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Crono's photo album

My Chrono Trigger picture album!!!
Nothing to do with Crono Trigger, but there's link in the bed!!!!(Taken from Super mario RPG) Hehe, Link's in for a big surprise!!!!
There's everyone sleeping.
The Chrono Trigger!!! It's floating away!!!
Most of Crono's Triple techs.
Aww, Marle kissing Crono.
Battle with Lavos.
A daily stroll in the Epoch. Hey, look! There's the Black Omen!
Fiona's Villa, after Robo. Isn't it so green?
Fiona's Villa, before Robo. So bleak.
Whoops, killed magus in this game by accident.
Crono and Robo's dual shock.
Part II.
Wow, that did a lot of damage.
Robot1: What're you starin' at? Robot2: Wanna start something?
Love at first sight. Is this even possible?(the gurly robot part)
The Moon stone at sun palace.
I wonder who stole the sun stone!
Uh oh, Rust Tyrano's hungry....
Rainbow shell.
The king's in trouble!!! Hehe...
Marle yelling at the gaurds. (Girl power?)
Rainbow shell, again, storage version.
How does she do these things?
Yakra for the eighth time. This one is probably Yakra the XXXVIII.
The Yakra Key!
The real chancellor!!! How does he even fit in there?
Crono's luminaire.
Lavos strikes back with the Shadow Doom Blaze! This move is one of the only moves that actually do damage later on.
A moonlight festival!
Crono and Marle meet for the first time. She bumped into him!!!
Crono: in the telepod.
He's really Yakra in disguise!!! Really!!! Get him!!! C'mon everyone!!! Argh...
Yakra, again. This is getting old. Why does he always have to capture the chancellor?
Real chancellor, again, jumping out of the chest.
Crono on trial.
If your decision is guilty, stand to the left. If it is innocent, stand to the right. ( I pretty much think that he's innocent!!!)
Haha. How did they get out of this position?
Nearest warp gate.
Robo is introduced.
Spekkio using Luminaire. Yo this little Nu is really hard.
98000000 BC. Night festival.
Lucca and Melchior working on the Masamune.
Argh!!! Ozze and Magus vs. Cyrus and Glenn!!!
Crono's sleeping!!!
The fight between Frog(Glenn) and Magus begins!!! Cyrus will be avenged!!!
(at the top of Magus's castle) Who was the victor?