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Road scholars 2000

Road Scholars... it's impossible to explain, but it rocks. Here's some pictures to prove it!
(The sunset is from our camping trip)
Official Road Scholars Page. May be under construction!

2001 photos.

Some interesting links.


Our fearless leader.

Jasper the wonderdog!

ellis... e.e.... emily....

New England in the fall... it doesn't get any better than this. Many of these pictures are courtesy of Leigh.


The tree outside Hawthorn's house.

Us? Molest statues of famous literary figures? Never!

Reading in Emily's backyard.

How many Road Scholars does it take to build a leaf pile...?


And my ass is TOTALLY cuter than Damian's!

Snack time!

More trips

October 7-8, 2000. We hiked to the top of Mt. Tammany in the Delaware Water Gap, and then camped out. Yeah, it was freezing. Especially after Damian messed with the wind gods!
But hey, all we had to do was channel the spirit of Jerry Garcia, and all was well.
Most of the camping pictures are courtesy of Leigh (she's on the left). A huge thank you! ATF!

Feels so good to drop the packs!

Our beautiful (if somewhat illegal - whoops!) campsite.

Fire on the mountain.

Chilling at sunset.

The view from the mountain.

Well, ok, so maybe the site wasn't TOTALLY legal...
(The sign says "no camping")

Discussions the morning after...

More trips

Many of these pictures are courtesy of Julie.

Under the whale.

Look at the size of that butterfly - it's gorgeous!

Outside the Native American Museum.

Did someone say paradigm? Outside the Cloisters, early 2000.

Hiking in Harriman, Spring 2000

Molesting another famous literary figure....

Les & George on a beautiful summer morning.

Utopia Day

Apparently my idea of a perfect world includes Jesse and a hand chair...