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Chapter Nine

It had been two weeks since Kari’s disappearance, and I hadn’t seen or heard from her. The people at the hospital really didn’t seem to care much, they had concluded that her new liver was functioning normally, and because her therapy was only optional there was no reason for her to remain there.

Even if the hospital didn’t care, Brian had become a total basket-case. He blamed it on himself and spent his days in Kari’s apartment, sitting on the couch and staring at the door, hoping that at any moment she’ll walk in. The guys, especially Nick and Kevin , were extremely worried about him.

I, however, was trying to look on the bright side of things. Maybe she had just gone to visit some relatives and was planning on coming home soon, who knew? Kari had been my best friend for sixteen years, I knew deep down in my heart that she wouldn’t run away from her problems.

So it came as quite a shock to me when I got the phone call. It was a Thursday morning like every other, I stayed home with the girls and made plans to go shopping with Nicole in the afternoon, and Nick and the guys went to convince Brian to go out with them.

I had just put the girls down for their nap and flicked on the TV when the phone rang. I grabbed the cordless phone from the coffee table and hit the talk button. “Hello?”

“Amy? It’s me.”

“Kari? Where are you? We’ve been so worried about you.”

There was a long pause before Kari spoke again. “I can’t tell you where I am.”

“And just why the hell not?” I demanded.

“Because you and Brian will come and get me, which is not gonna happen.”

“You selfish little bitch!” I yelled into the phone. “Do you know how upset Brian is because of you and your stupidity? The boy is near mental!”

“I am not selfish, I’m looking out for my own well-being.”

“Why don’t you try looking out for your boyfriend’s well-being? Don’t you love him?”

“Of course I do, I love Brian more then anything in this world.”

“Then why are you hurting him like this?”

"Because if I do tell you where I am and you come and get me, what next? You stick me in a mental institution for the rest of my miserable existence?”

“Kari, you know I wouldn’t do that to you,” I said softly. “You’re my best friend, and I want to help you out. Now please, tell me where you are.”

Kari sighed. “Okay, I’m at the Days Inn. You’ll have to figure out which one, there are at least ten in Orlando. Oh, and one little hint. I’m not registered under my name.”

“You really thought this out, didn’t you?”

“Yeah,” Kari answered proudly. “I guess that just proves I’m sane, huh?”

“Who ever said you weren’t?”

“It doesn’t matter, talk is cheap anyway.”

“Okay now, say I do find you. Will you agree to come back home?” I asked hopefully.

“We’ll see. I gotta go, the room service I ordered is here. Buh-bye, have fun Aim!”

I heard Kari shout out something to whoever was at the door, and then a click. I hit the talk button again and then stared at the phone in disbelief for a few minutes. I snapped out of it and ran into the kitchen to get the phone book. I had some investigating to do.