) barely survives assassination to escape with the Ellenmir after Camthalion (Dan Brace) turns traitor and puts on Thrall ring, turning on the defenders!