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Journal of September 12th

Tallman returns from the Plains Fort with his patrol, having scouted it out. Captain Rohn calls an officer meeting for Tallman to report his findings, and discuss the Company's future. The "Sons" have the choice to request a transfer to the Plains Fort. It is better pay and greater danger. Much is discussed, but no decision is reached.

After the meeting, Andram walks out and tours the camp. He checks the basement and finds Seth in the dark. Andram is suspicious and questions Seth, but Seth has just been guarding downstairs. Andram files this away and continues his rounds.

At the front gate, 3 Haruz have come looking for Netava. They are 3 veteran warriors, come from long away. They are brought in and find him. All 4 speak (in Haruz) and seem to come to some understanding. Netava tells Rohn that these 3 have come looking for him, and wish to follow Netava. Rohn is understandably wary and a debate starts. It is interrupted by another development at the front gate.

Another berzerker has come to the gate and tries to call someone out. Captain Rohn decides to fix 2 problems at once and sends the Haruz outside. When the Haruz come to the gate, the berzerker flees into the forest, pursued immediately by the Haruz and Netava. 2 other berzerkers are seen fleeing, and the Haruz split up and run down all 3. By the time the group catches up, all 3 wildmen are dead. Tallman finds more strange tracks that he shows to the Captain. They now believe these tracks belong to a Werewolf.

Back at the Fort, Tallman has decided to investigate on his own. He is able to track down to a cave hidden at the bottom of the mountain. There he waits. As he believed, the creature returns. What is it that drives him to attack, no one will know, but he attacks alone. The fight is brief and predictable.

The next day the Captain has been told Tallman is missing and he leads out a patrol looking for him. The patrol finds Tallman's body, and Rohn decides to bring word back to the fort, he takes only Andram with him, leaving soldiers and scouts by the cave. Sevith wakes up out of sick bed and walks to the gate, a blanket around his shoulders. Goes to the gate looking for the Captain. Carluin sees him there and tells him Rohn is down the hill with a search party. Sevith leaves fort and walks outside down the cave.

On the way back, Rohn and Andram encounter the Werewolf and a great fight ensues. Andram, using Sevith's exceptional spear makes a fortunate thrust pinning the Werewolf, then they finish it off. The Werewolf corpse becomes Sevith. Thinking back, they remember Sevith's long illness and disappearance's, and the wound he took fighting their first lieutenant, who later fled. Sevith is brought back and mourned by the Company, and especially Rohn and his Guardsmen, who remember Sevith as the bravest of them. Rohn gives Sevith's spear to Andram.