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By: Melissa M.

I sat on my floor and looked on the ground,
as the mess I made, spread all around
My mom came in and started to cry
I looked at her with tears in my eyes
"I'm sorry mom." I said really low
"what happened?" she asked, she demanded to know
The hurt, the pain - the suffering and fears
He stuck by me, through all those years.
"I'm, sorry mom, I couldn't take it no longer."
I knew deep down, she thought I was stronger.
All the mess was pouring about
I turned and looked - I heard a cry out
A scream of a name- as I turned to see
There he was, looking at me
What a coincidence, he happened to be there
Maybe he realized he really did care,
but it was too late, for i was almost gone
the paramedics were already on the front lawn
The darkness i saw - drawing near
he screamed my name, but i couldn't hear
Looking at his face- my sight was fading fast
he kissed me on my lips- it would be our last
As he held me close and tight
in his arms, I died that night
With all this- my final wish coming true
with the last words heard being -"I love you."

God Drain
There is a rusted halo on my head
No one has ever care what of what i have said.
I lie bleeding from the cuts and the cross on my head.
No sin to dim 4 me to see why cant they leave me be?

Photo name: Gothic Rust
Taken by: Kire P. Hughes

I use the word rust as if I where to use the word decay but not just meaning the slow passing of living things but the passing of every thing.

HAted 4 who I Am
(A poem will be placed here)

Photo name: Wasted
Taken by: Kire P. Hughes
Photo of: Dan A. Hughes

This pic shows how people dont think for themselfs. Its been nicknamed brain dead and TvWash...

The day you started to love me

Every one has closed there eyes. Every one has 4gotten the lie. All I wanted was to never fall from the grace gave me. You always seemed so far away....Now I'm cry dirty blood from my wrists. I'm fallen now, if you loved me you would help me. Hold me close I can feel my skin decay. I can feel the heat leaving your heart. Is there hope for me after all you done to me. Dead faith in someone who was never there, dead faith and a hopeless prayer. Sick I'm born and sick I die. Cuts on my rist, tears that will never dry.I'm gone but only now you cry.....

Photo Name: Last Rights
Taken by: Kire (yet again)

This Pic tells a story of a girl that no one lived till the day she took her own life..Its so human to hurt some one so much then wish you never did after she's gone.
The poem is about the pic. but it goes deeper and talks about losing her faith...I relate to the girl in this poem very much Poem written by: kire (in about 3min.)