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Chemistry Career Paper


 The basic job of a chemist is to analyze the properties of matter.  A

chemist develops methods and equipment to make new chemical compounds

and test different substances to determine the chemical make-up of it.  Many

chemists work for an employer in the water-purification, water-treatment, food,

color, perfume, or assay (study of the value and properties of ores and minerals)


 Those who wish to become a chemist while attending high school are

strongly advised to take three or four years of English, four years of mathematics,

three to four years in science- including biology, chemistry, and physics, two

years of social studies, and at least two years of foreign language (preferably

German, French, or Russian).  Computer experience can also be helpful.

Chemists must go to college for about four years or until they get their bachelor’s

degree but they also have the option of getting a master’s degree or Ph.D.  Many

employers look for an undergraduate degree in chemistry and courses in biology,

physics, material science, English, and other courses in communication skills.

Some colleges that provide these courses are Florida State University,

Tallahassee; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta; Texas Southern

University, Houston; Elmira College, Elmira (NY); and La Roche College,


 Some good qualities to have if you want to be chemist include patience,

persistence, and self-motivation skills.  Problem solving, communication,

planning, organizational, and laboratory skills are also needed.  This job requires

good interpersonal skills and an ability to keep end goals in mind.

Chemists can go into any of the five main branches of chemistry: organic,

inorganic, physical, analytical, or biochemistry.  Organic chemists determine

structure, composition, and other chemical and physical properties of substances

from animal and plant matter.  Inorganic chemists are concerned with the

structure of noncarbon substances, such as minerals and metals.  Physical

chemist experiment with the relationships between the chemical and physical

properties of organic and inorganic substances.  Analytical chemists test

substances for quality, purity, and other characteristics.  Biochemists are

concerned with chemical reactions of living organisms and the effect of

chemicals on life processes.

 A chemist usually works between thirty-five to forty hours a week, which

more than half is spent on the computer, analyzing data.  Many chemists work in

teams, but working alone can be an option.  The salary of a chemist depends on

the degree they have earned and the amount of experience they have.  Starting

salaries are about twenty nine thousand dollars.  After working five years you can

receive fifty thousand dollars. The average salary for a chemist with over ten

years of experience is about sixty five thousand dollars.

About ninety seven thousand people work in this field of study.

Employment for this job is expected to increase.  It is predicted that the major

employees in the future will be connected with the drug manufacturing and

research, development, and testing services firms.