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A Journey through Buster land :)

This is me me I am
and no i don't like green eggs and ham.

Hakuna Matata!!!

Well I know you are curious about me ...
what's that? you're not??
Oh well I'm gonna tell you anyway so there !!

I am 26 years old and 5'7" tall
(or short as the case may be).
I have dark blondish hair with red all through it
and blue eyes.

My Interests
Did I happen to mention Hockey???

My favorite animal is the strong
yet beautiful tiger though I
am very partial to all cats in general.
I have a cat whom I call
CJ. There is a funny story behind this cat ..
when we first got her my Bro's GF said she was a he
me the trusting soul (Idiot) that I am never looked for myself ...
As if you haven't figgered it out .. he is a she !!
My gf has a cat named Scout
he seems to like me but he is a cat
so who can tell?

I am one of those weird music listeners,
you know the ones you see them on the street
one day and they are rocking to Metallica or
Ozzy Osbourne then the next time you see them
they are singing along to George Strait
(a country singer for those of you who don't know)

My Favorite Songs :
"I Cross My Heart" by George Strait
"The Chair" by George Strait
"Hold on to Me" by John Michael Montgomerey
"Best Friends" by Tim McGraw
"One" be Metallica
"Pictures of You" & "Friday I'm in Love" by the Cure
"Crazy Train", "Mama I'm Coming Home",
& "Good Bye to Romance" by Ozzy
"Last Dance" by Pearl Jam
"One" by Creed

>;-) Actually I lied about the last two
as they are my friends songs but
she got a kick out of it .. LOL

Favorite Movies : The Lion King, Youngblood, and Alladin
Favorite Comics : Garfield, and Foxtrot

