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Poet of the Month

I'm slow at updating, so I have now designated this the "Poet of the Month," instead of the "Poet of the Week." My last chosen poet was up here for two months! Don't get me wrong, he was a great poet, but people were getting bored.
So, without further ado, I shall now present to you the new Poet of the Month, for February, 2000...

Elizabeth Bishop

Elizabeth Bishop is my all time favorite poet. I figured that, since, whenever I get asked the question of who my favorite poet is I get blank stares, that it would be good to enlighten those of you out there who have absolutely no clue what I am talking about.
Bishop's poetry is loaded with intense imagery, and oftentimes it is unusual and provokative, and every word has meaning. I love it!
So check out some of her work:

The Armadillo
One Art, Sonnet, North Haven

And check out some of these other links:

Elizabeth Bishop at the Academy of American Poets
Elizabeth Bishop at Vassar College
Elizabeth Bishop's One Art: A Review An essay on Elizabeth Bishop

Check out poets of weeks/months past:

Frank Bidart

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