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Chapter Four

"Kari?" I called as I knocked on the door to her apartment. "Are you home?"

"Amy let's just go," Nick complained. "It's late, she's probably sleeping, and I want to see the girls."

"Just one second Nick, I'm worried about her. She didn't answer her phone all week," I answered as I jiggled the doorknob. The door slowly creaked open and I walked inside. "You wait here, I'll be right back."

I walked into Kari's living room and gasped. There were empty bottles and beer cans everywhere, and in the middle of it all was Kari, passed out on the floor. She was pale, her hair was knotty and unruly. She was still wearing her bridesmaid dress which was now stained and ripped. I ran over to Kari and slapped her cheeks. "Kari, wake up!" I screamed as my eyes misted over with tears. "Nick, help me!"

Nick ran into the apartment and saw the scene in the living room. "Oh my God," was all he could say.

"Don't just stand there!" I spat out as the tears were running down my cheeks. "Call an ambulance or something!" Nick obliged, and ran into the kitchen to find the phone.

As I looked down at my friend, it became painfully aware who's fault this was. Brian, that selfish bastard, had done this to her. And I was going to make him pay.

* * * * * * * * * *
"Amy calm down," Nick said soothingly as he desperately tried to console me as we were sitting in the hosptial waiting room. "Kari's going to be fine."

"How do you know that?" I sobbed. "You're not a fucking doctor!"

Nick moaned in frustration. "All right, I don't know if she's going to be okay."

That only made me cry harder. "Oh that really helps Nick!"

Nick looked up from where we were sitting. "Brian, thank God you're here."

I wiped away my tears and tried to control my rage as I saw Brian walk up to us with Melani in tow. "Nick, what the hell are they doing here?" I hissed.

"I thought he might be concerned," Nick whispered back.

"Amy, I'm very sorry about what happened with your friend," Melani said sympathetically as she took a seat next to me. "What was her name again- Cara or something like that?"

Brian rolled his eyes. "Her name is Kari," he mumbled.

"Oh." Melani giggled. "Silly me."

"It's going to be dead you if you don't shut the hell up," I murmured.

"What was that?" Melani asked.

"Oh, nothing Maria," I answered sweetly, trying to sound as innocent as I could.

"My name is Melani."

"Oh." I mimicked her annoying high pitched giggle. "Silly me." Brian shot me a warning look, but I continued on anyway. "So, why are you here anyway? You don't even know who Kari is."

"That's true, but I really want to be friends with you guys. I mean, after all we are dating the hottest guys on the planet. Well, all expect Cara of course."

"Her name is Kari," I said angrily.

Before I got to continue on my rampage, I heard my name being called. "Amy Carter?" I smiled for a second when he said my last name and all four of us stood up and greeted the doctor standing before us. "You're here for Kari Larkins?"

I nodded. "Is she okay?"

"Well, she has an extremely bad case of alcohol poisoning and her liver is badly damaged. We're not sure if she will make a full recovery," the doctor answered grimly.

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I stood there dazed for a few moments. Then I turned towards Brian ready to kill him, but Nick pulled me back. "Can we see her?" Nick asked.

The doctor nodded. "Yes. She is awake, but is pretty out of it right now. Follow me." Nick grabbed my arm and tugged me along the hallway. Every time I tried to turn around to scream at Brian, he would pull me forward again. Finally the doctor stopped in front of a closed door. "You can go in now. I'll be back soon to check up on her."

Brian tried to walk into her room, but I held my arm out to stop him. "What are you doing?" he demanded.

"Listen you fucking bastard, you are the reason why Kari is on here," I hissed, only loud enough so he could hear me. "You're the reason why she nearly drank herself to death. And if you think for one fucking minute that I'm going to let you and your floozy anywhere near her so you can hurt her anymore than you already have, you've got another thing coming. If you walk in that door, I swear on everything that is holy, I will kill you."

Brian shrugged. "Fine. I'm outta here. Come on Mel, I'll take you home."

"Alright baby, whatever you say." Melani turned towards me. "Give Cara my love!"

"Oh, I'll give you some love!" Before Nick could stop me I slapped Melani across her face. She immediately brought her hand up to her cheek and stared at me, stunned. When Brian took her hand away to examine her cheek, there was a large red hand print.

"I cannot believe you just did that!" Nick scolded me. "She was trying to be nice!"

"She was trying to be a bitch," I retorted. "How was that for some love Melani?"

"Brian, let's go," Melani said as tears filled her eyes.

"That's all you've got to say?" I taunted her. "Come on, hit me. I dare you."

Brian glared at me, anger glowing in his bright blue eyes. "You stupid bitch." He took Melani's hand and they walked away.

Nick looked at me in disgust. "Are you proud of yourself?"

I grinned at Nick, glowing with pride. "Damn straight!"

Nick rolled his eyes. "You know, I really don't get you."

"Oh well." I started to open the door but my arm was pulled back.

"Excuse me sweetheart, but visiting hours are over," a nurse told us. "You can come back tomorrow morning."

"You see? All that time you wasted cursing off Brian and slapping Melani you could have used to see Kari," Nick said as we walked back towards his car.

"It was time well spent."