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This is supposed to be a huge section coz most of my site developments will be contained here.  I have already planned two titles, Darkened Earth and Tribe.  Here are the story cores:
Darkened Earth
Set on a fantastical, medieval-like world, the story revolves around an age of beginnings, where civilizations are to be built amidst a cold conflict among the wielders of the natural elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water) and the beings of the xeno elements (Plasma, Mass, Ether).  This is where Tami Paj, Druu 'SpiderHead', and Rasa start their adventures ...

" My world ?  It is this ... the land of perpetual dawn and eternal dusk. "

-King Marion, Monarch of Castle Majentia

" And yet with all our wisdom and age, some things we do remain foolish "

-Star Sentient soldier

It is the middle 21st century, and man has come to know that the mythical Apocalypse is not about earth's physical destruction and salvation, but the struggle to hold a world that has overgrown itself.  Here, without the realization for another earth to live in, countries have to rely on making the most of what they already have.  Things would've been easier if science shouldn't have advanced uncontrollably ...

" To live in this day and age is to know psychology, cybertechnology, neurology, martial arts, history, physiology, astronomy, electronics, medicine, genetics, and nanotechnology.  To be ignorant is to desire not to even exist. "

-Stella Marduc, Tribe Andromeda, Archon Secret Police

" From where i came from, to complain is to invite bullets "

-Quentin Montejo, Tribe Shiva

Coffee Bean Boy
This is sort of, an unplanned title of mine.  It is a semi-autobiographical account of the events that went through from kid stage to still-kid ... er ... young adult stage of the author, set upon the cool, quiet place called Lalaan.  Looks upon the light-hearted view of life, without the tantrums :)

" We use the leaves as toilet paper ... and so we leave the plantation as an active mine field "


This pretty gal from Castlevania reminds me of Tami Paj, only this one's blonde and less spunky :)
A cicada.  It'll be part of the D.E. story
Tribe will be decidedly violent >=)


Quentin's Domain | Chest Box | GalleryFiction | Links

Who is Quentin Montejo ?? © copyright 1999 by Francis del Mundo.  Some materials here are not of the author's property and therefore rightfully belonging to their respective owners.  Now quit reading this line and surf !