Journal - June 24
The day after the death of
the High Sheriff dawns and the morning sun's rays fall upon Chyrefal. As news
of the 'accident' spreads the people remember and for a time their troubles are
left behind. But only for a short time, for the rumors also tell of darker
Inside the keep, Orlock
has taken command of the Castle after the untimely death of the High Sherriff.
He summons Rohn after breakfast, and their discussion is not a
calm one. Rohn takes most of Orlock's tirade in silence,
barely voicing his protests when Orlock deems Master Sergeant Johan's
service inadequate and dismisses him from the ranks of Rohn’s
Guardsmen. The matter is not helped any when Orlock encounters the
‘unofficial guards’ at the door to Rohn's quarters, Netava
and Sallador Sarn. Johan leaves the room to go pack and is soon
followed out by Orlock, and Johan stops to confront Orlock
in an isolated corridor to talk. Mandor, appearing to admire the
wall tapestries nearby, overhears the conversation and learns of Johan's
Later that morning, a
half-dozen mercenaries from another Mercenary company arrive in town, drawn by
rumors of conflict and booty. They are ‘The Black Company’ and a young
(and newly promoted) Captain named Hannon leads them. After
surveying the situation they begin letting the word go out that they are
recruiting men. This comes to the attention of Nymus, who
frequents the same tavern as the mercenaries are using for their base of
operations. Nymus and Hannon have a long talk and a
road for mutually beneficial negotiations is paved.
Nymus also meets with a Lieutenant of the ‘Nadali
Tigers’, a mercenary unit well known for it’s hunting skills. Their
Lieutenant brings an offer of information to Captain Rohn in
exchange for 100 gold coins. Upon hearing of this Rohn and Andram
meet with the Lieutenant and reject the offer. The Company neither has the
necessary funds to spend in this matter, nor would they pay so much even if
they did. The Tigers' messenger goes away empty-handed.
Hannon is active in the meantime. He has sent some of his
men around town, scouting the town. Others look for potential recruits. Hannon
sends one of his most trusted men, Mathis, to get the feel of the
town. He is a scout with a talent for people, always a willing smile and a few
coins for good information. Hannon only has a few loyal men with
him now, but others await his call to rejoin the company. He posts bills around
the town announcing, “We are the noble body of the Black Company… We offer
freedom, honor and wealth … On the morrow seek the Black Captain”. Some men
come forward and are interviewed but most are turned away. But one fully
enrobed figure approaches and identifies himself to Hannon as a
member of the ‘Stalkers’. He is offered double-pay and a bonus for bringing
others with him. This man exits counting his money in his mind, but does not
notice the figure watching him.
Back at the castle the men
are idle, and when their hands are idle their tongues wag tirelessly. Some of
the men have begun grumbling about the break with the Corsairs and the
situation in general. There is even a rumor going around that the men will be
given muster pay and released from service. As Rohn met with the
Nadali Tigers' messenger, Mandor spotted Nymus entering
the same tavern. Mandor also saw other mercenaries around the
tavern, who then spoke with the Nadali Tigers Lieutenant.
Upon his return to the keep,
Nymus is summoned to a private meeting with Mandor, where
he is questioned about the rumors that have been circulating and about why he
was in town. Nymus reveals that he has spoken with Hannon
and some of the men in Mandor's unit may leave the “Sons of the
Stalkers“ to join the Black Company. Having heard all he needs to hear Mandor
asks Nymus to pour a drink. He does and turns back to see a loaded
crossbow in Mandor's hands pointing at his heart. Before another
word is said the crossbow bolt slams into Nymus' chest. Carluin
bursts in hearing the noise, in time to see Mandor crouched over Nymus.
Mandor looks up at Carluin and says, "He
attacked me", then calmly slits Nymus' throat. Carluin
takes in the entire scene, without a word. After the body is disposed of, Mandor
assembles his squad and informs them of Nymus' treachery and punishment,
informing the men in no uncertain terms that sedition within the ranks will not
be tolerated. Some of the men suspect what happened to Nymus but none
are willing to leave when offered.
Rohn is informed of a problem by his scouts. 3 of his
mercenaries from the ‘rookie’ squad tried to make a break. One was killed and
another wounded and captured, while 1 escaped. Rohn believes they
were trying to join their rivals, the ‘Black Company’. He needs to settle this.
Later Captain Rohn
summons Hannon to the keep. Hannon and his men ride
up outside and announce their arrival at the castle gate. Tension mounts as Hannon
calls for Rohn to meet him outside face-to-face to talk. Rohn
asks him inside to speak in private, assuring his safety. Inside negotiations
start with Rohn demanding the removal of Hannon’s
recruiting notices and to cease any attempts to recruit men from the Stalkers'
ranks. Hannon agrees to this and the two captains speak of
possible cooperation between their respective groups. Hannon has
knowledge of a strongbox containing Mercenary pay that has fallen into the
wrong hands, and plans to liberate it. He attempts to work out a deal with Rohn.
The Black Company has the plan and the Stalkers have the men. Rohn
says he will consider this.
Hannon also has a far more ambitious plan. He weaves a
complex tale of ransoming Rohn to the Corsairs and his father the
Duke, while duping them both and making off with all the ransoms and splitting
them. Rohn doesn’t like the sound of this ‘get rich quick’ scheme
and grows even more wary of Hannon. And he was very wary
to start with.
Hannon leaves the castle believing this meeting was for
naught, because Rohn is too cautious to gamble for the big
stakes. It is dark as they ride back to town, and suddenly arrows are in the
air. It appears to be an ambush, and Hannon spurs his men to flee
the ambush. Upon returning to town they see that no one is seriously hurt. Hannon
announces they will be leaving, knowing there is nothing for them here. Netava
sneaks back into the castle after his un-successful, impromptu ambush. If his
Captain could not see “that 1 arrow could settle all problems”, he had to try
Rohn comes to believe he cannot keep his men if they wish
to leave, so calls for Company Muster. With the entire company assembled he
reminds them of the discipline and loyalty to the company, and offers to
muster-out any who wish to leave. Most are veterans here since the beginning,
and they all stay. But 1 squad, the ’Rookie’ squad was assembled just for this
raid. All 7 men remaining take the muster and leave. Their sergeant Belu stays
behind after the others leave to speak with Rohn. He had tried to
warn Rohn of his men’s discontent before, and then the 3 made
their break. He blames Rohn because if only he had made this
offer a little earlier, a man’s life would have been saved. These men search
out the Black Company and join on the spot, a bitter taste in their mouths.
Down in the town the next
day, rioting has started as black sails are seen in the distance. The Corsairs
are coming! Orlock leads what is left of the castle garrison to try to
restore order, but they are overwhelmed by the mobs. In the ensuing chaos the
garrison is only saved by intervention of the Stalkers. But the strain has
finally gotten the better of Orlock. He is found raving and brandishing
his sword at anyone nearby, friend of foe. He collapses and is brought back to
the keep for recuperation. And the Black Company waves goodbye, with the
Corsair ships in site, wishing the Stalkers their just due.