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The 2004 Hidden Valley Closed Invitational Golf Scramble

On Course Photos 

For 2004 Flat Brook Tap House Party Photos click HERE.


Teams register and get ready to tee off.

Teams compare their golfing technique.

John O gets some quick instruction from the Hidden Acres Pro.

Jack & Debbie McCarren discuss playing a "Nine & Dine."

Annie Muniz looks confident after some practice putting.

Jim Backman tries for a birdie putt on the 3rd hole par 5.

A smile from Jim event though he missed the putt.

Carl Hagemann tees off on the 8th hole.

Eric, we hope that was a practice swing.

Team Karsten talks strategy.  It paid off.  Congratulations!

George takes aim over an important putt.

Jack shows "Super G" the line for his putt.

It is Jack's turn to putt.  Did this one go in?


John Parak gets ready to tee off on the par 4 6th hole.

Jack thinks this putt it going in...

...but the ball decided to stop just short of the hole.  Sorry Jack!

Buffy enjoys a "Group Huggy" with Team Hawkins..

If the golf isn't working the partying is...


Team Hawkins was not going to loose a stroke for not having fun.

...Team Whiting waiting to tee off on the 16th hole.

Teams gather on the deck to wait for the late finishers.

...a brief stop before heading for the Flat Brook Tap House.

Team Steiner putting on the 16th.

Team McCarren finishes.  Jack: Was it a "six" on the hole or 6 under?


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