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Chapter Twelve

It had been nearly a month since we had found Kari, and so many things were going on. Brian and Kari had gotten engaged, as well as Kevin and Nicole. All four of them decided on a double wedding and were very busy planning it.

The guys were scheduled to go on tour in a month, and this time Kari, Nicole, and I decided not to go with them. We knew all too well what the stress and strain of touring does to a person, not to mention how cramped the bus was with the seven of us on it together.

Lastly, I discovered that I was, once again, pregnant. Nick was really excited when I broke the news, although I could tell he was a little apprehensive. Kari had the same reaction as Nick, only I felt she had something up her sleeve. But, her being my best friend, I put those feelings aside, even after she called me one day and said that she and Brian needed to speak with Nick and me about something very important.

That day, Brian and Kari came home with Nick after a meeting with their management.

“We need to talk to you about something very important,” Kari said as we were seated around the living room.

Brian nodded. “Well, we figured that... with Amy begin pregnant again and all...”

“We want Summer and Autumn back,” Kari blurted out.

Nick and I looked at them in shock and disbelief. “You what?” we cried in unison.

“We want the girls back,” Brian repeated firmly. “We took the liberty of getting some adoption papers, so if you’ll just sign them we’ll take our girls back and be on our way.”

“Look, I understand that the girls are yours biologically, but Nick and I love them and there is no way in hell we’re giving the girls up,” I said angrily. “You two were not fit to be parents, you said so yourselves, so you let us adopt them. You can’t just expect to waltz in here and take them away from us!”

“Why not?” Brian demanded. “Those girls are ours and we want them now!”

“Because you’re acting like they’re a CD that we borrowed from you two and now you’re here to take it back,” Nick explained. “That’s not the way it works. I’m sorry, but I agree with Amy. I love Summer and Autumn and I’m not going to give them up for anything in the world.”

“But we love them too,” Kari said sadly. “And we want them to be a part of our lives. I want to be their Mom again.”

“Kari honey, you were never their mom,” I answered softly. “I am the only mother that they’ve known these months, and I will continue to be the only mother that they know. Why don’t you wait until you’re married, and then have your own kids?”

“Because Summer and Autumn are our kids,” Brian retorted.

“No, they are not,” I replied, my temper flaring at Brian and Kari’s childishness. “For the last time, Summer and Autumn are our kids. You and Kari have no children. Now please, if you aren’t going to think rationally about this, you can leave.”

“Fine then, we’re going.” Kari pulled Brian up for the couch and gave us an icy glare. “I thought you were my best friend Amy, I thought you’d show a little compassion!”

“Compassion?” I scoffed. “How the hell do you expect me to show compassion towards a person who comes over here and demands that I return to her children that were never her’s in the first place?!” The noise we were making upset the girls, who had been sleeping peacefully upstairs. “Excuse me, I have to go take care of my children.” I pushed past Brian and Kari and stormed up the stairs.

I can’t believe them, I thought angrily as I tried to soothe Summer and get her to fall back asleep. They think they can just march over here and take my babies away.

“Amy?” Nick called as he walked into the room and scooped up Autumn, who had just started to cry. “They’re gone.”

“Good,” I answered shortly. I sat down in the rocking chair Jane and Bob had given us and rocked back and forth gently.

“What ever gave them the idea to come over here and take the girls?” Nick wondered aloud.

“I have no idea, but it’s not gonna happen.” Summer fell asleep again, so I got up and put her back down in her crib, pulling her blanket back up around her. Nick did the same for Autumn.

“I just can’t believe Brian would do that.”

“Well believe it. Kari made him just as psycho as she is!”



Nick sighed. “Nothing. Come on, let’s just go downstairs.”

“Fine.” I took one last glance at the girls and walked downstairs with Nick, still in amazement by what had happened earlier. To think that Kari honestly expected me to give the girls back. All I knew was she wasn't getting anywhere near them - ever again.